Zhou Fang was sitting in the villa at this time, sending a WeChat message to Lin Yu.

Inform Lin Yu that the group of people who hit porcelain were caught.

Because Lin Yu gave the exact address.

Ding Yan took people to explore Lin Yu's target location that morning.

The black car was indeed parked there, and Ding Yan carefully confirmed it by comparing the license plate number.

Then she was shocked.

The person who found the traces of these people is too powerful.

They found this group of people in less than an hour.

But after being shocked, it is still important to catch this group of people quickly.

Ding Yan left a few people here to watch, and then took others to contact the police.

After that, the police rushed over and caught this group of people.

Ding Yan also called Zhou Fang to inform Zhou Fang.

Zhou Fang was very happy when she knew the news, and immediately sent a WeChat message to inform Lin Yu.

Because it was Xiaoyu who found the traces of this group of people.

In the cafeteria.

Lin Yu nodded when he saw the message sent by his mother-in-law.

His mother-in-law was very efficient and caught the gang in the morning.

The location he was tracking was correct, so he basically had no chance to escape.

Leng Qingxue also saw the message sent by her mother.

She looked at Lin Yu in confusion.

"Xiao Yu'er, Mom said you gave me the location?"

"What's going on! Tell the truth!"

Leng Qingxue's beautiful big eyes stared at Lin Yu without blinking.

Lin Yu told Leng Qingxue about how he tracked the gang last night.

Leng Qingxue looked at him with admiration.

"Xiao Yu! You are so amazing!"

"In less than an hour, they were tracked!"

Lin Yu said calmly: "Just average, third in the world."

Suddenly, Leng Qingxue stretched out her little hand and pinched his waist.

"You didn't tell me such a big thing!"


Lin Yu: "......................."

Then you didn't ask!

But Leng Qingxue didn't dwell on this issue.

She stared at Lin Yu with shining eyes.

"Xiao Yu'er! Come on! The gang has been caught."

"Go ask mom where they are!"

"Let's just beat them up!"

She waved her little fist excitedly.

She wanted to beat them up right away.

Of course she had to! Xiao Yu'er still had a bandage on her hand.

Leng Qingxue didn't know that Lin Yu's scratches had healed last night.

Seeing this, Lin Yu didn't say anything.

If Xuexue wanted to beat someone up, then beat him up, and he would do it!

He typed immediately.

"Aunt Fang, where are the gang?"

"Xuexue said she wanted to beat them up."

Zhou Fang was slightly stunned when she saw the news.

Xuexue, this little girl, really...............

She thought the same thing as her. (。>∀<。)

She also wanted to beat up the gang.

Zhou Fang replied.

"Xiaoyu, Xuexue is next to you?"

"Yes, we are having dinner together."

"Xiaoyu, the group has been taken away by the police."

"Tell Xuexue that we can't beat them up."

When Zhou Fang finished replying to this message, she also expressed regret.

Because she also wanted to beat up the group.

Not to mention the deliberate fraud, the car accident that night also injured Xiaoyu.

It's really hateful! (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

It's a pity that the group has been taken away by the police and can't be beaten.

It's impossible for Zhou Fang to take Xuexue and Xiaoyu to beat people up when the police didn't come.

Then they would probably be arrested too.

Lin Yu paused after seeing this message, and then showed the phone to Leng Qingxue.

"Xuexue, the group has been taken away by the police."

"We can't beat them up."

Leng Qingxue's face suddenly bulged.


She was so angry!

The person was caught, but there was no chance to beat him up!

But since that's the case, that's the only way.

It's okay if the police take the gang away.

Lin Yu typed.

"Auntie Fang, Xuexue said she was angry."

When Zhou Fang saw this sentence, she immediately thought of Xuexue's puffed up face.

It was a bit funny.

"She's still angry, and I'm still angry."

"Xiaoyu, let Xuexue be good."

"Auntie won't disturb you anymore."

"Auntie will go down first."

Zhou Fang knew that Xiaoyu and Xuexue were together, so she didn't disturb them.


Lin Yu also replied politely.

He put away his phone and had lunch with Leng Qingxue.

Leng Qingxue's mouth was puffed up because she didn't beat anyone up, she was angry.

"Xiaoyu, I'm so angry."

Lin Yu looked at her with a smile.

"Then what should Xuexue do to stop getting angry?"

Leng Qingxue immediately showed a cunning smile.

"Xiaoyu, I eat three boxes of ice cream a dayIce cream can make you not angry!"

Lin Yu: "................"

Good guy, he wants to eat three boxes of ice cream a day.

It's okay to eat two boxes, but eating three boxes, do you really want to have a stomachache?

He knocked on Leng Qingxue's little head.

"No, at most two boxes."

"Okay (*σ´∀`)σ"


Half an hour later.

The two of them went back to the dormitory after eating and drinking.

Lin Yu returned to the dormitory and found that the three lsp had not returned yet.

He took the bottle of fat house happy water on the table and took a big sip.


"Fine! "

Then he lay on the bed and played games.

Leng Qingxue also walked back to the dormitory.

She walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and washed her hands.

Washing hands after meals is also a good habit.

It is always right to wash hands frequently.

As a result, the water accidentally splashed onto her finger wrapped in a Band-Aid.

It wet the Band-Aid.

Leng Qingxue saw that the Band-Aid was already wet and a little loose.

She carefully opened the Band-Aid, ready to take it off and put on a new one.

As a result, she saw that the original thin red wound was gone, and there was no scar on her finger, which was as white as jade.

Leng Qingxue was stunned.


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