I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 98 When his female partner said he had lost weight...

The wide bat wings swept away the clouds and mist, and the powerful force drove the demonized city lord towards the base.

He had just assassinated and attacked a team in the mountains, and suddenly received a magical distress signal from the base.

It is a twin magic item. As long as one of them changes, the other will feedback simultaneously.

"An enemy attack from the undead? And there's only one?"

The city lord's first reaction was disbelief, but the message sent by the priest was specially marked in purple.

"Purple? Epic!?"

Borrowing the ratings from the fantasy world, each organization set the ratings of various situations with the same names.

An undead, but the situation rating has reached an epic level, which only expresses one meaning.

That undead is epic!

"Is it a new variable that appeared after the copy was updated?"

Epic-level monsters are too rare, and there are almost no natural ones. Many of them are golden rare-level monsters that make temporary breakthroughs in desperate situations.

Without thinking any more, the city lord continued on his way.

Demon base.

All the improvised warriors rose up to resist.

Yes, their actions were no longer a siege or a confrontation, but a desperate resistance under the frenzied bombardment of the mutant skeletons.

The point is, it's useless if there are many of them. The only consequence is that they will collectively lose their lives.

After the mutant skeleton was promoted to epic, all aspects of its qualities have undergone a qualitative leap. It no longer needs to cower in its small hole, but can jump out unscrupulously.

There are only three arrows in one bow, which are fired in three directions, directly killing the demonized soldiers on the city wall who want to attack it.

Even if there are still magic attacks flying out, the attacks under the parabolic trajectory are as fast as Luo Huai in its eyes, and it can easily blast these moving targets with a casual aim.

It has evolved from a simple surface-to-air unit into a surface-to-air interceptor unit.

Rushing towards the open city gate at high speed, the mutated skeleton was invincible.

The devil's racial talent for fighting is given to the tireless undead, which is simply a magical combination.

"Sister Yu, let's go!" Ye Feng listened to the commotion outside for a while and decided to give it a try.

"But we can't get out, the door is locked..." Sister Yu said mid-sentence...Boom.

An arrow fired randomly by the mutated skeleton happened to be inserted not far from the small stone house, and the shock wave of the explosion overthrew the stone wall.

Only two people seemed to have survived.

Sister Yu: "..."

"Let's go!" Ye Feng got up decisively, took Sister Yu's hand and got out.

There were several corpses lying beside the collapsed stone wall. The soldiers guarding the prisoners stayed at their posts and ate well, but they were killed by an arrow from a mutated skeleton a few streets away.

The city was filled with squads of mobilized soldiers. When the mutated skeletons ran across the central square, they were ambushed from all sides and fell into a 360-degree encirclement with no blind spots.

But even so, the mutated skeleton was still able to resist the enemies. At that moment, it seemed to have inherited Luo Huai's aura as the protagonist.

Wow! The overwhelming magic rain and rain of arrows came towards it from all directions. It jumped up and stepped onto the high platform in the center of the square.

The attacks all landed underground on the high platform, and the mutated skeleton reached the top of the high platform in a few climbs. Then the fire started and it entered the maximum power attack state.

Although its current position is exposed to the range of all enemies, all enemies are also exposed to its range.

As the body values ​​continue to accumulate and rise, the mutated skeleton no longer relies on moving positions to avoid attacks, but instead relies on flexible movement.

The "really skinny" figure makes it unselectable.

Ye Feng pulled Sister Yu to avoid the soldiers who were running by. Fortunately, all the demonized people in the city were paying attention to the mutated skeletons, and the guard was dead, so they managed to escape near the city gate smoothly.

"No." But just as he crossed the city gate, Ye Feng suddenly braked hard, and Sister Yu behind him bumped into his back.

"Little crazy, what's wrong?"

"We don't have mobile vehicles, and we don't have the physical strength to run across such a large wasteland."

"Yeah..." Sister Yu frowned and thought, "I remember that the demons locked our equipment in a room... nearby!"

She never imagined that her random and unintentional act would unexpectedly play a huge role at this time.

"It's just..." Sister Yu looked around at the mess around her, "I don't know if anyone survived."

"Whether there is or not, you have to try your luck. I remember that my flying skateboard has an anti-explosion design."

Ye Feng and Sister Yu swapped positions, letting her lead the way.

Sister Yu followed her memory and came to a semi-underground house.

Sister Yu tried to push the door, and the door panel came. She said in surprise: "The door is open."

"Hurry in!" Ye Feng suddenly pushed her in from behind, followed closely behind, and then closed the door with his backhand.

"Someone passed by," he explained, looking outside through the crack in the door.

A group of demonized soldiers hurriedly ran by, and the team facing the perverted undead on the front line knelt down again. Their troops could hardly be dispatched.

"It's really scary... What exactly broke into the city? Did the city lord rebel?"

As Ye Kuang ran across a street, he vaguely spotted the demonic flames flying on a high platform in the distance.

That's why he thought so, but it might also be a sacrifice. UU read www.uukanshu.net

In public perception, the [Sacrifice] class can always summon some beings far beyond one's own level through various strange rituals and sacrifices.

Of course, whether it can be controlled is another matter.

"Little Crazy! I found your flying board." Sister Yu rummaged through a pile of debris and found Ye Crazy's flying board, and held it over as if taking credit for it.

"We're saved now." Ye Kuang's eyes lit up and he took the flying board with one hand.

The moment he touched the skateboard, the flying board started automatically and lit up with a blue light.

Letting go of his hand, the flyboard was suspended at knee height. When he jumped on it, the flyboard only sank slightly and stabilized his balance.

"Sister Yu, come up!" Ye Feng took Sister Yu's hand and pulled her onto the flying board. While pulling him, he asked: "By the way, did you lose weight last time when I asked you to lose weight? The flying board's endurance... …”

Sister Yu's face was still slightly red when she took Ye Feng's hand, but when she heard this question, her face suddenly became stiff.

She said guiltily: "I've lost... I've lost a lot of pounds!"

"That's good."

Ye Kuang heard this and pulled Sister Yu up with relief, but...


There was an overwhelming sound from the flying board under my feet, and it slowly landed on the ground.

Flyboard, can't get up again.



The two of them looked down at the flying board with the engine turned off, thinking about how to break the awkward atmosphere.

Suddenly, Ye Manang raised his head and stared directly at Sister Yu.

Sister Yu's face turned red with embarrassment, and she turned her head to avoid his sight, but she couldn't avoid it, so she had to squat down and cover her face, just like she was shy back then, but this time she really wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground. inside.

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