I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 663 Days of internship (overtime) in Fulian

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"Smells, it really smells..."

"And you can eat as much as you want, which is unimaginable on the front lines."

"This big piece of braised pork... reminds me of my wife..."

“It’s so delicious!”

Luo Huai's cooking skills have been unanimously recognized by everyone. After all, as his judgment and control increase, his cooking skills will also improve with his strength.

Although the last comment is a bit over the top, in the eyes of a hungry stomach, this comment should apply to any food that tastes okay.

After clearing away the blood and water from the kitchen waste, there were only three large pots left, with a bonfire underneath to keep warm.

Luo Huai took out the watermelon again. The harvest of the watermelon field also has a place in the warehouse of the Wheat Cube World.

Now that the weather is getting cooler, watermelon is no longer the mainstream in the fruit market, but it does not prevent it from being suitable for eating watermelon at this time.

There is also honey. On a cool night, a cup of warm honey water is also good.

"I can't eat anymore..."

Today, the soldier eldest brother has definitely eaten the most happily this month. Even if he just ran out of food supplies, he would not be able to eat so happily.

After all, food is like this. Whether it is meat or vegetarian, it cannot be obtained anytime and anywhere.

The main monsters facing the south now are omnics. Unlike the monster disasters in other areas, meat is more difficult to find, let alone vegetables. Even if they are highly ripened, it will take time.

In addition, most of the class members have withdrawn from the fantasy world and moved to the mortal world. Ordinary people have also invested in city construction. Only a very limited manpower has been invested in obtaining food in the fantasy world. They basically rely on some specific theme dungeons to obtain food and supplies. , but after the two layers of "tariffs" in the dungeon, the fantasy world has also been reduced a lot.

At present, the southern region basically relies on the existing breeding and animal husbandry industry, as well as complementary materials from the other three regions to maintain the status quo.

A bit strenuous, but passable.

After dinner, there are still two hours left before rest, during which the big warrior brothers will go to the front to change shifts.

Students put on night equipment and started "after-dinner activities."

The night is peaceful. The omnics' solar energy technology is so advanced that night is not suitable for them to fight for a long time.

Moreover, the human race has lighting devices and complete night fighting equipment. Darkness is not a special environment at all, so it is not necessary.

As a result, Luohuai in the logistics department welcomed a new batch of diners.

As soon as they walked in, someone sniffed their noses and inhaled the aroma that was still in the air.

Suddenly there were several stomach rumblings.

In fact, the soldiers in this class were the worst.

The second batch of them had lunch, which happened to coincide with the first round of food reduction, so they didn't eat much at noon.

"It smells so good. Those guys from the previous batch said they could have enough to eat tonight. I wonder if they were kidding us."

They saw Luo Huai who was cooking the pot again, and Luo Huai also saw them.

"Eat the meal that was brought to you first. The other meals will be ready later."


Another group of hungry people will be fed.

Western Region.

An abandoned factory.

A group of people sneaked in quietly and came to the underground building structure, waiting for an opportunity.

They were all monitoring a room with lights on inside. According to intelligence, an illegal transaction was going on there.

"Three secret escape routes have been confirmed, and teams have been set up to ambush them."

"Attention Avengers, there is a high-level person on each side of the transaction. One side is an underground guild evil believer, and the other side is a fugitive criminal."

"The evil believers will be shot to death. If conditions permit, the criminals will be captured alive as much as possible. We need more follow-up information."

The message in the headset is complete.

"Spider-Man got it."

"Black Widow received."

There are only two agents, but they are all first-class elites.

"Madam, do you need me to explore the way first?" Even if the little spider is on a mission, he will still chatter as long as conditions permit.

"This is the job of an assassin. It's better for you to lie on your ceiling. Saying less is the greatest help you can do to me." Black Widow said helplessly.

It's obviously a spider, but it feels like a mosquito. Even if it's just the second time the two work together, it's already making people crazy.

Black Widow couldn't figure out why Tony arranged this. Could it be that she had teased him maliciously when they first met him, causing him to have a little embarrassment?

This playboy really holds a grudge.

"Sister Widow, although Teacher Tony is indeed a bit petty, is it really okay for you to talk to yourself in the address book so openly? I think Jarvis will tell Teacher Tony about this." Suddenly, on the other end, People spoke.

Judging from the voice, it was Ye Feng. He was not on this mission, but was responsible for acting as a messenger.

"Mr. Ye, for the sake of team harmony, I think it would be better if Tony didn't know about this." Jarvis, who had been silently talking about soy sauce, interrupted in the address book.

It is the intelligent AI of the Avengers base. It was the consciousness of a mechanical creature a long time ago. Later, it followed Tony and hid in the data world in the form of pure data.

The advanced converter in Avengers Base is its "home" and it is responsible for the information of the Avengers, so strictly speaking, it is also an Avengers member.

"Okay, no matter what, I hope the overtime work can end soon. I'm just an intern researcher, please don't squeeze me, okay?" Ye Feng brought the topic back to the topic.

Although it wasn't the middle of the night, it was already his off-duty time, and he was called to take over by Jarvis.

Sister Yu can say that as a man, her future husband cannot develop the habit of working overtime and staying out at night. This is the reason for cracks in countless marriages. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net Even if you earn less money It’s okay, you have to take care of your career and family.

Rich woman Yu Jie said that she could eat soft rice.

In short, since both parents decided to get engaged, Yu Rou's whole person has entered a strange state of excitement.

She started planning various things for the future, and sometimes she would suddenly stare at Ye Feng, and then suddenly blush, making Ye Feng confused.

However, judging from the way her mouth was opened for a long time without saying anything, it seemed that she was trying very hard to call Ye Feng a new name, but unfortunately she was shy and gave up every time, just like she had feelings for Ye Feng a few years ago. Sometimes I want to call him crazy.

In this regard, Ye Kuang, who was not sure, consulted Qinglin and Luo Huai. After all, they both had three, so they might have more experience than him.

Then, the two people's suggestions were surprisingly consistent...

"Look at you, are you sluggish? You don't look good. It's obvious that something is wrong with your body? Why don't you take me to the hospital quickly?"

Well, very pragmatic... He actually did as he was told,

"I shouldn't count on these two guys." Ye Feng covered his face speechlessly.

PS: One dared to ask, two dared to speak, and the one who asked dared to believe - Jue'er.

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