I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 449: 0 and 1 shot

After all, the bishop was still transformed from a human being, and the original eyes were evolved into a sensory organ - a bead on the end of a tentacle.

However, before the bishop's spiritual power came over, the Eye of Destiny had already detected it and issued an alarm.

Luo Huai immediately moved his position, but there was some noise and he was still discovered.

【Intruder! ] The bishop's roar reached the minds of the servants.

The man in black robe felt his head shake, and he immediately raised his head to look for the enemy.

There is no firelight in the huge cavity, only some fluorescent ores.

The man in black robe relies on the night vision given by the evil god.

But immediately they all closed their eyes, because a ball of light suddenly exploded from above and fell towards them.

That was the flash bomb thrown by Luo Huai. This trick can be said to be tried and tested against these big-eyed enemies.

Especially in today's dark and autumn environment, the sudden appearance of strong light, and it is also red light, can be said to be very unfriendly to the eyes.

Even the bishop subconsciously retracted its "eyeballs", including its mental power.

Luo Huai's body is blessed with the attributes of the cross and the priesthood of the executioner. His attacks can be said to have inherent damage blessings to these evil god believers.

Even regular flashbangs.

Before the flash bomb went out, the bunch of minions below were blinded.

Luo Huai doesn't want to fight these guys now.

More than a dozen, even if his strength can crush the individual, he still cannot guarantee a quick victory, and there is also the black goat bishop, whose image overlaps with the mythical creature, so Luo Huai has to pay attention.

What's more, he came here obviously to save people. If the other party used this to threaten him, the situation would be very unfavorable.

So now it is better to fight quickly before the other party can react, and save the students first.

As long as the students are rescued, it will be fine even if the entire cave is blown up.

Thinking of this, Luo Huai threw a few more flash bombs to prevent the other party from knowing his movements.

He knew where the students were thrown. The door of the stone cage was still open, and he only needed to use spider silk to pull them up.

A piece of spider silk was wrapped around his waist, and Luo Huai jumped directly.

The height of this hollow is very high, at least tens of meters. If you use spider silk to pull it directly from the top, the efficiency will be too low. Jumping down will be much faster.

But just when Luo Huai dropped to a certain height, a smelly gas irritated his nose, like marsh gas.

At the same time, a tentacle rushed over, it was the bishop's attack.

Luo Huai was in the air at this time and had no time to dodge. He could only urgently unfold the dragon arm armor of the Flame Dragon Armor and protect it on his chest.

He was right to do so. The bishop's tentacle piercing was not a rigid physical impact at all, but like a liquid, it exploded and swallowed up the entire body the moment it rushed to Luo Huai.

Luo Huai activated his arm armor and waved his claws in advance. The flame dragon's energy formed a short-distance impact wave, directly evaporating the black filthy liquid.

There is a saying that the flame dragon armor made by the Flame Demon boss has a much stronger punitive aura than Luo Huai's, and those filthy things have no power to resist.

Even the bishop who was hundreds of meters away let out a fearful roar, but its twisted mouth couldn't even utter a complete sound.

The surrounding marsh gas also agreed to be shaken away by this, and Luo Huai felt a little better, although the smell was still unpleasant.

If it weren't for the fusion blood coat that filtered the smell for him, he might have felt that his trachea was dirty.

But then I thought about it, wouldn't the situation of the students who are still completely exposed to methane at this moment be even more critical?

Thinking of this, Luo Huai quickly continued to lengthen the spider silk around his waist and descended.

But the man in black robe has the eye of destiny to sense, so he can sense the clear position.

However, the student's breath is weak and there is not much energy in his body.

The previously memorized position was disturbed by the bishop and shifted a little, and now it is even more blurry.

"This damn marsh gas..." Luo Huai, who couldn't find anyone for a while, was a little anxious and cursed secretly.

Wait, this huge stone platform is very clean, where does the methane come from?

The description is leaked somewhere below.

Suddenly having an idea, Luo Huai looked for the place where the methane was rich.

The traces have been exposed, Luo Huai turned on the high beam to the maximum, so as to make it easier to sense the terrain below.

【Depend on! High beam dog! 】The bishop who was targeting Luo Huai again couldn't help but think of the days when he was swearing on the street.

Aiming needs to be locked, which is like looking at the sun with a telescope, which is a sour feeling.

As for the other minions in black robes, they didn't even have the courage to run over. Otherwise, when they were on the train, they wouldn't have arrested their companions and ran away as soon as they noticed something happened.

But there are far more servants to the bishop than just these guys.


Luo Huai finally found the entrance to the cage and was about to jump down, but he found that besides the students, there were other moving guys inside.

It was a monster formed by the entanglement of black and red filth. It looked like an ooze monster, but it was much more disgusting than that. Those red pieces, you didn't need to think about it to know what it was.

So when these evil believers kill each other, none of them are unfair.

At the moment when one has completely stepped into sin, there is no need to dwell on the pitiful aspects of the past. If there is true grievance and unwillingness, the fantasy world will naturally allow his soul to be redeemed and compensated.

The so-called time travel and rebirth to other worlds in novels are nothing more than that.

This is the integrity of an infinite world. The existence of each position only needs to fulfill its responsibilities.

Have a clear conscience.

This was the message the executioner received when he took office, even though Luo Huai just killed evil people without batting an eyelid.

This was originally his character, but after knowing this, he felt more at ease.

Those flesh and blood monsters crawled towards Luo Huai, but they would inevitably pass over the unconscious student.

The fusion coat is telling Luo Huai that the methane gas is corrosive, and the monster that is the source of the methane gas can be imagined to be dangerous.

Countless flesh and blood monsters mixed in the blood and mud surrounded the exit.

Half of the students' bodies were stuck in the mud. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Only a little over one meter away!

Luo Huai doesn't know how to teleport...

"No, I will come."

The ender pearl was thrown and flew towards the entrance of the cage.

Purple particles emerged in large numbers and enveloped him in an instant.

Then, at the cost of losing some blood, Luo Huai rushed to the crowd of students in time.

As soon as the flesh and blood monster saw the target in front of them, a big hole suddenly opened in their body. That was their mouth. The inside looked like the esophagus of some creeping creature. It was bottomless and connected to the depths of the mud pool.

It is too late to take them one by one.

There was no other way, so Luo Huai had no choice but to use the spider silk to pull out the students one by one as quickly as possible and pull them to him.

Then, the huge dragon wings spread out, closed and hugged everyone. Just before the monster was about to bite the dragon wings, he disappeared with everyone.

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