I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 55 Qinglin Navigation is at your service

"Sister Yu, it's time for us to leave. The food in the supply point has been eaten."

Ye Kuang arranged the equipment on his body and put the remaining ammunition in the supply point into the arm gun on his arm.

Sister Yu's complexion is better than before. Her class is [Natural Citizen] and she has mastered a healing spell that allows her to heal herself.

This is just to calm down. Whether it is magic or technology, if you want to treat serious injuries, you must be fully prepared and have a good environment.

So Sister Yu still had a bandage wrapped around her waist and had to change it several times.

"Xiao Feng, my current physical condition is not suitable for high-intensity off-roading." Sister Yu stood up on the edge of the bed, her steps still a little unsteady.

"Then I'll carry you." Ye Feng didn't shy away from the difference between men and women. He knelt down and let Sister Yu lie on his back.

"But if you carry me on your back, you won't be able to escape if you meet someone, and if you are wearing an exoskeleton, my wounds will be bruised and torn." Sister Yu sat down again, and Ye Kuang, who knew her well, knew that this was I want him to go alone.

"Then I'll hold you!"

"Little crazy!"

"I can hide from everyone and never fight anyone."


"Listen to me this time!" Ye Feng ignored Sister Yu's struggle and bent down to pick her up like a princess.

"..." Being hugged by Ye Feng, Sister Yu's face turned red and she stopped struggling.

Forget it, as long as two people are together.

Sister Yu's body is very light, and it is not very difficult for Ye Feng, who is wearing an exoskeleton mecha, to hold her.

"Ye Kuang, how are you? Have you gone out?" Qing Lin on the other end of the communication asked in the helmet's earpiece.

Yes, Ye Crazy is not reckless, let alone being carried away by emotions.

Qinglin contacted him immediately after entering the dungeon.

Ye Feng immediately replied: "Come out, I am carrying a wounded person and cannot fight."

"The wounded? Is he your partner?"


"Does that mean you can't leave the wounded behind if necessary?"

"Yes, you can't!"

"You... got it." Qinglin sighed. When he talked about leaving the wounded behind, he could clearly hear Ye Kuang's breathing quickening.

"Among our three brothers, you are the one who is in the deepest position."

"Don't talk about me, can you let go of your three girls?"

"That's right." Qinglin could only smile bitterly when he thought of the three drama girls who always followed him, "Let's not talk about this, let me start."

"Okay." Ye Feng hugged his partner, looked around, and ran into a cluster of trees.

Qinglin on this side was sitting on a rock. The task given to him by Roushu Pavilion was to explore the surrounding area, so he could contact Ye Feng privately.

He stretched out his slender fingers and hooked them in the void, and a cloud thread was drawn out. As more cloud threads were drawn out, the intertwined cloud threads began to show some obscure patterns.

The so-called fortune telling and destiny prediction are exactly what Qinglin is doing now. He is calculating the process of Ye Kuang's return to the guild and the changes he may encounter in the process. He must see these as clearly as possible, and then he will meet Ye Kuang soon. Use communications to remind him of these changes in a timely manner.

There are many ancient magical arts, this is just one of them, but it is already something that others can only seek in their lifetime.

There was one reason why he was specially recruited into Roushui Pavilion. He made an unintentional move, and the president [Xi Wutong] noticed this magical technique.

As a senior on the path of cultivating immortality, Xi Wutong instantly realized the powerful relationship, and with the heart of protecting talents, Qinglin was recruited.

Haha, if President Xi Wutong hadn't come to him the next day and asked him to calculate her marriage, he would have really believed it.

Yes, the emotional experience of Xi Wutong, the president of Roushu Pavilion, is the same as her youthful and tender appearance. She is an eighteen-year-old girl who has never been in love.

This matter and the age issue have always been her only two problems against aging. Whoever raises the issue will be pressed on the keyboard and rubbed.

Several young ladies in the guild have already been slapped on the keyboard for complaining about this online.

Ahem, Qinglin pulled back his Fei Yuandu thoughts.

Sure enough, no matter what the calculation is, it is easy to get distracted as long as you are doing calculations.

"Ye Feng, be careful ahead, there's something there."

Ye Feng was walking swiftly through the woods with his partner in his arms. Hearing Qing Lin's warning, he quickly stopped and hid behind a big tree nearby.

Not long after he hid, a group of people from other guilds walked out of the corner blocked by rocks.

Ye Kuang had no impression of the guild emblem they wore. It shouldn't be a big guild, but even if it wasn't a big guild, he could still avoid it now.

After waiting for a while, Ye Feng and Sister Yu both held their breath.

Finally, the group of people passed this side and disappeared into the woods on the other side.

"Hurry up now. The place where you are staying may become a battlefield in a while." Qinglin's words were a little urging.

Ye Feng immediately hugged Sister Yu and ran as fast as he could.

"Xiao Feng, are you going too fast?" Sister Yu saw Ye Feng running in such a hurry for fear of being exposed. She also learned about Qing Lin on the way, "Your friend..."

"Lin is an important person just like you. I can trust him unconditionally. He also has this strength."

Sister Yu suddenly stopped talking, because Ye Feng said that Qinglin was as important as her...then it must be very important, right?

She had no doubt at all how important she was to Ye Feng's heart. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

A little narcissistic, but it's the truth.

I hope she won't doubt her position in Ye Kuang's mind when she learns that Ye Kuang and Qing Lin are constantly pinching each other every three days.

"Huh?" Qinglin was fine at first, but suddenly he frowned and twirled his fingers.

"Really...how can I still get a mouthful of dog food with my fortune telling? I'm depressed..."

But he wasn't going to go crazy because of this trap. He continued to help Ye crazy avoid risks.

Under Qinglin's invincible navigation, Ye Feng successfully walked out of the mountainous forest without disturbing any guild.

"Sister Yu, the outpost is just ahead. If you hold on a little longer, we'll be there soon."

Ye Feng had tried his best to avoid bumps, but when passing through some terrain with a relatively large height span, he still couldn't avoid pulling Sister Yu's wounds.

The white bandage began to be dyed red again, and Sister Yu's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye. She gritted her teeth to endure the pain, and beads of cold sweat continued to appear on her forehead.

Ye Feng had no choice but to continue to quicken his pace.

Fortunately, the guild personnel at the outpost also discovered them and confirmed their guild emblems.

A team came over with a stretcher.

"Quick! She has lost too much blood and has a torn abdominal wound. She needs emergency medical care!"

Watching the medical staff carrying Sister Yu into the medical room, Ye Feng finally felt relieved and sat down on the ground, leaning against the door frame.

"Lin, thank you."

Qinglin didn't know when he had hung up the communication, and only left one sentence in the message box:

"You pay for next week's meals."

"I know..." Ye Feng smiled silly and said to himself, "I know how to take advantage of others' danger~"

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