Quiet dormitory, only Zhang Ping's even breathing sound.

At this time, a soothing morning breeze came from the balcony, and the human skin hanging in front of him shook slightly.

Behind Luo Shiyu's bloodstained white skin, Heavenly Fox looked at Zhang Ping quietly, as if watching a performance.

Its narrow fox's eyes narrowed slightly, and its paws extended to Zhang Ping's head, but stopped at the last moment.

After pondering for a moment, it slowly retracted the sharp claw, got up and walked out of the dormitory.

"His Royal Highness, why didn't you kill him?"

A Heavenly Fox was waiting outside the door, and when he saw'Luo Shiyu' come out, he asked in confusion.

'Luo Shiyu' looked at the Heavenly Fox indifferently, and said: "It's not him, and... don't waste food!"


This Heavenly Fox immediately realized that he was talking too much, and immediately lowered his head and tail, with a submissive expression.

'Luo Shiyu' glanced back at Zhang Ping, who was still sleeping, and left the boys' dormitory directly with his men.

In half an hour.

Zhang Ping, who was still asleep in the dormitory, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Sure enough, I can't care about it at all."

Zhang Ping glanced out the window calmly, and after confirming that Heavenly Fox had left, he let go of his hanging heart.

Just now he ordered his body to sleep, but he ordered his brain to stay awake, so he thought of his omissions during the'Luo Shiyu' rounds.

It was still dark after four o'clock.

In the nightwalker state, others will subconsciously ignore him.

There are not many students who can get up early in the school, and even fewer people know that he gets up so early for a run.

But after 5:30, the sky began to darken, and the nightwalker state was greatly reduced. Some students who got up early would definitely notice that he was running in the morning.

Because he usually runs in the playground after five o'clock, but he didn't show up today, he was suspected by Heavenly Fox.

He passed the identification of the assassination ring and saw the scene of'Luo Shiyu' shooting. Whether it is power or speed,'Luo Shiyu' is overwhelmingly powerful for him.

He has no way to survive in front of'Luo Shiyu'.

Fortunately, through his observations during this period of time, he determined that'Luo Shiyu' seems to have no appetite for boys.

So when he woke up, he decided to gamble once. He bet that the other party did not know that he had picked up the ring, bet that the other party could not find his weak spot, and bet that the other party would not eat him in the end.

"Exercising is too slow, you must find a way to get equipment."

Zhang Ping sat on the side of the bed, deeply aware of how dangerous his situation was just now.

What else is more pathetic, terrifying, and terrifying than man-made swords and me as fish?

There must be no more omissions!

Since you have woken up, go to the cafeteria'normally'.

Although Zhang Ping didn't want to see'Luo Shiyu', if he didn't go to the cafeteria abnormally today, he would obviously be more suspicious.

But when he came to the cafeteria, he heard many students discussing: The Black Death Star is dead.

The Black Death Star is the notorious killer of Pearl City. As long as the price is affordable, even the City Lord dare to assassinate it.

It is said that the last City Lord was injured by the Black Death Star, and later died an untimely death due to the recurrence of the old injury.

Zhang Ping listened to the students while eating breakfast, and gradually learned something.

It turned out that residents nearby found the body of the Black Death Star this morning.

The Black Death Star died in a stinking ditch not far from the school, and most of his body was bitten off by animals such as wild dogs.

His original white clothes were all blood, and the black mask on his face was broken into several pieces, and the death under the mask was extremely miserable.

"Is the Black Death Star the white clothed man who assassinated'Luo Shiyu' last night?"

The more Zhang Ping listens, I feel that the Black Death Star among the students’ discussions is with him The white clothed people seen in the appraisal look more like.

In other words, he thought he was a white clothed man from the friendly army last night, but he was actually a killer?


That's not right!

Luo Shiyu is an orphan like him, and he is not a great character. No one he knows can afford a killer.

Isn't anyone aware of the alienated beasts in the city as well...

So the'billion' expert is bold and directly spends money on'hiring murderous beasts', right?

Zhang Ping thought with a weird face.

However, this is a good way.

