After the housekeeper encrypted the information of Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue, he looked at the video that was very popular.

The popularity of Leng Qingxue's marriage proposal video remained high, mainly because the two people were handsome and beautiful, which was too eye-catching.

But this is also normal. The two people are indeed very beautiful, even higher than some stars.

It would be strange if it was not so popular.

But those people actually wanted to check the information of the master! ?

The housekeeper absolutely could not tolerate this!

Although a super-secret firewall was set up, the technology of this world could not crack the firewall set by the housekeeper in a thousand years.

But the housekeeper felt that it was not enough.

She looked at the video that was very popular, then closed her mechanical eyes, prepared to enter the world network, and quietly deleted the video.

Just as the housekeeper easily entered the world network and was about to delete the video.

She paused.

Perhaps, the master should be asked for his opinion on this matter, instead of her making her own decision.

Maybe the master has other opinions?

And this video has been deleted. It is so popular that the next video will pop up again.

You can't delete it all.

Then, the little housekeeper's eyes became firm.

Well, let the master decide! The master said to delete it again.

So, the little housekeeper stood beside Lin Yu's face, quietly waiting for Lin Yu to wake up.


Ten minutes later.

Seven o'clock in the morning.

The sleeping Lin Yu's eyelids moved slightly, and then opened his hazy eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked at the sleeping piglet Xuexue in his arms.

Finding that Xuexue was still sleeping, he pinched Xuexue's little face with a smile, and then tucked her in.

Xuexue was still murmured: "Xiaoyuer, don't run around!"


Lin Yu couldn't help laughing, Xuexue is really a little pig.

He turned his head and found the housekeeper standing beside him, so he greeted him.

"Good morning, housekeeper."

"Good morning! Master!"

The housekeeper jumped onto Lin Yu's shoulder, and then he said directly.

"Master! Something big has happened!"

Instantly, Leng Qingxue opened her sleeping eyes and looked at Lin Yu.


"Xiao Yu'er! What happened! ?"

Lin Yu himself was confused, "Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ"

"I'm not here, Xuexue."

What big thing could there be for him now?

With the system, everything is not a big deal.

Are you right, system?

[Host, please don't brag about the system]

Lin Yu: "Zhao! I finally got my heart moved once!"

"We are not qualified to take our relationship further~"


Lin Yu looked at the housekeeper: "Housekeeper, don't worry, tell me slowly."

So, the housekeeper told about the video of Leng Qingxue and Lin Yu proposing, which went viral on the Internet.

She also told about the firewall she set up for Lin Yu.

Hearing this, Lin Yu scratched the housekeeper's head with satisfaction: "Great! Housekeeper!"

The housekeeper was even happier to hear Lin Yu's praise.


She raised her mechanical finger and pointed at the wall, and then the housekeeper's mechanical finger "hummed!" A small lens popped out.

The small lens emitted light and projected a holographic projection on the wall.

The holographic projection showed the video of Leng Qingxue proposing to Lin Yu, and there were many comments and messages from people on it.

The most popular thing was to see what Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue were called.

Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue looked at the video projection, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

This matter seems to be a bit big.

They don't really want to be famous on the Internet.

They just want to live a quiet life.

If they wanted, they would have millions of fans based on their looks.

In this situation, it is not ruled out that someone deliberately posted the video.

However, things have come to this point, and they can only think of a good solution.

Lin Yu looked at the video and comments and fell into deep thought.

Do these people want his contact information so much? Isn't he just a little more handsome, a little taller, and a little richer.

There is nothing else, right?

What's more outrageous is that this group of people also covet his Xuexue! ?Lin Yu couldn't stand this.


It's fine if you want his contact information, but you also want to covet my Xuexue. This is not okay!

Leng Qingxue looked at Lin Yu lost in thought, stretched out her little hand, hugged Lin Yu, and then arched her little head in Lin Yu's arms.

"Xiao Yu'er, don't worry too much, I can help you with anything."

Hearing this, Lin Yu pinched Xuexue's little nose with a smile.

"Xuexue, what's there to worry about? It's like a big deal."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

The little housekeeper on the side suddenly said: "Master, how about we delete the video?"

"Master, I can delete the video in an instant with an order from the master."

Lin Yu heard this and fell into thought.

Did you delete the video? Lin Yu also thought about it. With the ability of the housekeeper, she could delete the video directly without keeping it for a second.

But after deleting a video, will another video pop up?

Wouldn't it be troublesome to keep deleting like this?

It's better to drain than to block.

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