I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 756 The mask called smile

The second day of the school test...

"Ahem!!" Luo Huai faced the weird looks from some Bagua Pipi shrimps and coughed twice with a bad face.

"Nothing happened last night, I escaped."

"Really?" Qinglin's eyes were filled with doubts. The four little ones at the back seemed unconcerned, but in fact their ears were stretching this way.

"Really." Luo Huai was speechless. Is it so interesting to inquire about other people's gossip?

"Tch~" Qinglin left in disappointment, and the four little ones also felt very uncomfortable.

Xi Wutong happened to be in the room when he heard the noise outside and came out, "You didn't say anything?"

"No, absolutely not." Luo Huai raised his hand and swore to the sky.

Besides, I really just played various role plays last night, very serious ones, just like playing house, the most I did was hugging. Sister Wutong just felt that she was such an adult and felt embarrassed to play like this, so she didn't let her. Just say it.

"Okay, you go to the game first, I'll clean up the dishes." Sister Wutong, wearing an apron, is also very stylish.

She is indeed a strong woman. When she comes to the kitchen, she is at least a chef.

Wandered down the mountain and arrived at the square.

The test at the beginning of school lasted for two days and was very fast.

Today is the last day, Luo Huai has to play two games.

One match against Tu Yuling was the championship match. If the last match was against Qinglin, then he would be prepared to abstain. It didn't matter who won anyway, so there was no need to waste energy.

"Luo Huai, give that guy a good beating for me." Jiang Lingfeng appeared out of nowhere, patted Luo Huai on the shoulder and said through gritted teeth.

"How much hatred does that guy have against you?" Luo Huai felt that he was not just unconvinced by losing to the opponent.

"That guy won't hold back...even if the opponent admits defeat, he will beat him off the stage. He will hit hard."

Jiang Lingfeng recalled that when he saw Lan Ling vomiting blood and being knocked off the stage, he became angry.

"Won't the academy stop you?"

"No, because the college's treatment facilities are very complete."

"It can be cured by cooperating, so why are you angry?" Luo Huai thought it was the kind of injury that couldn't be cured.

However, continuing to attack an opponent who has already admitted defeat is indeed a bit...

"Hey, what are you talking about? I seem to hear you talking about me." At this moment, Tu Yuling squeezed out from the crowd of onlookers.

"We're talking about your atrocities." Jiang Lingfeng said angrily.

Fortunately, although there is some resentment, it is not the kind of real hatred.

After all, those injuries were not difficult to heal, but it looked miserable to be beaten like that under the protection mechanism of the ring. Jiang Lingfeng became furious when he thought of Lan Ling's screams.

When Tu Yuling saw him like this, he knew, "So you are still struggling with that time..."

"Lan Ling had already admitted defeat at that time, why did you still beat her?"

"I'm sorry, my creed is, don't give in while you still have the strength." Tu Yuling disagreed with the practice of giving in when you are at a disadvantage.

Her experience has given her a deep understanding of this, and at the same time she looks down on such behavior. She just wants to enjoy the superiority of victory. She wants to quit when she sees a slight disadvantage, for fear that losing will damage her self-confidence. In order to save face? what is this?

"Besides, I already apologized to Lan Ling afterwards. Didn't she tell you?"

"I told you." Jiang Lingfeng knew about this, so he didn't really go to Tu Yuling to trouble him. This time he was just verbally angry.

"Tch..." Tu Yuling smacked her lips instead. She didn't like this.

Come and fight with her when you're angry, what's the point of being coy? It also saves her the trouble of finding opponents one by one.

Ignoring Jiang Lingfeng, her little brother, she turned her attention to her opponent who was waiting for him later, with her signature smile on her face again.

Speaking of which, she seemed to be smiling even when she was expressionless.

"What's the matter?" Luo Huai looked at her and it was obvious that he had something to say.

"I was wondering if I could ask you not to use that golden armor." She said without hesitation with her hands behind her back.

"Huh?" Jiang Lingfeng was stunned after hearing this. What do you mean? She is actually afraid?

"This seems a bit far-fetched." Luo Huai didn't quite understand.

But Jiang Lingfeng didn't care about this. He began to mutter in a strange manner, "You're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid..."


Tu Yuling gave him a strong punch and said, "Don't make trouble."

Then she explained to Luo Huai: "I want to compare strength with you, or...strength."

"Huh?" Luo Huai couldn't understand.

"I feel the dragon's breath from you." Tu Yuling seemed very excited, and he moved closer and continued: "To be honest, my ability is also related to dragons, but it is too difficult to find people who also have dragons, so I I hope I can play longer.”

"Can't you fight longer if you wear armor?"

"What if? It's boring to win in one go." Tu Yuling said with a smile.

However, the second half of her sentence was a complete provocation.

But Luo Huai still has the ability to touch people's hearts. "May I ask how you lost to Yun Bai when you were so confident?"

"Uh." Tu Yuling's smile froze and he almost failed.

She adjusted her attitude with a dark face, then made another big face and slapped Luo Huai angrily, "Really, you are so difficult to talk to."

However, in the next moment, all her expressions suddenly disappeared. She stared at Luo Huai with a pair of empty eyes and said gloomily: "In this case, I hope you will go all out."

After saying that, he shook his head and walked away with his hands down.

"Uh, what's wrong with her? Her mood has changed so much."

Jiang Lingfeng held the bag on his head and spread his hands, "You just hit her where it hurts."

"Is Yun Bai that strong?" He obviously lost to Qing Lin.

"It seems you don't know much about her abilities yet..." Jiang Lingfeng said, giving Luo Huai some popular science.

"Oh, that's it." After hearing this, Luo Huai understood immediately.

It turned out to be the resentment of being evaded by Yun Bai and being unable to exert any strength. UU Reading www. uukns.net It is indeed quite uncomfortable for strength players.

And that was the only duel in the past few years where Tu Yuling had to admit defeat after barely exerting any strength.

This is definitely a shame for her who hates surrendering without a fight.

in addition……

"Dragon." Luo Huai looked at Tu Yuling who was already warming up on the other side of the ring.

"Actually, this guy doesn't like to laugh, right?" He noticed Tu Yuling's expression.

It's really just because the corners of the mouth are naturally slightly upward.

Suddenly, Tu Yuling seemed to notice that Luo Huai was looking at her, so she curled her lips.

Is this a laugh? It seems to be just a mask to the outside world.

Perhaps it was the extreme conflict between her heart and her expression that gave rise to her empty eyes.

"Hee..." So Luo Huai personally demonstrated to her what a sunny smile was.

"Eh?" She was stunned, stopped smiling, and looked thoughtful.

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