I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 794 Underground Church: It’s time to order a wave of technology

"Cross? Ray!"

However, the bullets fired from Li Ming's pistol are light bullets. They are faster than ordinary energy bullets, but less powerful. They will have a flash effect when they hit, temporarily blinding them.

What stands in front of the reserve team now is an ordinary zombie deer. Because it was hunted in the wild, the virus hidden in its body is rioting and is now raging everywhere.

When everyone came, they just received the mission notice and came over.

The zombie deer, which has no logic in its behavior and can basically only charge, is very suitable for training. Moreover, Luo Huai is here this time. According to the official records, this guy can output and heal. If he is injured, there will be no problem.

The zombie deer is about the same height as a jeep, not a very big one. After the special jeep charge training in the morning, Li Ming and Long Min showed no fear and volunteered.

Coupled with the interference of the flash bomb, the zombie deer was thrown around by them, and finally fell to the ground after being kicked in the head by Long Min.

Seeing this, Dagu raised his hand to purify it.

However, Luo Huai suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "Wait a minute, look."

Dagu suddenly became cautious.

"Why does it feel weird?" He soon realized something was wrong.

The zombie deer fell to the ground, its head deformed due to the heavy blow. Logically speaking, this would be enough for the zombie to lose its ability to move, but...

The zombie deer still has very subtle twitches. If you look closely, you will find that it seems to be suppressing its own movements.

"Is it from Qiantu Church?" Da Gu was experienced.

But there is one in Luohuai, and we just met him not long ago.

But if it is just the hands and feet of the Qianchu Church, then it will be purified after it is purified. The problem is...

He collected some flesh and blood from a zombie deer and said, "Little Alice, analyze this."

"Okay, Master."

Little Alice was asked to come because she was once the Red Queen, so she should know the most about biotechnology in the biochemical world, and she must still have relevant data.

This is what Luo Huai suspected.

There is more than just a simple virus infection in this zombie beast. Although it is only very slight, Luo Huai still noticed some small details during the battle just now - after being dodged by Li Ming and Long Min for several times, it not only adjusted After passing the charging angle, there were still signs of trying to escape from behind, but after a full beat, he turned around and ran into Long Min's kick.

This made it look like it just wanted to attack Long Min.

Zombie beasts are crazy and irrational, even if they are mutants. They simply want to spread the virus in their bodies and obtain the flesh and blood food needed for action.

Being able to control biological and chemical weapons... No one in the world currently has such mature technology.

If the official doesn't say it, it's even more impossible for those people in the underground church who talk about it all day long to figure it out on their own.

There are only umbrella companies in the biochemical world.

"Could it be that... they successfully obtained relevant technology? Or they obtained relevant instruments."

Luo Huai drew out his rune sword and cut off the zombie deer's legs with one strike. A bunch of tentacles leaked out, but he quickly retracted them.

The zombie deer finally stopped pretending, and suddenly limped up and ran away into the distance with weird but quick movements.

Upon seeing this, Dagu immediately threw out a halo, which just caught the zombie deer. It fell to the ground, the light rose, and a cage of light was formed.

The zombie deer hit the wall of light and was bounced back. Seeing that it was surrounded by light, the parasite in the zombie deer began to destroy the biological form of the deer itself and began to transform into a large group of rolling and crawling tentacles.

The evil energy within it is gathering.

"He's preparing to blow himself up!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Da Gu threw away his crutch and made a light attack.

This is not like in movies and TV shows, where he can use all the skills in giant form.

"Scared!" The bright white light spanned a distance of thirty meters and hit the parasitic species directly. The light filled its body, and the high energy and heat exploded it alive, exploding into scattered white light debris.

The fragments of the parasitic species were directly given [Light Build] by the powerful light energy before they had time to dissipate, and turned into light.

Black air could still be seen faintly dissipating around him.

Dagu put away his posture, picked up the crutches, and sighed: "What a pity, this place has to be contaminated by evil energy for the time being."

The rapidly spreading evil energy will make the energy in the air here unclean.

But Luo Huai raised his hand and threw out a transparent card. The card flew around in a circle, drawing all the evil energy into it, "That's good."

As he spoke, he summoned his belt and put the card in it.

Long Min looked at the Belt of Light, thoughtfully.

It seems that Li Ming didn't lie.

"Okay, okay, the problem is solved, let's assemble in line." He nodded to Luo Huai and called everyone to get on the bus.

"Luo Huai, you and I will sit in front now. I want to ask the teacher some questions."

When getting on the car, Li Ming suddenly said to Luo Huai.

"Okay." Luo Huai agreed readily.


"Did Li Ming originally do this? I remember he sat with Ling Zimu, didn't he?" he asked Long Min beside him.

"I changed places with Zimu before." Long Min explained without blushing.

But it was still very premeditated.

"What's the matter?" he asked simply.

"About your armor..."

Sure enough, refusing in the morning is of no use.

However, Long Min obviously saw Luo Huai's attitude, so he settled for the next best thing, "I would like to ask you about your experience in controlling armor."

She called you Luo Huai and asked with the mentality of seeking knowledge.

"Control the armor..." If you don't need to use your hands to demonstrate, that's fine.

"I think you can't control the armor because you can't control the huge energy of [Snake]."

"Yes." Long Min also believed that this was his greatest energy.

But Luo Huai pointed out, "But that is actually an illusion."

"Huh?" Long Min was surprised.

"If you don't believe it, you can try adjusting the energy intensity down."

"..." Long Min said nothing, silently playing with the totem in his hand.

She is trying to turn down the power, but this energy level is researched to find the best intensity for her.

If it were lowered any further, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net armor would not be enough to help her withstand the power coming from the [Snake].

She tried to increase the power, but she still couldn't maintain it long when entering the [Snake] form.

So she felt that she was not strong enough, even the armor couldn't carry her.

This idea was cultivated in her childhood due to the strong martial arts style in her family.

If you can't do it, it's often because you're not strong enough.

So she thought that if she practiced the initial form more, she might be able to master it, which was also the opinion of the teachers.

After hearing Long Min's understanding, Luo Huai looked like this, "No wonder, this is indeed not something ordinary people can notice."

"?" Long Min was waiting for him to tell the answer.

Who would have thought that Luo Huai was so secretive that he refused to say directly, "You'd better turn down the power and try it first." Remember the website address of this website, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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