After all, even if everyone is not aware of the existence of alienated beasts, as long as you have a clear goal to buy murder beasts, whether it is a beast or a human, the killer will be able to kill it.

No need to look for evidence, no need to win the trust of others.

As long as you have money!

But I can afford the Black Death Star.

The mysterious person or mysterious force who is suspected of being a friendly army has a lot of financial resources.

What a pity.

The Black Death Star failed.

Not only failed, but also beat the grass to scare the snake.

During this time, Heavenly Fox will definitely investigate secretly.

Once the behavior is too abnormal, it is very likely to attract their attention.

Zhang Ping has a complicated heart, but on the surface he finished his breakfast peacefully.

Back to the dormitory.

He is ready to start daily exercise.

Even if he has more thoughts in his mind, he can only wait until dark before acting.

Before the exercise, he sat on the bed to condense a contract gem. After eating the contract gem, a feeling of "all things are sublimating" suddenly radiated from the inside to the outside. He lost consciousness for a moment before reacting. Is there a new innate talent?

But this time, unlike nightwalker, you can feel the changes brought about by your ability as soon as you appear.

Zhang Ping settled down and gave himself an appraisal first.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 89]

[level: primary level awakened]

[ Level: 2]

[innate talent]

[contract gem: can consume physical strength + spirit strength to condense the contract gem, once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness are all It will be summoner Sovereign, but at the same time it will also gain the summoner's potential and luck blessing. After taking it for the first time, taking it again will slightly increase its potential, and there is a 1% probability of awakening a new innate talent. Remarks: Innate Ability obtained by summoner Zhang Ping's overdraft IQ, potential and luck, although very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Too much ambition does not seem to be a good thing. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, You will loyally execute the summoner's command]

[Stable version of Appraisal Technique: Appraisal Technique can be used to identify the target, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the difference between the strengths of the two parties, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information , The first identification is successful, and the success probability of subsequent identification of the same target will be greatly improved. Remarks: Innate Ability, born out of the curiosity of Summoned Beast Zhang Ping and summoner Zhang Ping]

[nightwalker: Obtain night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, movement speed is greatly increased, and weight Descent, completely invisible in the shadow. 】


It turned out to be an upgrade!

Zhang Ping said inwardly after reading the attribute.

But he didn't expect to upgrade now.

He had estimated his level before and thought he should be between 3 and Level 4.

Who knows that he had always been Level 1 Xiao Mengxin before.

"After the upgrade, Appraisal Technique has changed from an unstable Appraisal Technique to a stable version of Appraisal Technique, so there are more levels and levels in the attribute.

That is to say.


I don't need to wait until the night to determine the level of the alienated beast?"

Zhang Ping turned off the attribute, guessing in my heart.

However, all verifications have to wait for the night before proceeding. Now the plan remains unchanged and exercise is the priority.

"Today is a good day. Let me do 2,000 push-ups and be happy."

Zhang Ping laughed, got up and started doing warm-up exercises.

When the warm-up exercise is finished, immediately give an order in the heart, and the body will begin to exercise automatically.

After the level is increased, both physical strength and energy are improved.

Zhang Ping exercises while carefully feeling the changes in his body.

The increase in attributes such as strength and speed is minimal.

But spirit strength and physical strength have increased by almost 5%.

Zhang Ping finished the push-ups and estimated it in his heart.

It seems that as he is awakened, the main attribute should be physical strength and spirit strength.

Different awakened, because of different physiques and abilities, the attributes promoted after the upgrade are different.

Some awakened power is amazing, some awakened spirit strength is majestic, and some awakened life force is extremely strong, because the main attribute is different.

There are also some awakened, choose the opposite.

Not only will it not specifically exercise its own main attributes, but will focus on making up for its shortcomings.

Others have just the ability to complement the main attribute, and there are no shortcomings in all aspects.

Most of the diversity of awakened comes from the difference between ability and the main attribute.



Zhang Ping put on the assassination ring and then left school.

Originally, the nightwalker made him feel extremely low. If he stood still, even people with higher ranks would subconsciously ignore him.

Now with the assassination ring, no one noticed him along the way, and even his eyes would not fall on him.

"In my current state, as long as I don't attack others, others may not notice me."

