I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 818 Chaotic Spells

"Obviously no strong restraint was exerted."

The binding force in Luo Huai's palm is just a small energy pressure difference inherent in the energy boundary.

It was much less energy than he spent trying to control the runes.

But these runes, which cannot be precisely controlled, do not cross this fragile boundary at all.

"Fallen Titans tend toward chaos, but are not fundamentally out of order."

This is...disorder within order.

The flying rune is very strong, obviously stronger than the arcane rune. Although it is a little weaker than the Titan, Luo Huai judges that this is just because he has not fully mastered this rune yet.

But looking at the dancing runes, he not only doubted himself, could such runes really be mastered?

The freedom under this rule makes this rune more powerful, but the instability that comes with it is also its fatal flaw.

If the stability of the Titan Rune is from one to minus one, then the Chaos Rune is in a larger floating range.

In other words, if you use Chaos Rune to release a positive output spell, it is very likely that it will mutate into a negative spell, and this negative spell may also be applied to yourself.

Uh... is that you the director (Yog-Saron)?

Maybe the Fallen Titan fell because of improper use before his fall.

Sigh... I won't end up memorizing a bunch of useless stuff, right?

Powerful power is always so attractive, not to mention that this power is not evil, it is just like a dangerous sword that requires better control.

Just like the awkward pronunciation, it is difficult to master.

But after mastering it...hehe.

If you don’t want to come, practice your voice.

Since these chaotic runes would not fly out of his palm, he could practice with confidence.

Practice and observe.

"Continuous reorganization, constant dispersion."

After careful observation, he found that the chaotic runes were not simply flying around, but were constantly forming sequences and arrays, and then immediately dispersed. Sometimes three or four runes were combined into several small arrays, and sometimes they were There are dozens and dozens of them lined up together.

Moreover, the runes at the core of each array are different, which is related to the sound uttered in Luo Huai's mouth.

“So pronunciation is used for retrieval?”

Each rune array is a result. These results are like various stored information in the information library. Chaotic runes are constantly combined and separated to display this information, and the pronunciation will increase the retrieval strength of a certain rune, thus making Random arrays have a greater random chance of having related arrays.

That is to say...

"If you want to use chaos runes to cast spells, you have to understand the search rules in this huge information database, chant the corresponding syllables, and then reduce the number of randomly appearing spell arrays as much as possible, and finally, when the spell array you want appears, Instantly, activate the spell array before it dissipates."

Ah this...

After a wave of speculation, Luo Huai himself was a bit autistic, and the conditions were too harsh.

Syllables are difficult to pronounce, and he can barely match the tones of the syllables with the runes, but he still doesn't know anything about the various rules between the runes and the syllables.

Not to mention that there are many cases where the pronunciation and runes in the whispers do not match. He speculated that it was a composite sound formed by multiple single sounds pronounced at the same time. These composite sounds were divided into several characters when they were recorded. .

With compound sounds, unknown grammar, and many possible combinations, you can imagine how difficult it is to figure out the rules.

Furthermore, it is necessary to seize the moment when the spell array is combined to activate the spell.

Although this activation is much smaller than other spell factions, the timing is much more difficult to control.

Moreover, it is difficult to predict the spell array that will appear, because even if all the prerequisites are met, there may be several spell arrays that will appear. These spells may have similar effects, but there will be some deviation.

To get a completely satisfying spell means catching the moment in the flash of these spells and activating them.

Hiss...the more I think about it, the more my tooth hurts.

Moreover, since the spell array has not been activated, it is still unknown what effect it will have, which means that you have to take risks to experiment and find the spell you want first.


After reasoning through it, Luo Huai almost had no impulse to use an eraser to erase the runes on the book.

Bah, what kind of ancient god's power is so crooked.

He suspected that the fallen titan fell because he played this kind of spellcasting method that was comparable to a hell-level audio game. After playing too much, his mentality exploded.

After all, corrupted people don't have to worry about accidental damage from spells. They can activate them casually and blow up anyone, so the villain has nothing to worry about.

"But if you can really master it."

Luo Huai really couldn't bear to let go.

You want to ask why? Just because of its low consumption and short cooldown, Titan was ruthlessly outmatched in both aspects.

What? No idea about this?

Let’s use a metaphor.

If the spell array of other factions is a machine, then if you want this machine to start working, you have to keep pressing the button (continuous activation, injecting energy), and then the machine has to start and go through a startup process ( (Forward shaking), it takes time before it can officially start working. Finally, when the work is completed, the parts (energy particles) must be cooled before they can be used again.

Although advanced magic construction can compress the above complex processes into a few seconds or even instantaneous, but no matter what, these processes still have to be experienced.

But Chaos Rune is different. UU reading www.uukanshhu. net

The spell array composed of it is like a machine that is constantly changing its form. It is very simple to activate it. Just press the button (activate). You don’t need to keep pressing it. You only need to press it quickly and it will activate in a nearly It functions as the current form at an instantaneous speed, and then dissipates quickly.

And when the desired spell array is randomly found next time, all you need to do is press it quickly, and there is no need to think about cooling down at all.

"It's so scary..."

As for the strength of the spells released by the chaos runes, it is based on the length of the random spell array. The longer the spell array, the more unstable it is and the shorter the duration. Naturally, it is harder to seize the opportunity to activate it, and the difficulty increases accordingly. high.

Furthermore, the release speed of the long array after activation will be slightly longer than that of the short array, because although the long spell array is unstable due to the large number of chaotic runes, the moment the energy is injected, it will become more orderly, just like adhesive. Like scattered bricks, the spell array dissipates more slowly, which increases the spell strength but also increases the forward swing time. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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