I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 471 The capital of film and television, Little Spider!

On the way to the main venue, Luo Huai pestered Yu Xi and asked, "Sister Yu Xi, just tell me."


But Yu Xi just kept smiling and said, "I'll tell you when you wake up, Xiao Luo."

Once outside, Yuxi regained her steady appearance as a teacher.

The two of them looked like teachers training students.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me...I'll ask someone myself."

What don’t you guys understand? Just ask.

However, the result is...

Bird bastard: "Wow~"

Deep Whale C: "Oh yeah~"

Balrog: "Hoo~"

Uncle: "It's great to be young."

White Wolf: "Ouch~"

Luo Huai: "..."

His hands hanging on the keyboard were shaking slightly, but in fact he was already furious.

What a lot of meaning! How come a group of big guys have become Riddlers!

besides! It doesn't matter that the others are more or less beasts, but you, the Fire Demon boss, can do this when you clearly have no feeling for a fireball element!

Luo Huai was so angry that he smashed the keyboard on the spot, but unfortunately the power of the rules protected him. The extremely tough keyboard bounced back after hitting the corner of the table, killing Luo Huai...

"Uuuuuuuuuah...you are all bullying me!"

"It's not a bad thing anyway. For you, it's just multiple vampire attribute values." Luo Huai didn't close the window, and the bastard watched him rolling at home.

"Okay..." Luo Huai looked away and quickly cheered up.

I want to complete the tasks to relieve the fierceness in my heart.

Mortal world.

Because of the convening of the competition, the surrounding cities were also a lot more lively.

Many people on the street came from other areas to watch the game and take a trip.

And not far from Academy City, there is a small city surrounded by big cities.

Although this city is small, its reputation is greater than all the surrounding cities combined.

This is the Film City, the largest film and television base in the entire human race. The entire city's urban functions are dedicated to film and television.

Giants of light...superheroes...and various famous series, whether bad or good, all were born here.

Almost all tourists who come to the west must come here.

So over time, the Shadow City expanded further than before.

As a result, it has become a tourist city, and tourists even have the opportunity to play on the same stage with the characters in various movies.

Of course, it's just a walk-on.

However, if you can serve as a bartender and have a few lines with your idol, there are many people who are willing to pay for such things.

But... it's absolutely true that art comes from life.

Just like the scenes in various hero movies...

"Ah! My wallet!" A woman suddenly screamed.

The crowd looked over and saw a hooded man running away quickly, and behind him was the anxious woman.

The woman wanted to chase him, but wearing high heels, she almost sprained her foot after just jogging a few steps.

The man with the gun and wallet was tall and sprinting. Ordinary passers-by could not stop him. At most, they would take out their mobile phones and call the police.

But it’s impossible for the police to arrive at the scene right away, and the bad guys will soon be gone.

At this moment, a bunch of white spider silk suddenly stuck to the man's back, and a huge force came. The man was pulled off the ground before he could react.

The world was spinning for a while, and when everyone came back to their senses, the man had been wrapped tightly in spider webs and hung on the road pole.

"Hey! Friends, robbing people's things is not what a good boy should do!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red and blue figure dropped from the sky with a bunch of spider silk, landed lightly on the road pole, and said to the man below.

The man's neck turned red and he couldn't move his whole body, but the hand holding his wallet was exposed.

He could only watch reluctantly as the figure dragged the wallet away... The other person was very strong and couldn't resist at all.

The red and blue figure jumped to the ground very lightly and handed the wallet to the belated woman.

"Here, ma'am, your wallet."

"Who are you!"

But the woman's attention was not on the wallet at all. She stared blankly at the person in front of her, her eyes changing from surprise to ecstasy.

In fact, this is true for everyone around.


"Hi!" Little Spider admitted readily, and then complained in a standard manner, "It seems I still have a little bit of my name left~"

Yes, this female tourist was lucky. The first time she was robbed, she encountered a standard scenario of being rescued by a classic character.

"Then..." The woman looked at the "bad guy" with some uncertainty.

"Congratulations, you just participated in the filming of a segment." Little Spider Big Mouth couldn't keep a secret at all.

at the same time.


A large number of people poured out from nowhere.

"Oh, my God, little Spider, please can you tell me after each scene is finished? She has complained to me more than once in the later stage, saying that if I make her work overtime again, she will resign!"

"But the director, she said the same thing last time." Little Spider didn't care at all.

"Yeah, but please, can you think about your girlfriend?"

"So I accompany her every time I work overtime." Little Spider's character is even more out-of-the-box than what is shown on the screen... Even though he is almost an uncle in age, his physical strength makes him still look young.

Well, you can't see anything under the mask.

The crowd around them looked curiously at this "behind-the-scenes" scene that they couldn't usually see.

"Um... can you put me down?" The man who played the bad guy felt that he was almost forgotten by these two chatty people.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I almost forgot about you." The little spider immediately shrugged his shoulders and moved his hand, and the spider silk immediately melted.

If not, the spider silk will automatically disappear after an hour as set in the movie.

The most excited person should be the female tourist.

"Ma'am, if you don't mind, could you please cooperate with us to finish filming a scene later?"

"Can you take me for a spin in the air?" The woman's eyes were shining, and the people around her were even more envious.

"Of course..." Little Spider wanted to agree immediately, but at the same time he felt a terrifying sight from behind. He quickly acted like a gentleman and left the other person's hand holding his arm and said, "I'm sorry, I want to see Anyone who has watched movies knows...my girlfriend will be jealous!"

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

It's just a pity for the woman, but she is also very happy to be able to participate in the show.

"Then - everyone takes your place!" the director ordered, and the scene just now was played out again.

"Ah... I've wanted to come and see it for a long time." Luo Huai stretched and walked on the streets of Yingdu.

That's the good thing about not having to compete, so I can concentrate on traveling.

I heard that there is also a chance to meet the filming location, and I am looking forward to it just thinking about it.


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