I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 513 Biological Invasion

"As long as the speed reaches a certain level, you can naturally do a lot of things."

The first stage of practice consists of three balls. Try to use these three balls to complete various goals, such as high-speed movement, emergency steering and other basic controls.

After that, the energy balls will become smaller and smaller, and the number will increase. Until Luo Huai can capture energy particles as he wishes, he will be considered successful.

This involves a set of difficult methods of using mental power.

But after all, the author himself doesn’t know how to do it, so I won’t describe it here.

Because if you can "imagine" this method in your mind, it means that your mental power has begun to operate according to this, and the subsequent load will also be on your shoulders.

"Hiss..." Luo Huai closed his eyes and sucked in the slightest bit of cool air.

He touched his forehead. The temperature of his head had begun to feel a little abnormal. If he hadn't been able to tolerate heat very well, he would have had a fever and was dizzy by now.

Three red light balls moved around him in an orderly manner, often almost colliding with each other.

This method allowed his mental power to really work, and he realized that the so-called using his brain before was just like a lazy person moving his buttocks - it didn't even count as moving!

The soul and the brain seemed to be in sync at this moment, and they began to operate at the same time.

But the symptoms of fever also indicate that everything is not going so smoothly, and the two still need to work together.

As time goes by, the load becomes larger and larger, and more and more heat is accumulated...


Deep breathing can't dissipate heat, but it can at least provide some comfort.

Luo Huai accelerated his blood circulation, allowing the blood to take away heat, and directly discharged the blood shouting heat from the body.

Past battles had made his hematopoiesis ability somewhat unnatural and frighteningly fast.

His hematopoiesis method is already different from ordinary people.

The operation of mental power continues, and each stage of practice has an upper limit, which has not yet been reached.

A few hours later…

"Other people would be scared to death if they saw me bleeding from all my orifices in the middle of the night." Luo Huai looked at the mirror in the room. He looked really scary now.

His face was pale, and there were a few blood stains on his facial features. He looked as if he had just crawled out of a grave.

I just consumed it without replenishing my satiety.

Patting his belly, he saw that a large piece of meat had been lost, at least half of the weight had been lost, and his whole body was like a bamboo pole.

This is the speed of weight loss that makes all fat people envious.

It will be good to eat it back. Carrots and potatoes, steak and grilled fish, a combination of meat and vegetables to make a big meal.

I touched my belly again and found that the flesh had grown back.

This is the rate of weight gain that scares all thin people.

Luo Huai lay on the bed, raised his slender index finger, and watched the three red balls spinning around.

In the past few hours, he had come into contact with a new area.

Human consciousness comes from the soul, and the brain, as a carrier, is the second transmitter of consciousness. Efficient control of particles means efficient use of mental power, which requires efficient transmission of mental power. This transmission cannot be distorted, and the more synchronized it is The more you restore it, the more powerful it becomes.

"Until it reaches synchronization with energy particles, it will be the moment of great success."

When thoughts move, particles move.

In the human race's cognition, light is the fastest, and as for what can be faster than light, it is probably only thinking, right?

No matter how far the distance is, it can't be just a thought.

"But I'm still far from that level. Now it's just making the delay between the soul and the body a little smaller." Luo Huai put down his finger, and the light balls began to float around the room.

He sat up, threw a few punches in the air, and dodged a few more times, successfully dodging the attack of the imaginary enemy A Lang.

My reflexes have become a bit stronger. Before I master it, it's better not to rely too much on energy attacks.

Just like the Giant of Light, all light skills are used as special moves.

The rest of the time was not idle either, my brain was being exercised and my body could not fall behind.

Luo Huai ran around the area of ​​the fungus blanket, inspecting the growth of Cordyceps sinensis and Hibiscus spp.

The propagation status of Bibi flower is good, and it is already scattered scatteredly on the fungus blanket.

There are also a few insect eggs hanging under the half-grown Cordyceps leaves. You can see a few small scorpions picking up the fallen seeds in the flowers on the other side and eating them.

Each Bianhua flower has three or four seeds, and a small scorpion will eat one or two, which is enough to maintain its activity for a long time.

When the number of small scorpions reaches a certain number, the Cordyceps will stop laying eggs, and will only continue to lay eggs after the fungus carpet and Bibihua spread.

Until the entire Badlands was covered in red.

"Speaking of which, will this attract any monsters?"

When a new ecosystem appears, it is likely to attract the attention of predators from other ecosystems.

"For example..." Luo Huai actually found an uninvited guest.

It was a bird... or rather a guy with bird wings, a bit different, only reaching his knees.

Like a lizard, it has a gray tongue hanging from its mouth, and its entire body is also gray, which blends well with the tones of the badlands. If it hadn't stepped on the germ carpet, Luo Huai wouldn't have been able to spot it.

It was taking a bite of a Bianhua flower and eating it happily.

Because stepping into the creep carpet is equivalent to entering Luo Huai's perception range, Luo Huai can get information about monsters.

【Spiked Gray Lizard】(Normal)


[Introduction] I don’t have wings and I can’t fly!

"It turns out those are not wings..."

Luo Huai saw clearly this time that the bird's wings were actually two rows of thorns lying on its back.

You can guess that those hard thorns will all stand up during the battle...

"Just in time to try out Little Scorpion's AI." Luo Huai waved his hand, and a circle of light red light spread out from the soles of his feet.

Suddenly, several small scorpions around were given temporary attack and defense enhancements.

This is a sacrificial technique. Luo Huai rarely uses it. This time he summoned a beast and used it by the way.


Six little scorpions rushed towards the hard-spined gray lizard.

Sprint, jump up, 'Tail Hook Thrust'!

The combo engraved in Little Scorpion's memory was used.

The six little scorpions just triggered the joint operation in the AI. The six little guys cooperated and launched an attack from six angles, without any blind spots!

"Ding nail nail..."

After six crisp collision sounds, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net the motionless hard-spined gray lizard raised its head, with confusion in its eyes.


Look again, oh yo ~ six little scorpions that fell on the ground? Extra meals, yay!

Chew, chew, chew... six little scorpions, pawn.

"..." Luo Huai was speechless.

The gap in combat power must be too big. Fortunately, he also specially adjusted the toughness of the little scorpion's body.

Huh? There's another big guy here.

The hard-spined gray lizard noticed Luohuai not far away.

"Why, you think I'm easy to bully..." Luo Huai said angrily.

Then he saw the opponent curl up and his spines stood up.



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