I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 799 Worries before and after

Walking out of the house, it's night outside, the bonfire is raised, and the magic spotlight shines on the sky, alerting you to the attacks of demons at any time.

Ella seemed to be next door, and she happened to open the door.

She looked at Luo Huai up and down, "Are you back?"

"Uh... haven't I been back a long time ago?" Luo Huai pointed at Luo Xiaohuai, who had to act well in this scene.

But when Ella heard this, she rolled her eyes at him, "Don't try to deceive me with your puppet that has no trace of energy... although the details of the expression and movements are indeed very similar."

"Because that's part of who I am."

If Luo Huai is like me, he can even inject energy into Luo Xiaohuai's body so that he can fight, but there is still nothing he can do if the various equipment and so on are too far away.

For example, Luo Xiaohuai does not have the heart of the ocean on his chest, so Luo Xiaohuai's own energy storage limit is very limited, so it is better to go up and fight faster.

"Okay, I did sneak out." Luo Huai simply admitted that he had run away, and then pretended not to know and asked, "How have you been these two days?"

Ella is too lazy to care about these things. Luo Huai is the only peer here who can chat with her.

She replied: "It's been peaceful these two days, no hellfire attack... just..."

Speaking of this, she looked around cautiously.

"What's wrong?" Luo Huai was about to ask, when she pulled her into her room.

Let Luo Huai close the door, and then she took out a letter from the storage space.

"This is?"

"My brother sent it."

"Is he so empty?" Luo Huai thought that the front line must be very busy. The devil's offensive has been on a slowly rising trend.

"No, there is a new situation, and it is very important."

"Then you will show it to me?"

"My brother originally sent the letter just to find you." Ella was still very serious.

Luo Huai still didn't realize the problem... Why use paper envelopes when you can use magic to send messages?

This is to prevent magical communications from being leaked.

Opening the letter, Luo Huai took a few glances at it, and the meaning was probably...

"How's it going?" Because Elsas made it clear at the beginning of the letter that the following content was for Luo Huai, and the handwriting was shielded with holy light, so Ella didn't know the specific content, she only knew that something was going on.

"It's okay." Luo Huai put away the envelope and did not tell Ella. He just explained vaguely: "Your brother asked me to investigate something. I may really have to leave for a while."

This time, he directly explained his departure, so there was no need to keep Luo Xiaohuai.

"Okay, come back soon." For some reason, Ella felt a little empty when she saw that Luo Huai had just come back and was about to leave.

Alas, there is no one to chat with again.

Without further ado, Luo Huai, who didn't sleep at night, took advantage of the darkness and flew away.

"The matter is much more serious than what I said..." Luo Huai thought in the air as he looked at Ella who returned to the house.

He didn't tell Ella because it was for her own good, so as to save her from worrying and not being able to do anything at the same time.

The person Elsas asked him to investigate was none other than his father, the current king and leader of the alliance.

As for why... According to Elsass's letter, he discovered something was wrong during several tactical planning exchanges with his father in recent days.

Father, he has been busy deploying strategies these days, running around everywhere, and his spirit has been in a highly tense state. Not only because of the demon's attack, but also because he is the king and the leader of the alliance. He will never allow everything to be destroyed in his hands. .

Elsas discovered that his father had become more and more obsessed with victory and power recently.

This is not the father who is usually a bit stubborn but not lacking in stability.

But just two days ago, he vaguely felt that the holy light in his father's heart was getting weaker.

How can it be! The holy light in my father's heart has always been very strong.

What could possibly sway him?

The more Elsas thought about it, the more frightened he became. His current opponent was a devil with no means at all. He was afraid that something had bewitched his father.

He didn't know who to discuss this matter with. The only confidant around him was Daniel. After hearing his concerns, Daniel also revealed some anomalies he had noticed - in recent strategic layouts, the king's methods seemed to be More radical.

Daniel, who had fallen, was more aware of that wavering feeling, which seemed to be just the slight swing of the candle, but that was the precursor of the coming wind, which might be blown out at any time and wrapped in darkness.

After this exchange, Elsass became even more worried. This was the most tense moment of the war. If something went wrong with the leader, not only would the morale of the troops below be in chaos, but even the alliance would be shattered.

Recently, my father's radical arrangements have increased the number of injured, and many other races have also been injured. This is likely to lead to mutual suspicion among the allies, and will further lead to the collapse of the alliance.

At this time, if another demon secretly comes to help...the consequences will be disastrous.

However, Elsas and Daniel were unable to escape, and they lacked qualifications and had few trustworthy subordinates.

So in the end, both of them thought of a person who was independent of the situation.

Luo Huai, this mysterious dragon boy.

Magic communications on all fronts were managed by the king, and they finally decided to use magic carrier pigeons to secretly send letters.

This is probably what happened. Luo Huai needs to investigate the king's behavior secretly.

This is a mission that only top-level stalkers can receive.

In the game, it must be a pre-mission of a legendary mission.

In the night sky, Luo Huai turned into a black-purple light and headed towards the battle line.

The letter showed that the king was stationed at the western end of the northern front. The terrain outside the city wall here was not as flat as that of Elsass, and some peaks were higher than the city wall.

Therefore, demons rush to the city walls more frequently, and the battle situation becomes more stressful.

Not only do we have to deal with the war here, but we also have to make macro arrangements for the war in other places.

Even though there are so many people below to assist him, he still feels tired in his heart. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

When he was tired, he relaxed as much as possible, prayed to the Holy Light, and looked at himself.

But as the war got closer and closer, he didn't even have time to pray.

Demons were attacking everywhere, even when he came down from the city wall, he felt the demons roaring in his ears.

Not to mention that when sleeping, I often have to get up only after lying down for a few minutes. In the face of a huge number of demons, there are fewer and fewer troops to support from the rear. Mercenary groups can be recruited, but the strength of the mercenary groups varies greatly, making it difficult to deploy sick troops in important places.

What's even more troublesome is that some demonists have emerged in the inner city, and evil people who usually hide in the dark have begun to show up, trying to confuse others.

Sometimes foolish people are like this. The devil doesn't even find a way in to bewitch them, and they surrender themselves first.

But for some people, belief in the devil is just a cover, and they just want to take advantage of the chaos. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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