I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 69 Luo Huai: When I meet a beautiful woman, I turn around and run away

"Tch~ I thought these guys were quite powerful. I thought they were so powerful, but in the end, they just gave me away for nothing."

Luo Huai, who was hiding high up, witnessed this scene.

He used blocks to build a platform close to the ceiling about ten meters high in the dungeon.

He originally wanted to snipe at the skeletons standing at the top of the stairs, but after seeing a few unlucky guys testing them for him, he decided to wait and see.

But people never expected that there would be such a good guy in this local base camp. The skeleton was defeated before he could even test his strength.

However, according to the habits of demonized people, the top combat forces are usually on the front line. If they are beaten to the doorstep, there is basically no need to resist.

"After killing these outsiders, you should probably kill me next."

Luo Huai never expected that he would sneak attack on these mutated skeletons, because they never relied on sight to discover Luo Huai. As long as they entered the hatred range, it was precise positioning.

Luo Huai drew his bow and prepared to block his vision, but to his surprise, the skeletons ignored him and entered the stairs without looking back, heading towards the bottom dungeon.

This means that there are “outsiders” around.

"The monsters are locked up above, and the prisoners are locked down below, right? Other forces have just come in, so they can't be captured immediately, and they are not stupid... Then wouldn't only the members of the Crystal Heart be left? And they can be imprisoned. It’s not that the recognition of the kill must be very important..."

Hey, Luo Huai secretly screamed that something was wrong. If his ability killed important personnel in the Crystal Heart, he would be doing a disservice. If it had any strategic impact, wouldn't it mean that he was delaying Ye Kuang's success? A future?

No matter what, there was a resurrection anyway, so Luo Huai jumped off the platform.

As soon as he jumped down, he shouted: "Let that man go and come at me!"

But there was only darkness in the dungeon, and the monster door didn't even bother him.

Luo Huai quickly closed his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes of destiny, he rushed into the darkness.

In the darkness, he saw it like daylight, and his perception spread.

After passing several corners, he found the monster, and at the same time he felt a figure surrounded by the monster's aura.

The cell where the prisoner was held had been opened by a monster, and mutant zombies were trying to get in.

And the prisoner sat there motionless as if he had been frightened.

Seeing that the zombie's claws were about to grab the man's face.

"No! no! Yachudie!"

Luo Huai started running, stretched out a hand, and shouted to stop him.

But...the next scene left both Luo Huai and the monster confused.

Of course, the main one who was confused was Luo Huai, because all the monsters were killed.

The fire rolled up from the seemingly helpless prisoner, instantly refining the mutated monsters and the cell into ashes.


Luo Huai's mouth opened into an O shape, and he wanted to take a big breath of cold air, but unfortunately, under the fierce flames, the air in this area became hot.

Although it is a hundred million points worse than brother, it is still amazing.

"Why are there undead in this place? It looks quite extraordinary."

Xi Wutong frowned slightly after casually burning the undead monster that attacked her.

Seeing that the cell had also been melted away, she simply covered her hands, and the light red cloud lifted her delicate body into the air.

She was caught here on purpose, just to have fun.

As a result, she discovered that she was the only one caught in the entire dungeon.

Good guy, you should just find yourself a place to relax and have some sleep.

Unexpectedly, not long after sleeping (meditating), a few more undead came...

Oh, not only the undead, but also a little guy.

The two people's eyes met each other, but somehow they didn't speak.

Although Luo Huai was wearing iron armor, his eyes were not obstructed. He could feel that the other party could see through his heart.

But because of this, he saw the other party's appearance clearly.

Wow, she is a beautiful woman with a gorgeous figure, who is capable of bringing disaster to the country and the people.

Xi Wutong also looked at him, with an unknown smile on her face. She suddenly wanted to tease Luo Huai.

How many young and ignorant teenagers were fascinated by her appearance.

But after a moment, Luo Huai took half a step back with one foot.

Xi Wutong's smile froze, and three words flashed through his mind:

He wants to escape!

Sure enough, the next moment, Luo Huai ran away.

"Hey! Why are you running away?" Xi Wutong, who was rarely hit on his appearance, shouted angrily. There is a beautiful woman in front of you.

"Goodbye, boss. See you soon!"

Luo Huai dropped Xiwutong and ran away without looking back.

An unknown boss looks at you with a meaningful expression for the first time you meet him... It's scary to think about it, okay?

What? The boss is a beauty?

That’s even scarier! What if she lusts after my body? Then I am not chaste?

It can be called the greatest fear in life.

Xiwutong: "..."

She was floating in the air, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, she sat back in her cell. Under her control, the cell that had been reduced to ashes magically reversed itself back to its original state.

I am autistic and want to be quiet.

Here, Luo Huai, who escaped from the dungeon, ran into the demonized man's rescue team.

The battle is about to break out.

"Catch him! Don't let him get away!"

The leading priest directed the thigh-high vicious dog at his feet to pounce on Luo Huai.

Luo Huai deflected the attack with a shield.

Then he smashed the block on the ground, and at the same time used his shield to protect himself, and ejected into the air.

Goodbye, you guys who can't fly.

Luo Huai stepped on the platform in the air, UU reading www.uuuhhk.net just like when he came.

Yes, just as it came...

The demon sentry not far away had just finished his nap and looked up to see Luo Huai in the sky, so he decisively sounded the air raid siren for the third time today.

"Air strike! Shoot the city defense cannon for me!"

Seven or eight fire bombs rose slowly.

"My mouth is fragrant..."

Looking at the extremely familiar scenes around him, Luo Huai was filled with doubts.


Luo Huai once again dragged long black smoke down from the sky. This time he was not so lucky. He fell on the stone bricks next to the pool and passed out. The Eye of Destiny could not wake him up for the time being.

The demonized people on the ground also felt inexplicably that this scene seemed to have happened not long ago.

"Why does it feel like this is the same person as the one we bombed this morning?"

"It should just be that they have the same abilities. After all, the first one was blown into black coal. This second one must be his brother."

Regarding this situation, there is also a famous allusion recorded in history, called: "Zhe Xing Sun".

In this way, Luo Huai was carried back to the dungeon. Miraculously, the demonized man didn't even notice that the spider demon was dead when he passed by the spider demon's cell, thinking that it was just sleeping.

Because of this, this time Luo Huai was sent to the dungeon by a very demonized person very dutifully.

When he woke up leisurely, he saw Xi Wutong's breathtakingly beautiful face looking at him with a smile.

"Run, why don't you run away? Don't you have the ability to leave me, a girl (Dagwu), and run away alone?"

Xi Wutong's sweet voice flowed in Luo Huai's ears, with a hint of resentment.


Then Luo Huai rolled his eyes and was really suffocated...

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