I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 57 Natural Disaster Luohuai

V City, although this is the location with the richest supplies in the entire map, it is not as full of gunfire as those edge towns.

On the contrary, all players hold their breath. As time goes by, more and more players will rush here. Players will go here after collecting enough supplies.

As soon as a shot is fired, countless pairs of old eyes will immediately lock on the shooter, and this steel forest will become a dark forest.

"I knew it would be like this." Player {Lao Qiang} leaned against a hidden corner of the street.

"A group of people are huddled together in some unknown place. There is no point in wasting time." He stroked his slightly curly beard.

As a [Warrior] class gunner, he doesn't like assassin-like snipers, nor does he like heavy machine gunners who stay on one spot until they die.

He just likes to rush and be reckless. Whether it's a street fight or an open area, a hearty and hearty shot between macho men is what he longs for.

This situation really made him uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to let that fuse lead the way, as it would be meaningless.

"Dungeon Will, if you don't want the situation to remain in this stalemate, come up with something exciting."

Unfortunately, nothing happened. There was no customer service in this game. The copy of Will was busy making trouble on the other side of the main battlefield, so the individual players here were simply dismissed.

Until the evening, except for a few encounters with players who arrived on the outskirts of V City, no one fired a shot in the central city.

You never know how patient a group of saints will be in order to win. The gun battle game does not rely on guns, but on surviving longer.

In fact, the situation was not originally so extreme. Copies of battle royale plots are quite common, but maps as large as this one are relatively rare. Large-scale gun conflicts are common in the finals. After all, ammunition is free.

But there seemed to be a lot of snipers in this round... a lot... well, a lot.

I don’t know why, but the refresh rate of firearms such as snipers is extremely high in this copy, especially in V City. How high is it?

Let's put it this way, the first wave of players who arrived here thought they could have a good time.

In the end, it turned out to be one person carrying a large sniper, and a group of people were shooting at each other across the street.

Good guy, the passionate gun battle has become a turn-based game!

Finally, the gunfire became less and less and fell silent.

"Made, it's a waste of time." {Lao Qiang} was so angry that he squatted in a corner all day and finally slipped into an empty small room at night.

The gun I got was shot three times! never again

Never used it.

Fortunately, this room also comes with a bed where you can lie down and rest.

Although players in the mortal world are already prepared to stay in the fantasy world for several days, there is no problem with the physical body.

But at night in the fantasy world, the soul will still feel tired after long-term activities, and proper sleep in the fantasy world can relieve this fatigue.

Lao Qiang blocked some debris at the door, relaxed and lay down on the bed.

Anyway, this one is considered useless, and if he is eliminated, he will be eliminated, and he will be unlucky.

If you rest well, you might be able to kill everyone the next day.

"On how steel is made."

Luo Huai has a lot of iron in his backpack, and he has a strong tendency to open his own steel factory.

After a busy day, Luo Huai didn't know how much work he had done and how many steel bars he had knocked.

But he dared to say that there was no metal for him to obtain in the vast underground of V City.

In order to prevent himself from being buried due to landslides, whenever he went under a building, he would first hollow out the top of his head and put a few layers of blocks on it.

And every time after a certain distance, Luo Huai would block the tunnel behind him.

There are not enough torches. If such a long dark tunnel is left, it will be a natural monster spawning ground. Monsters can bury him alive.

Luo Huai tried to knock open a block blocked behind him, and suddenly dozens of pairs of scarlet eyes looked over, scaring him so much that he quickly blocked it again.

The Summoning Stone of Doom, the epic evaluation is really not just talk.

Luo Huai didn't know that it was already night on the ground at this time, and at night, the brightness naturally dropped.

"Boom! Boom!"

Lao Qiang was awakened by a knock on the door. His eyes were confused for a moment, and then they immediately regained their clarity.

He rolled out of bed and picked up the pistol beside him.

This small room is small and has no windows and only one exit, the door. If a fight breaks out, the pistol is much more flexible.

But which player would be stupid enough to knock on the door at this time? If you encounter a door that cannot be opened, you will leave, right?

In this city that is as quiet as a dead city, the sound of knocking on the door is not much lighter than firing a gun. If you don't expose yourself, the key is that it may trap him.

Lao Qiang used his feet to push aside some debris blocking the door, trying to open a small crack in the door. He would not just lean in and take a look. At most, he would only take a cursory glance, and be ready to shoot at any time.

"What the hell is this? A zombie?"

Outside the door, a zombie was repeating the action of slapping the door like a machine.

From Luo Huai's perspective, a zombie with a Fangfang style looks like a ferocious-looking zombie to other players. UU read www.uukanshu. net

Not cute at all.

"How can the battle royale spawn zombies?" The old gun didn't close the door in a hurry. The zombies moved very clumsily, like dolls manipulated by a novice puppeteer with poor skills, and they would fall apart at any time.

In the end, Lao Qiang didn't choose to shoot. Anyway, looking at the weakling of this zombie, he couldn't even think of knocking on the door made of iron.

However, just when Lao Qiang was about to close the door and go back to sleep.

Gunshots rang out in surrounding buildings.

bump! bump!

Da da da! ! !

The sound of gunfire became more and more frequent, followed by the blast of grenades.

Why did the fight suddenly start? Lao Qiang realized something was wrong.

The gun battle has begun, there is no need to be afraid of this or that.

He raised his pistol and blew off the head of the zombie in front of the door. He picked up the prop backpack on the bedside and rushed out of the door.

As soon as he walked out of the door, before he could touch anyone, an arrow hit him in the face.

But Lao Qiang's B-level intelligence and C-level explosiveness mean that his reflexes are extremely good.

It was too late to tilt his head, Lao Qiang raised his hand to block the arrow with his pistol.

Under normal circumstances, this arrow would have posed no threat to him.

However, more than one arrow was shot.

In the surrounding streets and alleys, four or five skeletons suddenly appeared, with the bows in their hands fully strung.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Five arrows hit Lao Qiang's head directly on his neck.

"Where on earth did so many undead come from!"

Lao Qiang let out his last frustrated cry.


Five arrows hit his head, killing him instantly.

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