Outside the Lin family villa.

The little housekeeper jumped off the roof of a car passing by the villa.

The little housekeeper jumped to the gate of the villa and pressed the doorbell.

As a super artificial intelligence, the little housekeeper can actually directly invade the system of the villa gate, and then open the gate with a "click" in one second.

The reason why the gate was not opened in this way is of course because this is Lin Yu's home.

This is the master's home. The little housekeeper thinks that he should maintain respect and cannot open the gate without telling Lin Yu.

If Lin Yu knew what the little housekeeper thought, he would definitely find it funny.

In fact, there is no need to do this. The little housekeeper is considered a member of his family. If he wants to come in, he can come in. Why wait for someone to open the door?

Then, after the doorbell rang.

Lin Yu ran over to open the door: "Who is it?"

He didn't even know who was ringing the doorbell.

Lin Yu walked over and opened the door, and saw the little housekeeper standing at the gate.

The housekeeper said directly: "Master! My mission is completed!"

"The proposal scene has been saved."

Lin Yu heard this and smiled and praised: "You are awesome, housekeeper."

"Why didn't you come in directly when you came back, and you rang the doorbell?"

Lin Yu knew that with the ability of the housekeeper, there was almost no door that could stop him.

The housekeeper jumped and landed on Lin Yu's shoulder: "Master, this is your home, I have to respect it."

"You must ring the doorbell."

Lin Yu heard this and understood the housekeeper's meaning a little.

He said directly: "Housekeeper, you don't need to ring the doorbell when you come back in the future, just come in directly."

"Copy the key to the house and open the door in the future."

"Okay, Master!"



Then, Lin Yu and the housekeeper returned to the living room together.

Leng Qingxue took a look and grabbed the housekeeper in her hand and scratched the housekeeper's little head.

"Butler, thank you for making a diamond ring for me."


The butler turned his head away proudly, "Hmph! Don't think too much!"

"I didn't do it for you at all."

"Since you don't have a decent ring, I just made one."

Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue were a little amused when they heard this.

Lin Yu said, "Butler, go save the proposal scene to the computer."


The butler did a backflip and fell from Lin Yu's shoulder to the ground.

Then he ran to Lin Yu's room at the speed of light, connected to Lin Yu's computer, and copied the proposal scene recorded today to the computer.

Then, as soon as the butler connected the computer and saved the proposal scene, he received a huge amount of information.

It was Lin Yu's proposal scene, which had become the first on Weibo's hot list, with comments below.

The housekeeper ran back to the living room: "Master, Weibo is commenting on you."

When Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue heard this, they opened Weibo at the speed of light and logged into their own Weibo accounts of 'Xiao Yu and Xue Xue'.

Leng Qingxue clicked on the first hot list and looked directly at the comment area.

"Fuck! It's Lin Yu again. Miss Xue Xue proposed to him last time."

"This time, he proposed to Miss Xue Xue in such a big way."

"Fuck! Is this the point? This is not the point, okay!"

"The point is the century diamond ring, a diamond bigger than a pigeon egg, I'm dumbfounded."

"Wow! What a beautiful diamond ring! Love it!"

"Oh my god, this diamond is too outrageous."

"Can someone who knows the business tell me, this diamond must be worth millions, right?"

"The above person is really bold, this diamond is at least tens of millions."

"All Open it, it's from my jewelry store. The cutting process and clarity of this diamond are so good that you can't buy it without hundreds of millions."

Everyone gasped in a moment: "Hiss...................................................."

"It's so scary!"

"Lin Yu is too good. The heart design of this diamond ring is so beautiful. There is a circle of small diamonds around it."

"Master, this is a master."

So far, Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue still think it's normal to look at the comment area.

Until the comments behind appeared.

"Is this diamond ring designed by Lin Yu? I don't believe it. Anyway, I don't believe it."

"No way, no way, no one really believes that this diamond ring is designed by Lin Yu, right?"

"That's right! Such a beautiful diamond ring must be designed by a diamond ring master. How could Lin Yu design it?"

Everyone sawThese comments, I fell into thinking, it seems to be right to say so.

Can anyone design a diamond ring?

"Yes! So it was actually designed by the diamond ring master, but Lin Yu said he designed it himself?"

"Yes, it's very likely."

"After all, if it were me, I would say so."

Lin Yu, Leng Qingxue: "........................................."

Good guy, it turns out that he was waiting for them here.

Lin Yu knew that he knew this would happen when he said that the diamond ring was designed by himself.

But he didn't care, because the diamond ring was originally designed by him, and he had drawn the design drawings and kept them at home.

He took out the design drawings of the century diamond ring from the room and put them in front of Xuexue.

Leng Qingxue knew what Xiao Yuer meant, she directly turned on the camera of her mobile phone and took a photo of the design drawing.

Then on Weibo, she used her and Lin Yu's accounts to post the picture of the design drawing. There was only one picture in the whole process, and no words were needed.

Because this picture is the most powerful proof.

Afterwards, Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue quit Weibo and didn't care about what happened later.

At the same time, as Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue's account posted this design picture, a stone stirred up a thousand waves and attracted many comments.

"Fuck! Century diamond ring design!"

"Is it really designed by Lin Yu! ?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"I'm so jealous! I can't accept it!"

"I'm so jealous! This design is too beautiful! Lin Yu is actually a genius!"

In the evening.

Lin Yu's family gathered around the dining table to eat.

Now there are more and more people in the family. Eleven people eat together at home, and the big dining table is useful.

At this time, Lin Yu was picking up food for Leng Qingxue.

Liu Yulan suddenly said: "Xiao Yu, you have proposed to me, shouldn't you get the marriage certificate with Xuexue?"

Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue were slightly stunned: "Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ"

The family looked at the expressions of the two people and said at the same time: "Why are you standing there! Get the marriage certificate!"

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