I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 546 Elsass (Sao Nian, please persuade your father to change your name

"Griffin...Gryphon!" He muttered about griffin. Luo Huai seemed to have split up with Ella, but in fact he changed routes and headed to the palace in the center of the royal city.

And it's sneaky...

By asking passers-by, you can find out where Wang Guojun usually exercises in the morning.

But this place is currently closed, and the large forces of the Royal Army are not here.

"Tch~ I was wondering if I could go in and stroll around alone."

As a person who carries the Holy Light, he should have a good relationship with the Paladin who is also protected by the Holy Light. It will definitely be no problem to go in and take a look.

This is the rear of the royal palace. The royal palace is not located in the center of the royal city, but is close to the city wall on one side. The place where the royal army trains is just connected to the city wall.

But the problem is that it's hard to feel someone's absence... Luo Huai obviously just wanted to see the baby griffon. He didn't even think about abducting a baby griffon, really.

The matter of inquiring about intelligence was left to Ella. When the two of them separated, they made an appointment to meet at the South City Gate every two days in the morning.

Forget it, let's go find out where the Royal Army is. Anyway, we have two days to go back to the mortal world before rendezvous, and then come back next time.

Just find a hotel, order a meal, and sit down. There has been a lot of talk about the plague recently, and it is easy to know where the Royal Army has gone.

"Are you going to the beach?" Luo Huai murmured to himself, got up and left, riding on the white horse.

As expected, the royal army headed for the west coast, that is, the coast near the Land of the Dead.

"Could it be that a large number of undead have already come ashore?" Luo Huai held his chin and wondered, "Speaking of which, the witch doctor's escape direction is technically also the seaside. Could it be that he is planning to start?"

If he could go over and help at this time, maybe he could establish a good relationship with Wang Guojun and Ella's brother.

And you can also find a way to get rid of the witch doctor and complete the commission.

Just do what you think of, and without further ado, set off quickly, mount the white horse Luo Huai and leave the city, heading west.

Speaking of the plague that has been spreading all over the city in the past two days, the city gate guards have been very strict. Even priests have come to work as part-time gatekeepers. If Luo Huai hadn't shown the holy light, it would have been impossible to get in and out so easily.

The road leading to the sea is very wide. After all, the waterway along the coast has always been an extremely efficient transportation route, so it is natural to go to the port quickly.

Luo Huai used arcane magic and fusion blood to attach the white horse's limbs and bless it, allowing it to run faster than it could fly.

The vendors coming and going were all frightened, and they were wondering what kind of monster was flying at low altitude.

And if Luo Huai hadn't used arcane blood to change his color, he might have been reported as a blood mage.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... The horses' hooves are picking up, and we will arrive at the port around noon.

"Quick! Skeletons appear in the east area of ​​the port."

Wow! A griffon dragged a paladin and took off immediately. Driven by wind magic, it sprinted towards the target area.

The paladin is fully armed with golden armor, and the griffon is also protected by the holy light.

The current royal army is the only unit here that can move freely outside. The other residents and merchants have either died and been transformed into undead, or they have been strictly ordered not to go out.

The port is very large. It is an important transfer station for commercial supplies. The place where the ships are parked can be regarded as a city on the water.

This also makes the soldiers of the Royal Army who take the elite route feel powerless. Most of the local soldiers are just ordinary people or ordinary people who have been trained. There are very few who are strong-willed enough to be recognized by the Holy Light, but they are all just for food. Just eat.

So in this case, the Paladins can only fight alone. The only good thing is that there are local priests who can share their worries, at least so that they no longer have to play the role of doctors.

"Alas...Father still refuses to inform Grandpa. The situation is obviously serious enough...If this continues, more people will only be harmed." After days of cleaning up the undead, Elsass and his The teammates were exhausted both physically and mentally, from the continuous battles, and from time to time finding victims. The feeling of self-blame for being one step late, even the Holy Light could not heal.

"Captain, your father is the king after all. Even if there is a father-son relationship with the guardian, from the perspective of the kingdom, Darran is still an external force. Once he asks for help easily, I am afraid it will attract a lot of words." Elsas's subordinates and He is a very good friend in private, so the comfort at this time does not have so many restrictions on the words used by superiors and subordinates.

"But what does it mean to be easy?" Elsas said with a sad face, pointing in a direction, where the people who died of the plague were burned, in order to prevent the corpses from turning into undead.

The purification of the Holy Light requires a lot of effort. Currently, there are not so many people, so this is the only way.

"The current situation has become such that we cannot use the lives of ordinary people who have died as a measure to judge whether an incident is serious or not!"

This sentence may not be rigorous enough and contains ambiguity, but under this situation, all the surrounding paladins understand the original meaning of Elsass's words and agree with it.

"It seems that my father is really old... his indecision has overshadowed his decision of life and death." Elsas sighed, "This is why I didn't choose to be an heir. At least now I can still maintain a pure heart. .”

"Okay, Elsass, the rest is over. It's time for us to continue our aerial patrol." His subordinates patted him on the shoulder and helped him pull out of the melancholy of father and son not being in harmony.

"Yes." Elsas quickly adjusted his mentality and climbed onto the back of the griffin, "Let's go! For the Holy Light! And the salvation of life!"

"Drink!" Following a chorus of shouts and the cry of eagles, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The wind blew up on the ground.

The Land of the Undead is the source of all undead souls, and the real duty of the Royal Army is to defend this line of defense.

"Cough! Cough! The damn royal army actually guarded the coast so hard!" The witch doctor's dilapidated body, corroded by the energy of the undead, became even more overwhelmed after rushing for days despite the wind and rain.

"I can't die here...I must become a lich...so that I can be completely free from the pain!"

The witch doctor leaned weakly on the wooden board, and the skeleton horse dragged him in front, like a corpse.

In fact, the witch doctor turned out to be a terminally ill mage. According to his condition, he should indeed be a corpse at this time.

Only the desire to save life and the power of the undead made him "resurrection". After almost losing his life, he now just wants to have life, endless life.

And now he just needs to bring the life force he collected back to the Land of the Dead...

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