Zhang Ping stopped at a corner and looked at someone not far away. The shop, thought to himself.

He used authentication for Heavenly Fox in the shop, and after a failure, the authentication succeeded.

[Identification Successful]

[Alienated Beast: Heavenly Fox]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Potential: ⭐]

[lifespan: 66]

[Level: Intermediate Alienated Beast]

[Level: 15]

[innate talent]

[Cognitive Distortion: You have a position that distorts biological perception and you can modify the target's perception]

[Common sense subversion: When you do behaviors that do not conform to common sense, you can Subvert the common sense of the goal, force the goal to be unable to detect the abnormality]


Zhang Ping actually knew the rank of this Heavenly Fox before the appraisal, but did not know the specifics Level.

He glanced at the attribute roughly, and then continued to move forward. Since he can collect more information, he should try his best to know yourself and know your enemy, first take the nearby Heavenly Fox The level is clear.

Before coming out, he planned that tonight will mainly observe the level of a part of Heavenly Fox, and also inquire about the price of super equipment by the way.

He desperately wants to arm himself now.

Especially after being rounded by'Luo Shiyu' in the morning, he is deeply aware that he is very dangerous now.

Once'Luo Shiyu' wanted to kill him at that time, I am afraid that his body is already in the trash now.


Half an hour later, he came to a weapon shop called'Iron Soul'.

He noticed this weapon shop during the night tour two days ago. The owner is mainly human, not Heavenly Fox.

At present, many shops in Pearl City have traces of Heavenly Fox, especially weapons shops, equipment shops, and pharmacies are controlled by Heavenly Fox. It is not easy to find a clean shop.

After observation, this store has few customers, and most of them are advertisers.

Generally speaking, adventurer is composed of awakened who are not qualified to join the three violent groups.

Although there are some people who really love freedom, in general, the adventurer is loose and weak, and belongs to the vulnerable group in awakened.

Especially the novice adventurer, the casualty rate is extremely high.

And dying in the wild is treated as missing, and there are no issues such as pensions and compensation.

In a normal family in Pearl City, parents will not support their children to become an advertiser, so most of the advertisers are orphans.

In short, adventurer is an orphan occupation.

Zhang Ping's current identity happens to be an orphan, so the probability of being suspected of entering this kind of shop is extremely small.

He observed for a full half an hour, before entering the store when there were no new customers in the store.

This store is not small in size. There are many large weapons in the store. The most exaggerated is a saber, which is five meters long. I am afraid that only high level awakened can be brandished.

The lights in the store are dim, and the innermost is a large stove.

The fire in the stove is not extinguished, so you can feel a scent of heat when you walk into the store.

A thin old man sitting by the stove, half-squinted, with his back against the wall, smoking a cigarette with a long pipe.

Zhang Ping saw that the old man didn't pay attention to him, so he walked to the display stand and looked down at the weapon.

Awakened in Pearl City prefers knives, so the most weapon in the shop is knives.

The knives on the display stand are described in text below.

Zhang Ping walked to an exaggerated broad knife, his eyes fell on the introduction: Nine Rings Ghost Axe Blade, three meters long, weighing three hundred and fifty catties, half sword and half axe, specializing in dealing with Giant alienated beast.

Then he continued to walk forward, with a sickle in front of him.

The ghost sickle is four meters long and weighs 396 kilograms. The long handle has a chain hidden in it. It can shoot the sickle out of the detained opponent and deal with fast-running prey.

Looking forward, Zhang Ping's eyes light up slightly.

In the display stand there is a very beautiful knife. The shape of this knife is similar to the Embroidered Spring Blade, but it is much longer than the Embroidered Spring Blade, and the whole body is white, like a white jade.

Zhang Ping looked at the introduction, and it said: Hanniang is a thin knife, measuring 1.88 meters long and weighing 80 catties. It is made from the blood of the ice leopard and is hardened with iron. The attack has its own chill. The target's chill is deep into the bone marrow. If the chill is not removed in time, it will take less than three minutes to die because of the freezing of blood vessels.

Good knife!

However, Zhang Ping glanced at the price, as if he was slashed by Hanniang's knife, his heart was also chilled.

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