"It seems that it was preconceived..."

When we talk about biochemistry, we think of zombies covered in blood, so many times we think zombies are simple living organisms.

However, the trend of biochemistry is still on the technological side, and it is normal for man-made modifications to be mixed into machinery.

The metal objects inside the tentacles can't just add some mechanical strength.

Luo Huai opened the tentacles that rolled over with a sword, preparing to attack the key point - the head.

But the tentacles could be deployed even in a narrow room. It would be better to say that the narrow space restricted Luo Huai's movements.

But a mutant is just a mutant, not to mention not a power type.

Luo Huai accelerated suddenly and disappeared into the red mist. The mutant's tentacle slashed in and swung it away.

"Roar!?" Its half-exposed eyes quickly turned to look for Luo Huai's figure, but there was only a gradually dissipating red mist around it, and there was no...

It suddenly froze, and then its eyes suddenly turned downward.

"Hey, you're full of responses." Luo Huai, who was in front of and below it at some point, made eye contact with it.

"!" In the past, mutants were scary, but this time, humans were scaring mutants.

It was too late to retract its tentacles, so it raised its thick legs in desperation, trying to crush the short thing.

But Luo Huai had already accumulated his strength to the peak when he squatted down. If the mutant dared to raise his feet and give up his balance advantage, he was looking for death!

Like a strong spring springing up, Luo Huai held his sword against the mutant and rushed towards the balcony with it. A jet in the form of a flame dragon appeared on his back. The red mist was instantly loaded into it, turning into a main thrust of flames. out.

boom! Wow…

A loud explosion suddenly erupted among the calm floors. Fragments of the wall and glass fell from the sky. Two figures, one large and one small, also fell from above and hit the ground hard.

Luo Huai not only did not slow down in the air, but also pushed downwards and stepped down, giving the mutant a boost. The mutant's solid body directly made a dent in the cement floor.

Luo Huai, on the other hand, relied on the reaction force to land steadily not far away.

However, as soon as his toes touched the ground, Luo Huai rushed up again. Ordinary people would not dare to fight the mutants in close combat, but he was not afraid at all.

The mutant was pushed out from the front, so it naturally landed on its back.

The back is the center for nerve signal transmission. This hit was a big shock to him, but the mutant's physical strength was not strong enough. After such a hit, he only stiffened slightly for a moment before getting up.

But the problem is that no matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as Luohuai.

It was lying on its back, and as soon as it raised its head, Luo Huai stomped on its face, almost crushing its lower jaw.

It raised its tentacles, trying to wrap around Luo Huai and throw him away.

But Luo Huai suddenly grasped the hilt of the rune sword with both hands and broke it with force. The rune sword burst out with a burst of light. Suddenly, the double-edged rune sword had turned into two single-edged rune knives.

With nimble fingers, the two rune knives turned around and became reverse-grip.

He opened his arms wide and stabbed the mutant's shoulder joint.


Just like cutting with a knife, the tip of the knife shattered the joints of the mutant. As expected, there was also a mechanical increase in strength, but Luo Huai was mentally prepared this time and used more force in advance.

Not to mention the relatively fragile joints, even the thigh bones can be chopped off by you.

"Roar!" The mutant has no pain, but the damage on the body will still be fed back to it.

The damage caused by this attack was extremely fatal, and it directly disabled its arms, which were its main means of attack and defense.

"It seems I've thought too much..."

It looks like there are reinforced mechanical parts implanted inside, but in fact it just enhances the strength of the bones.

Ready to end the fight.

Release the hilt of the sword, and don't worry about the mutants bursting out again. It has been firmly nailed to the ground. There is fusion blood on the tip of the knife that passes through the shoulder. As the tip of the knife enters the ground, it sticks to the ground.

With a casual move, the three spirit beads merged into a larger spirit bead more than ten meters above Luo Huai's head.

Energy gathered on the spirit bead, and it rotated faster and faster.

boom! As Luo Huai jumped away slightly, the spirit bead suddenly shot downwards, reaching its peak speed, directly hitting the bloody mouth of the mutant that opened after being released from the pressure.

Luo Huai, who was still in the air, put the fingers of his left hand against half of his face (center two), and opened his other hand to face the mutant, making a holding gesture.

[Space...collapses! 】

The moment the spirit bead came into contact with the mutant's teeth, it instantly shrank into an almost invisible dot and disappeared.

At this moment, the mutant's head was sucked away towards that point.

Putting aside the flesh and blood for now, all the teeth and bones were crushed at this moment, and immediately there was a rebound space expansion after the collapse, and the highly compressed material was thrown around by the opposite force.

Huh... Accompanied by the strange sound of space fluctuations, the mutant's head and neck exploded into a ball of blood.

"A bit cruel." Luo Huai thought as he looked at the incomplete body on the ground.

The spirit beads won't be able to appear around him for a while. He just tried a high-power space collapse, so the cooldown became very long.

Fortunately, the power is considerable.

Checking the backpack, um~ I dropped something. It was a medium-sized liquid energy storage tank. It was not full, only more than half of it was left.

It is very good to sell this kind of thing to the official or as assembly parts to some companies and individuals, and the price is considerable.

Step forward and prepare to draw the rune swords.

But at this moment, the remaining body of the mutant suddenly made a squirming sound, and something seemed to be moving under the surface.

Luo Huai immediately stopped and chose to recall the two rune swords.

The two swords flashed with light, flew up automatically, merged into one in the air, and returned to Luo Huai's hand.

And the mutant corpse over there finally showed new changes after losing its final confinement.

Wow! Something rapidly expanded inside the mutant's body, and finally... finally burst the skin.


This time it's really a tentacle.

Luo Huai's pupils shrank, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net muttered: "These guys from the Underground Church are really fast..."

The familiar tentacles reminded him of the thing attached to the omnic, and the aura was very close.

With the support of the tentacles, the mutant stood up again, but its upper body had been completely shattered and replaced by tentacles dancing wildly.

That indescribable but disgusting gesture has a great visual and spiritual impact.

"It seems that official activities in this world will be inevitable in the future."

Luo Huai looked calm and asked Alice to activate the recording function of the data insect nest.

This image needs to be transmitted to the official hands of both worlds as soon as possible.

Looking up at the sky, dusk is coming to an end and night is about to fall.

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