In the lobby of the hospital, Chen Yeyu sat on a stool, quietly waiting for Zhao Qingsi to come out.

Just when he was feeling bored, a familiar figure sat down opposite him. After

Chen Yeyu took a closer look, he found that this was the little girl who sold a parking space twice that night.

She had bruises on her arms and face, and there was blood stains at the corners of her mouth that had not been wiped dry, making her look a little embarrassed.

But even so, the little girl still had that unruly look on her face.

Whether she fell accidentally or was beaten by someone, it is impossible to judge for the time being.

But based on her personality last night, Chen Yeyu guessed that the latter possibility would be more likely.

The little girl, who was holding the list and waiting to get the medicine, also noticed Chen Yeyu opposite her.

Seeing that he was looking at her with a smile on his face, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What are you laughing at?"

Thinking of the little girl's arrogant behavior of giving him the middle finger that night, Chen Yeyu leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs in a happy mood.

"Someone helped me vent my anger yesterday, shouldn’t I be happy?"

The little girl raised her fist and threatened:"Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

Chen Yeyu smiled faintly,"If you dare to come over, I will make you spend more money on medicine."

Although she dropped out of school early and mixed in society, and had fought with many boys, but facing Chen Yeyu who was more than a head taller than her, after hesitating for a moment with an uncertain face, she finally chose to put down her fist.

The little girl snorted coldly,"I stood in that parking space for half an hour, and only charged you 20 yuan plus the interest of a middle finger. You didn't lose anything."

Chen Yeyu was amused by her righteous attitude.

"If you only sold the parking space to me, it would be fine. But you charged someone else to reserve the seat first, and then sold it to me again, which caused me to have a conflict with him. That's not fair. If it weren't for the fact that you've been beaten, I would have hit you twice now."

Hearing Chen Yeyu say that he had a conflict with someone, the little girl's eyes lit up with gloating.

"Hey, were you beaten by that guy, so you came to the hospital today? Where was he beaten? Let me see it for fun!"

"Haha, sorry, I didn't come to the hospital to see a doctor for myself."

The little girl pouted in disappointment. Since she was free anyway, Chen Yeyu asked with interest:"Hey, why were you beaten today? Did you sell the parking space twice and get caught and beaten on the spot?"

At this time, the medicine pick-up window also called the order number in her hand.

The little girl glared at him fiercely,"What do you care!"

Then she got up from the stool and walked towards the medicine pick-up window.

She just took the medicine in her hand and was about to leave, and a few boys with bruised faces and noses walked in at the entrance of the hospital lobby.

Seeing the little girl at the medicine pick-up window, one of them shouted angrily:"You bitch, you dare to come to the hospital, I want to see where you can run now!"

The three boys ignored their injuries and quickly surrounded her with fierce faces.

The little girl obviously didn't expect to meet these people here, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

If she was unarmed, she would still have the confidence to break out of the three people's encirclement.

But now she is holding a bag of bottles and jars, it is not easy to exert her full strength.

If the medicine is spoiled, she will have no money to buy medicine again.

It would be great if she could hide the medicine in her hand in a safe place first.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she set her sights on Chen Yeyu who was not far away.

She picked up the neutral pen next to the window and quickly wrote a string of numbers on the billing list.

With the cover of the crowd, she quickly walked back to Chen Yeyu and stuffed all the medicines in her hand into his hand.

"As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. Since we have met, it is fate. I will keep this batch of goods with you first. I will come to you to get it after the storm has passed. My QQ number is on it."

Looking at the plastic bag in his hand, Chen Yeyu's expression was wonderful.

It's just some ordinary medicine, why are they treated like contraband. Just as she was about to stuff the medicine back to the other party, the little girl said this sentence very quickly. Without waiting for Chen Yeyu's reaction, she had already rushed straight to the thinnest of the three boys with the momentum of burning her boats.

These boys had obviously suffered a lot from the little girl before. Even in a one-on-one confrontation between a man and a woman, the thin boy was the first to show his cowardice and hurriedly waved to call his companion on the left to come over for help.

In this way, the original encirclement was torn open.

The little girl was delighted and instantly rushed towards She went to the empty space.

If nothing unexpected happened, she would be able to break through the blockade and escape from the hospital lobby.

However, as luck would have it, a pregnant woman who came for a prenatal check-up was accidentally pushed by the boy who came to help, and she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

The pregnant woman had a big belly, and if she fell like this, the consequences would be very serious.

The little girl who was closer to her glanced at the door of the hall, bit her lip with reluctance, turned around and supported the pregnant woman behind her.

However, due to the delay, the third boy finally came over and blocked the gap.

If she continued to delay, the little girl would be surrounded and beaten by the three men. Pause, is the obvious ending.

Chen Yeyu, who was not far away, saw this scene and stood up immediately.

Even though the two had some minor conflicts before, it was worth it for him to help the little girl in order to save people.

However, the decisiveness of the little girl was obviously beyond his imagination.

Facing the tallest boy blocking her way, her eyes were as fierce as a little fox forced into a corner. She bared her teeth and swung her fist at the other person's face.

However, the difference in strength made her attack fail, and the other person took the opportunity to kick her in the abdomen.

The huge force made her bend her body in pain.

However, just as the boy reached out to grab her hair proudly At this moment, the little girl, who had her head down, suddenly raised her foot and kicked him squarely in the crotch.

The pain was like giving birth, and the boy's face turned the color of goose liver.

Even Chen Yeyu, who was walking towards this side, couldn't help but grin.

After a successful strike, the little girl punched the man in the face, and then before the other two boys came to support her, she gave him a middle finger and ran out of the hospital.

Looking at the figure disappearing at the door of the hall, Chen Yeyu couldn't help but admire her. Judging from the attack strategy and on-the-spot reaction she just showed, it is absolutely impossible to practice without years of actual combat experience.

"Ye Yu, there is a seat but you don't want to sit down. Why are you standing?"

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