That night, Luo Huai slipped from the fantasy world to the Starry Sky Library, and then discovered that his authority was high enough to allow him to enter directly for free.

So he found a script with relevant background and went in.

"The folk customs are really simple..."

Five minutes have passed since he entered this world.

A whole five minutes! He didn't see any explosions, robberies, that reasonable? Of course it's reasonable.

But where is this place? Gotham! This is instantly unreasonable.

Could it be that the folk customs are really simple and honest? Luo Huai walked on the street with anticipation.

He didn't look carefully at the collection of scripts he picked. It seemed to be a collection of a series.

So I don’t know exactly which plot point it is at.

I don’t know when he started to receive a lot of tasks after entering the dungeon. The fantasy world seemed too lazy to pretend to be a game in front of him.

Maybe it's because he can just grab something? Like other players, even if they get something in the dungeon, they may not be able to get it at the end of the mission.

As for Luo Huai, not only can he take it directly, but he can also get an additional supply at the end of the mission.

I seriously doubt that Copy Will canceled his mission to save money.

But that's fine, it saves me from having to worry about it.

The only side effect is probably that he doesn't have a mission identity arranged by the dungeon, so he has to lie on his own.

After thinking for a while, he took out a satchel, then hung a camera around his neck, and finally put on elegant glasses.

A photographer, Luo Huai, packed it like this.

Then...he saw a van start up on the street.

"..." Luo Huai was a little confused. Is this coming towards him?

Looking up at the sky, it's still broad daylight.

"Okay, maybe this is what suits the taste." Luo Huai shook his head, picked up his satchel, and stretched it towards the street.

Good guy, this has been fooled by the robbers. Are you so proactive?

It can't be fishing law enforcement.

But the problem is that the other party is so proactive in cooperating, and the door on his side is half open. Wouldn't it be impolite to not take action?

Well, out of good intentions to live up to the other party's good intentions, the robber finally decided to steal it.

Ah~ how considerate of each other, this is indeed a place with simple folk customs.

Then Luo Huai dragged the robber down together.

"..." The robber almost fell, but was kindly supported by Luo Huai.

It’s over, it’s really fishing law enforcement.

"Don't be nervous." Luo Huai smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Such a friendly look gave the robber a glimmer of hope, but unfortunately, Luo Huai changed hands and handed him over to a passing patrolman.


big liar.

Luo Huai, who continued walking on the street, couldn't help but realize that it turned out that the people were not simple and honest just now, it was just because there were no valuable items.

Forget it, now we still have to find a way to get information and figure out when the time is right.

It would be a good idea to take a look around the city, buy a few newspapers and take a look at any major events.

"Why are there so many collapsed buildings? Did some war just end?"

Walking through the street, I realized that it was not as peaceful as it seemed on the other side.

Many temporary shelters were erected in the surrounding open spaces.

What's even more terrifying is that a tall building was broken in half, half of it overturned, and collapsed to the ground.

It was obviously a serious disaster.

As for the disaster, you can tell by reading the newspapers.

The fight between Superman and several other "Supermen" destroyed nearly half of the city center.

The order in the city was greatly disrupted, criminals became more and more rampant during this period, and the already scarce police force in the city became increasingly tense.

"Well...that seems to come at the right time."

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. Maybe it feels good to watch the fight from the perspective of Superman, but from the perspective of ordinary people, it is a disaster that will destroy the world.

The chaos caused by criminals is rampant, causing Batman and other criminal-fighters to become exhausted mentally and physically.

If this is correct, then Batman should be ready to fuck Superman at this time.

But no matter how rich Batman is and how well-trained he is, he can't suppress Superman with his equipment.

If Superman hadn't stopped at the beginning, the plot might not have progressed.

But what Batman is best at is finding the enemy's weaknesses and then formulating a perfect response strategy.

He finally discovered Superman's weakness, and got a piece of kryptonite to make a short gun, which successfully weakened Superman. After that, the two seemed to be on par, but no one knew which side released the water. After all, although kryptonite is very powerful against Superman Beings with superpowers like Superman have very strong restraint, but their own radiation is also very dangerous to ordinary people.

Batman has been holding it, no matter how good the sealing device is, he has to release it when dealing with Superman, and he will definitely not be able to escape.

In short, Luo Huai is now trying to figure out how to get the kryptonite.

The kryptonite was very suitable to his taste in terms of size. The proportion of active substances in the entire transformer would be relatively small, so a small one would be enough.

But to be honest, Superman's combat power is outrageous. Whether it is attack, defense or speed, he is the top match in the world view of this series.

Luo Huai honestly thought that he probably couldn't defeat him, and teleportation was not very useful. After all, he could even keep up with the Flash's movements, so there was no possibility of him being backstabbed by teleportation with his reflexes.

If this kind of existence were to become a villain, there would be no need to play. At least there is no possibility for him now.

But it’s not good to hug Superman’s thigh directly. The relationship between the two parties is now tense. No matter which side you stand on, you will offend the other side. Batman’s status in this world is like Tony’s teacher in Avengers. If nothing else, one thing is certain. The same thing, that is, having money.

Hmm... In the end, I'll stick with Batman. After all, someone else got the kryptonite. If it doesn't work, he might as well dig out two of them himself if he knows where to get it.

So the only question now is...where to find Batman.

Batman's other identity is the big boss. UU Reading is not easy to see. You still have to meet him when he is Batman.

But he usually punishes rape and eliminates evil at night.

Unless there is a lot of movement during the day, such as...

bong! Not far away, flames broke out.

"What a coincidence." Luo Huai glanced at no one around him and dodged directly.

In the distance, a Batmobile is speeding towards him to meet his old rival...the Joker.

But there seems to be more than one clown in this world.

Luo Huai jumped to a higher place and found that this was a group crime, with several criminals wearing clown masks on their faces.

"Is it possible that the clown is too famous and then someone imitates him?"

In a dark city, this is not impossible. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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