Leng Qing was thinking that since Lin Yu didn't run out to buy a gift.

Then she wanted to see how Xiao Yuer could take out a gift since she didn't prepare any.

Then Xiao Yuer didn't take out a gift, Leng Qingxue could take the opportunity to laugh at Lin Yu and bully Lin Yu.


She was so smart. Leng Qingxue couldn't help but smile like a little devil when she thought of this scene.



As a result, Lin Yu took out a very beautiful pink scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

The scarf was made of very comfortable material and felt very good around her neck. Moreover, Leng Qingxue felt warm when she put it on. The weather in December was not cold at all.

And the air around her became warmer.

Leng Qingxue was stunned: "(*゚ロ゚)!!"

This scarf is definitely not an ordinary item. Xiao Yuer actually took out a gift for her!

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Xiao Yuer obviously didn't prepare a gift at all!

Leng Qingxue saw it before!

Leng Qingxue was wearing a small Santa hat and an extremely delicate pink scarf around her neck. The scarf was made of silk and had delicate tassels on both ends.

And there were two cute little people's avatars right above. You can tell at a glance that they are the Q-version cartoon avatars of Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue.

Lin Yu looked at Xuexue's cute and confused look and felt proud in his heart.

"How about it, Xuexue, this Christmas gift for you, do you like it?"

"Are you surprised or surprised?"


Leng Qingxue's surprise was really a surprise, and the surprise was even more unexpected.

Xiao Yuer obviously didn't prepare a gift, but she took out this scarf. How could she not be surprised?

Now, I wanted to take advantage of Xiao Yuer forgetting to prepare a gift, laugh at him, and bully him.

But I failed.

Leng Qingxue felt so angry!

She puffed up her face: "(◦`~´◦)"

"Impossible! Xiao Yuer, you must have gone out to buy this."

Lin Yu heard this and said calmly: "Xuexue, what are you talking about?"

"I was clearly doing the questions at the old professor's place, how could I have time to go out and buy a scarf."

Leng Qingxue was slightly stunned, thought for a while and said: "Xiao Yuer, who knows this."

"You are so good at advanced mathematics, you have plenty of time left after finishing the questions to go out and buy a scarf."

Lin Yu was shocked: "Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ"

Xuexue can guess this? It's almost there.

However, it's a pity that Xuexue only guessed the front part, not the back part.

Because he knitted the scarf himself!

And it took two hours to knit it, no one could have imagined.

Lin Yu hugged Xuexue with his backhand, then picked up one end of the scarf and showed it to Leng Qingxue.

"Xuexue, you said I bought it, then how do you explain this."

Leng Qingxue saw that it was her and Xiao Yuer's Q version avatars knitted on it.

She was stunned for a moment: "(*゚ロ゚)!!"

This perfectly proves that this scarf was knitted by Xiao Yuer, where else can you buy this.


Lin Yu looked at Xuexue's stunned expression and thought it was too cute.

"How about it, Xuexue, what else do you have to say."

Leng Qingxue: "(◦`~´◦)"

She directly pinched Lin Yu's cheeks with her little hands.

"Xiao Yu'er! You are so mean!"

"You prepared a gift but pretended not to prepare it."

Lin Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "Xue Xue, I didn't pretend not to prepare it."

In fact, he really didn't prepare it.

"It's just what you think."

Leng Qingxue raised her head: "I don't care! I'm angry!"

Lin Yu smiled and said: "Xue Xue, is this scarf beautiful?"

Leng Qingxue nodded: "Beautiful."

"Do you like it?"

"I like it."

"Are you still angry?"

Leng Qingxue: "(*゚ロ゚)!!"

"Ah! Watch this!"

Then, the two returned home and leaned on the sofa.

"Xiao Yu'er, the scarf is so warm."

Lin Yu nodded, "Then it must beAh, I chose a super strong material to make a scarf. "

"That material can warm up the surrounding temperature."

"Xuexue, what about the gift you gave me?"

Lin Yu looked at Leng Qingxue, "Xuexue, you didn't prepare a gift, did you?"

Leng Qingxue looked at Lin Yu with a smile: "Xiao Yuer, do you think I'm the same as you?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows: "Bold Xuexue! I clearly gave you a gift today!"

Leng Qingxue smiled and said: "Xiao Yuer, let's go to the kitchen."

Lin Yu was stunned: "Kitchen?"

Leng Qingxue directly pulled Lin Yu to the kitchen, "Xiao Yuer, your gift is the love chocolate I made by myself!"

Lin Yu was shocked: "Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ"

It seems that the chocolate and he have to lie down.

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