I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 849 Lunch Interlude

"So, you found Wolverine just to find that base?"

"Yes, I wanted to build a unique gun."

"Used to forge weapons, for what purpose?" Professor X has always advocated peace.

"Collection?" Luo Huai said casually.

"It doesn't seem to be the case." Even without mind reading, Professor

What's more, Luo Huai didn't hide it at all.

"Maybe I just want to become stronger so that I can protect something." Luo Huai added.

"Yes." Professor X nodded in agreement, not knowing how much he understood.

"Maybe I can help you." He suddenly said, "I have been in contact with Wolverine's memory in the early years. Maybe I can provide you with some data... Wolverine told me about your plan, and he only allowed me to Help him in this way."

Well, it seems that Professor X’s purpose is still to help his old friend.

There was also a lot of helplessness on the old man's face.

"Adelman metal is very precious, don't you mind if I take it away?" Luo Huai understands that Wolverine doesn't care about this kind of thing, but Professor That's right.

But now he has no intention.

"The more precious something is, the more trouble it will cause, and the trouble it will cause will always exceed its value. In that case, it is safer to keep it than to leave it in the hands of someone like you."

"But I'm not necessarily safe either." Luo Huai felt that Professor X's decision was too hasty.

"Haha... It's better for young people to trust the intuition of old people." Professor X just joked, but didn't explain much.

After that, one old man and one young man began to draw a map.

Luo Huai's plan is easy to understand for Professor

"Your brain is very developed." But Professor X still praised him.

Compared with others, Luo Huai's brain was already very strong, and Professor X even wanted to ask him to be his assistant for a moment.

The strength of his brain allows him to always be far ahead of others mentally. This is an advantage, but it is also a kind of loneliness.

This kind of discussion where the thinking speed is almost the same is like finally meeting someone who can keep up with your own speed. It is a companion-like feeling.

"Compared with you, Professor, I'm still far behind." Luo Huai was not being modest. He had just burned not only his own brain, but also the brains of two Luo Xiaohuai from the Maikui World.

After the two people made unremitting deductions, an action path map gradually appeared on the paper.

"This way, it should be confirmed."

"I didn't expect it to be so fast." Luo Huai put down his pen and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He put the paper away and stood up to find Wolverine.

But the professor stopped him and said: "How about giving my old friend a day's rest? I would like to persuade him to stay here by the way."

"Of course. My original plan was to wait for the results of the Slender-clawed Wolf investigation. GL Huai was quite happy. It happened to be that I could wander around this strange college. It was also my dream of watching a movie that came true.

The Mutant University occupies a large area. After all, capable naughty children must also be very destructive. The space is too small for them to fight.

But even for this reason, the size here is still large compared to other places.

"Hey~ be careful when you walk!"

"Sorry, I'm new here and not very familiar with it."

There are always some collisions at the entrance of the cafeteria where students come and go intensively.

But some collisions can lead to bigger conflicts, like this one.

The person who was hit had a cigarette in his mouth and looked very grumpy.

But in fact, the boy who met him was very thin and had no strength at all.

On the other hand, he was muscular, and there seemed to be hard bumps scattered on his arms.

There was a faint dark red color tumbling in his mouth while holding the cigarette, as if he was about to spit out fire.

Because of this, he was called "Evil Dragon" in the academy. The word "evil" was added because the side effects of his ability made him unable to control his emotions. Although he himself was not a good-tempered person, he was A frequent visitor to the psychology classroom.

But he himself quite likes this nickname, because his ability codename is "Dragon", which is a symbol of strength.

I heard that the ability appraisal department speculated that his ability would be able to breathe fire or even fly in the later stages.

This made him even more swollen, making him less able to control his emotions. Maybe there was an element of wanting to show off.

Now, his temper was rising again, but it wasn't really anger.

He and a few followers stopped the skinny freshman. People around him saw that this guy was about to show off his abilities again.

Every time he stops someone, his embarrassment method is basically to ask the other person to show off their abilities, but most students' abilities have little combat effectiveness, and they will always be overshadowed and embarrassed when put next to their "dragon" abilities.

It is true that abilities have their own uses, but who makes young and energetic young people advocate simple and crude power?

Many people even regard this as an entertainment activity.

But for shy people, the looks from the people around them are simply torture.

"I...I don't have much ability." Wenwen, a freshman wearing big glasses, said weakly.

But the other party would not let him go because of this.

"Hey! Don't say that. Who doesn't have the skills here? Showing it to everyone will help everyone understand you better."

He was laughing and joking, but it didn't sound like he was looking for trouble. He probably sounded like a new student, so he was more curious.

After all, mutant abilities are like this. It's like opening a blind box. The reason why Wolverine's world view is attractive is because of this.

"No...I really don't have anything. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net" But the freshmen obviously don't want to "be in the limelight".

The crowd was flowing, and they were not conspicuous in the crowd, and the patrol teacher could not notice them immediately.

But at this moment, a boy with pale hair walked over from the side and stopped in front of the new student.

He was a head shorter than the dragon, but he was not afraid at all.

"You were called by the teacher just last week, are you ready to cause trouble now?"

"Oh... please, I'm not making things difficult this time, I'm just curious." The evil dragon unexpectedly contradicted the student council members as usual, especially since the two people with frost abilities had one cold and one hot, and they couldn't keep watching. deal with.

When the freshman saw that someone was finally standing up for him, he quickly hid behind that person.

When the evil dragon saw it, he felt bored and left.

Luo Huai stood in the corner of the crowd, saw that the matter was over, and left. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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