I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 509 Flower of the Other Shore

"Three, two, one...done!" As night fell, Luo Huai finally breathed a sigh of relief and fell softly on the sofa.

A complete Cordyceps plant floated on the coffee table, only the size of a tea cup.

Just pour energy and material into it, and the cordyceps will start to grow on their own.

Luo Huai only needs to bury this in the fungus carpet, but he has not set the function of individual proliferation for Cordyceps. Anyway, he only needs to copy it when the time comes. After all, Cordyceps is not a unit that needs mass production.

The little scorpions generated from this Cordyceps will have the most basic logical abilities.

For example, it will avoid danger when it is discovered, and it will calculate the way to pass some complex terrain.

This should be regarded as the most basic AI in the game, but it is not easy.

Xinmeng took the Cordyceps model, opened his eyes curiously, and exclaimed: "Luo Huai, you can do it... You can make this, and the structure is quite stable."

"Maybe it's because my energy characteristics are relatively stable." Luo Huai's fusion blood has excellent performance in both change and stillness.

"By the way, what is the function of this model?" Xinmeng asked, and touched the soft leaves of Cordyceps sinensis with his fingers.

Luo Huai saw it and deliberately delayed it for a few seconds, waiting for her to touch all the leaves first, and then slowly said: "This thing is called Cordyceps. Its main function is to produce insects."

"Oh, it turns out to be a small military camp." Xinmeng had played a similar game before, but she was immediately stunned and asked with some uncertainty, "What did you just say this thing looks like?"

"Insects grow." After Luo Huai said this, he plugged his ears.


As expected, Xinmeng screamed and jumped as high as he could.

If Luo Huai hadn't grabbed her feet in time, she might have jumped out of the window.

"You, you, you... don't come over!" Xin Meng, who noticed Luo Huai's approach, shrank to the foot of the bed.

What she was afraid of was Luohuai, something with worms.

"Sister Xinmeng, I say you should change your fear of insects..." Luo Huai put away the cordyceps and stopped scaring her.

"What do you know! My fear of death was caused by insect-shaped monsters at least twice." Xinmeng hugged the pillow, feeling helpless.

"Okay..." Although Luo Huai knew about Xinmeng Reptile, this was the first time he heard her explain the reason.

In this case, it's no longer a joke.

Originally, he wanted to introduce the little scorpion~

Luo Huai inadvertently touched the back of his neck. The little scorpion was hidden there, hidden by his long hair.

At this time, the little scorpion is like a claw hook, hanging there gently.

In this state, you only need to input a little energy occasionally to ensure that it maintains its activity.

And if your neck is sore, you can also directly use acupuncture and massage, which is very refreshing.

"What are you going to do next?" Xinmeng looked a little scared when she saw Luo Huai. Seeing that he was not ready to leave, she asked.

"I still need to tinker with something small...it's much simpler than Cordyceps, so it should be ready soon."

"Then why don't you go back to your room?"

"Sister Yuxi and Alang are still sleeping..." Luo Huai scratched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

I don’t know what the effect of his blood is. It seems to have a very good hypnotic effect. The two of them have not moved yet.

"Okay, if you do anything related to bugs, I'll kick you out!"

"Okay." Luo Huai clapped his hands and agreed, "I want to make tweed this time, it's very beautiful~"

The palms parted, and a small scarlet flower emerged.

“So beautiful~”

The sky is getting dark, and the surrounding area is getting darker too. The faint red light of the scarlet flowers looks very mysterious and attractive.

"what is this flower?"

"Flowers from the other shore." Luo Huai said as he put away the red flowers.

It was a plant he saw in the Punishment World. They could always be seen in some barren terrain and had tenacious vitality.

In order to allow seeds to survive and grow on hard soil, they have evolved strong energy-absorbing abilities and store most of the energy in the seeds, allowing them to take root and pierce the soil before they germinate.

At night, the flowers on the other side of the flower will turn green as they absorb moonlight, which is beautiful.

This kind of flower is very common in badlands, and he had previously obtained some biological information so that he could build it now.

It will serve as the producer of the creep terrain and serve as the main energy supply link.

The red scorpion, which has biological behavioral logic, can also use the fruits of the other shore flower as food to replenish energy and maintain activity (life).

A simplest ecological cycle will be formed.

As for the scope of the fungus carpet, it reaches the sky and covers the entire Badlands. Outside is the sea, and there are killer crabs in the sea, which are guarded to the death.

"Where did you find the data on this flower?" Xin Meng looked at it for a long time but didn't remember it.

"It looked like it was on TV."

"No way. If it was even on TV, I would definitely know."

"It looks like in the movie."

"There's nothing wrong with you, are you doing random things in the movie?" Xinmeng felt that Luo Huai's designation was inflated.

"Isn't it possible? My cordyceps are also made according to the game."

"..." Xin Meng was silent, lying down and looking at him, "I found that you are really a magical guy."

"Thank you for the compliment." After Luo Huai finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

A spark popped out from between the fingers and rolled onto the coffee table. Then a wisp of scarlet bud emerged, and then slowly turned into a green color under the moonlight.

It seems to have worked, it really only took a little time.

However, because there is no carrier, this other side flower can only rely on Luohuai to provide energy.

It quickly blooms, withers, and bears fruit, leaving only shriveled petals.

"It's so beautiful, but the time is too short." Xin Meng felt a little regretful.

"Life is a cycle, even if it is short, but the end of one... always means the beginning of another." Luo Huai gently opened the petals, and a green bead rolled into the palm of his hand.

Xin Meng listened and watched quietly as the young man spoke philosophy seriously.

He handed it to her.

"Is this considered today's tuition?" Xin Meng smiled and stretched out her hand, but UU Reading www.uukanshu.net did not reach it.

"Uh... I've seen it through. If you don't want it, I can exchange it for gold coins. That should be more valuable." Luo Huai planned to put away the seeds.

But Xinmeng suddenly grabbed the seed and snatched it away.

"Sister, I don't care about your little money, so I want this~"

The bead twirled around on her fingertips, and then she stuffed it somewhere... See no evil.

Luo Huai immediately ran back to his room. It was time to have dinner.

"Two sleepy guys." He leaned over the bed and was about to wake them up.

But right now! The two suddenly stood up and aimed directly at his neck.

"Aluo (Xiao Luo) takes over!"

Crisis situation!

"Come out! Red Scorpion, it's time to play your true role!"

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