"If the giant fungus beast and the giant tree fall from above together, it will stir up a large cloud of dust, which will at least interfere with the line of sight for several kilometers around."

"Continue to increase the firepower, and change the burning target to giant trees, as well as the root system connecting the three giant trees."

Although some limbs of the giant fungus beast have been stretched out from the giant tree, its slow movements indicate that it is still in a semi-awake state.

It takes a lot of effort for a butterfly to break out of its cocoon, and it also takes a lot of effort for a giant fungus to crawl out of a dead tree trunk with entangled roots. If the roots can be cut off in time, it can be stillborn.

Moreover, it seems that the external structure of the giant fungus beast is the same as the second form of the small fungus beast and does not release spores. This is why it dares to burn trees with fire. At least in this way, the rising heat caused by the flames will not cause the spores to scatter.

After this wave, it really worked.

The flames burned away many tree roots, and the energy of the other two giant trees was stuck halfway through. If they wanted to absorb it again, the giant fungus beast would have to climb out to absorb it.

But the problem is that it can't crawl out now.

Seeing that the giant fungus beast was about to be trapped and die in the giant tree, the captain was ready to arrange to put out the fire.

But at this moment, the giant fungus beast suddenly made new movements.

The giant fungus beast's extended limbs suddenly dissolved and dripped onto the trunk of the giant tree.

The withered tree trunk seemed to have regained its vitality and began to change its shape.

The dense branches on the tree crown continued to wither, but some of the branches were twisted together and turned into limbs.

The intelligence of the giant fungus beast is so terrifying that it actually turned the giant tree into its own armor, and some of the branches and leaves remaining on the top can absorb light energy to continuously provide it with energy.

"Captain, do you want to launch a missile attack?"

"Try firing one first." Because it is a monster that absorbs energy, the captain still needs to be careful.

Facts have proved that it was right to be cautious, because the ammunition did not explode when it hit the giant fungus beast. The layer of bacterial tissue attached to the tree shell directly stuck to the ammunition and swallowed it up.

Not only that, the giant fungus beast became a little more energetic after devouring the ammunition.

"This is really troublesome." The captain's face suddenly turned ugly. She turned around and asked Peter, "How about the potion?"

But Peter was also in trouble. For such a big monster, the dosage required was staggering. Unless it was produced in a factory, ten days and a half would not be enough. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." The captain acted decisively and without any ambiguity.

At this time, Li Ming, who was standing aside, received a private message.

"This time, you have to try to be on your own."

"Teacher..." Li Ming turned off the communication device, tightened the wall in his hand, glanced at the monster on the monitoring screen, turned around and ran out.

"Li Ming, where are you going?" Outside, the rest of the reserve team arrived and saw Li Ming leaving the tent and running towards the forest that was still filled with flames. Zimu shouted anxiously.

But Li Ming is full of pressure now. He is about to usher in his first complete transformation in the mortal world. Although the task given to him by the teacher is just to delay the monster, the size of the giant fungus beast itself has its own limitations for people. Great pressure.

Anyway, it's his turn.

Pull the trigger and the light rises.

A new figure of light officially stood in front of everyone, facing the demon-like enemy in the flames above their heads.

‘Huh…calm down. ’ Li Ming made a movement to sink his energy into his Dantian, stabilize his own energy, and focus the light on his limbs.

Facing different enemies, the Warrior of Light also has to change his fighting style.

Li Ming had just heard about the characteristics of the giant fungus beast from the captain. He could not use energy attacks rashly. Unless it was a decisive moment, he had better maintain physical combat with the fungus beast.

But the fists and kicks filled with light are no less powerful than explosions.

Li Ming jumped up and lifted one foot onto the teaching building under the giant tree.

Anyway, this building will collapse sooner or later, so it is better to kick it down now, so that the giant fungus beast can collapse little by little with the building, and avoid turning over and throwing up a cloud of ash.

As a result, the giant fungus beast was caught off guard and fell over.

Li Ming stood in front of this monster, still a head shorter, probably because of the height of the giant tree.

Facing this guy who suddenly appeared in front of him and made him fall on his butt, the fungus beast attacked without hesitation.

The huge fist, wrapped in bacteria, was bigger than a giant's punch. Li Ming immediately dodged. He knew that his strength was not his strong point, and the best way was to hide whenever he could.

But the fungus beast was not stupid either. Seeing that a few punches were of no use, he wanted to push Li Ming away and walk towards the city, but how could Li Ming agree and continue to block it.

With a flying kick, the inertia of the whole body made up for the power gap.

However, although the giant fungus beast fused with the giant tree, it moved slowly, but its stability increased linearly. Li Ming kicked it like it was on a mountain, and it shook slightly.

Moreover, his feet were stuck to the fungus, and a pulling force came, pulling Li Ming into the fungus beast.

"What does that guy want to do? Does it want to eat the giant?" Everyone said in shock.

"I'm going to help." Peter looked at it, turned around, took some potion he had just made, and ran out.

Whoosh! A strand of spider silk stuck to Li Ming's shoulder, and Peter pulled hard and shook it up.

"Hey, let me help you add some ingredients." Peter smashed open the container with his backhand and threw it into the "mouth" of the giant fungus beast devouring the giant.

‘vomit~~~’ The fungus beast suddenly seemed to be nauseated and vomited Li Ming out again.

This foot tastes a bit strong.

Li Ming: "..."

"Don't be depressed, it's just that guy who thinks so." Peter comforted him, then threw the other intact potion jar to Li Ming and ran away.

He couldn't stand a fight of this size.

The semi-energized Li Ming placed the potion jar in the energy space on his chest. UU read www.uukanshu.net

The giant fungus beast was obviously more afraid of Li Ming now.

In addition, it has no desire to fight in the first place. Its goal is to devour the life force. This is its goal, but the radiant guy in front of him stops him, kicking and pushing him.

As Li Ming punched and kicked, the tree shell on the fungus's body became increasingly unstable, and the fungus gradually could no longer rely on it for support.

In other words, the cocoon of the fungus beast is about to be kicked to pieces.

Li Ming had no choice but to attack if he wanted to stop the fungus beast.

However, the surrounding forest has been burned to ashes, so it might be good to let the giant fungus beast come out to speed up its energy consumption.

So, with the next punch, the shell of the giant tree finally shattered.

Roar! The fuzzy and ferocious face of the giant fungus beast was finally revealed, and its movements suddenly became much smoother. It pounced on Li Ming without hesitation.

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