second day, Zhang Ping made a special trip to the school library.

He first searched for the history of Pearl City, but did not find information about'Wulian' and'Nan Yue', which shows that these two words are not old place names.

Since it is not a place name, what would it be?

Zhang Ping returned to the dormitory, filling out the graduation application, and constantly thinking in his heart.

"It shouldn't be the reverse reading of two words."

In the afternoon, Zhang Ping put down his pen and suddenly had a new idea.

Although it felt impossible, he still wrote the two words in reverse on the paper.


Practicing martial arts.

Zhang Ping looked at the reversed text, and his eyes widened.

It turns out that this puzzle is not difficult.

But there are definitely not many people who know, the other side knows him very well!

Not right.

It should be said that the other party knows the original owner very well.

There used to be a sirloin ramen shop not far from the orphanage in Pearl City.

Because the word'flank' of'sirloin' on the signboard is split in half, it looks like the word'Yuenan'.

On the back of this sirloin ramen shop is a small park, which is a paradise for orphans in mind.

Before Zhang Ping entered the Academy of Pearl Ability, he often practiced martial arts alone in that park and beat Tortoise Fist.

As time has passed, the beef brisket ramen shop closed down four years ago, and now it has become an armor workshop, so the probability of Heavenly Fox knowing this information is extremely low, and knows that he has practiced in that small park Wu people are definitely not more than one hand.

It can be inferred from this that the person who appeared behind him last night definitely knows the original owner!

Zhang Ping shreds the text written on the paper and threw it in the toilet, then took the graduation application and went out.

After knowing the answer, he felt a lot easier.

Literally, the other party asked him to meet at the small park behind the sirloin ramen shop on the 23rd.

The reason why numbers do not need to be understood in reverse is that there are no 32 days in a month, so it must be the 23rd day.

The graduation application went well.

After all, he is just a waste wood awakened who has awakened the useless ability, and he is not taken seriously.

In the evening.

Zhang Ping packed up his luggage and left the school directly.

When he came to Iron Soul, the cocky Qiang who was taking care of Uncle Liu in the store suddenly showed a smile. Seeing Zhang Ping with his luggage, he already knew Zhang Ping's answer.

"Little Brother, you came just right. I will have a mission tomorrow. It will take about five days to come back. I am worried that no one can take care of Uncle Liu. Come here. I will take you upstairs. Take a look." Cocky took Zhang Ping's hand and said happily.

This store has three floors, First Layer is the store, Second Layer is the residence, and Third Layer is the studio.

Second Layer has a lot of big rooms. Zhang Ping chose a room. After putting his luggage, he went downstairs with Peiqiang. When he went downstairs, he knew that Peiqiang's real name was Qiu Qiang, but because he was a child Neighbors in the neighborhood call him cocky, so he doesn't care if he calls him cocky.

Uncle Liu's name is Liu Tiefeng. He is 79 years old this year. Originally, he had a son named Liu Dashan, but he disappeared some time ago.

Maybe I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Liu Tiefeng's spirit has been deteriorating recently, not only has his reaction slowed down, but he is also a little confused, so Qiu Qiang hopes to find a reliable person to take care of Liu Tiefeng.

The reason why he chose Zhang Ping is mainly because Zhang Ping is both a student and an orphan, unlike the complicated minds and complicated interpersonal relationships of people who come out of the society.

In addition, Qiu Qiang himself will often come to take care of Liu Tiefeng, and he is not afraid that Zhang Ping has extra thoughts.

Of course, Qiu Qiang did not say in the second half, it was Zhang Ping's own guess.

A student who wants to be an adventurer.

Don’t guess.

It must be an orphan.

This is too good to judge in Pearl City.

At night, Qiu Qiang took advantage of the time, so he decided to teach Zhang Ping some basic blacksmith skills.

After he gets out of the task, Zhang Ping can watch Liu Tiefeng in the store while practicing basic skills, so he won’t be left with nothing to do.

The blacksmith of this world is a little different from the blacksmith Zhang Ping imagined.

Before learning, Zhang Ping thought that forging a weapon was to take a hammer and hit the red iron block, then quenched and polished the front.

But the forging skills of this world are not that simple.

"Xiao Zhang, I will demonstrate it first, you are optimistic about it first." Qiu Qiang put on fire-resistant gloves, and then said to Zhang Ping on the side.

Zhang Ping nodded, then concentrated one's mind, carefully watching the movements of Qiu Qiang's hands.

I saw Qiu Qiang picking up a few iron ingots and placing them on a wooden plate, and said: "These all are processed iron essence, you can usually buy it at an iron ore wholesale store, a piece of 10 jin. The iron ingot is about 6000 yuan."

"So expensive!" Zhang Ping was surprised.

Qiu Qiang put several kinds of scales on the wooden plate, lightly said with a smile: "You know, the iron ore in Pearl City is mined in the wild, and if you go outside the city, it’s equivalent to get it. To bet, every piece of iron essence may be contaminated with the blood of miners and adventurers. Is 6000 yuan expensive?"


Zhang Ping has nothing to say .

Next, Qiu Qiang prepared the materials and opened the mouth and said: "This kind of scale is called the red alchemy snake scale, which comes from the alienated beast red alchemy snake. The scale will gradually melt under the high temperature, and It emits extremely high temperature, and at the same time there is a substance called'red gray' that can be incorporated into iron essence, which not only strengthens the hardness and toughness of iron essence, but also enables iron essence to have the function of self-recovery."

“Therefore, once the red-forged snake scales are added, the weapon must be forged once, otherwise it will be cold. In the future, the shape of the iron ingot will be what it is. It is difficult to forge it again."

Speaking, Qiu Qiang brought the wooden plate, put the iron ingots and materials into the fire, and at the same time stretched out his hand to stir quickly in the fire, it didn't look like he was building a weapon, but more like making face-to-face.

"Many of these materials need to be stirred evenly by our own hands, so this weapon forging method is also called kneading forging." Qiu Qiang didn't care about the high temperature at all, his eyes were staring at the fire, and his hands kept stirring.

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva. He saw that although Qiu Qiang was wearing fire-resistant gloves, the flames had actually burned Qiu Qiang’s arms, but Qiu Qiang didn’t care at all, and even his hair was not burned. Drop one.

"I'm optimistic, the next step is very important." Qiu Qiang said at this time.

He took a lump of red'dough' from the fire, immediately got up and put it into a black rectangular mold next to him, and then took a huge hammer and beat the bulge on the mold frantically , And the bulge gradually becomes flatter and flatter.

"Help me get the red oil over there!" He breathed, and then said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping immediately picked up a one-meter-high oil drum on the counter, and then hugged it to Qiu Qiang's side.

"Yes, you can hold kerosene, it shows that your physical fitness is not bad." Qiu Qiang said with a smile, he was actually just trying Zhang Ping's strength.

Although the strength requirements of the face-to-face forging technique are not particularly high, it cannot be without the power to restrain the chicken.

Qiu Qiang opened the lid of the kerosene and poured a small amount of kerosene on the mold. There was a loud bang, and a lot of steam came out of the mold. Then Qiu Qiang pressed the switch next to the mold and pulled it fiercely. The mold slowly opened, and a dark knife with a red pattern appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is the most basic step for forging weapons. The name of this knife is the Pearl Knife, which is regarded as a Pearl City standard knife. All blacksmith apprentices first learn to forge weapons. Maybe you don't need to use molds, you can build all kinds of weapons according to your own mind." Qiu Qiang took the knife from the mold, walked to the test bench, and then said to Zhang Ping.

next moment, he raised his knife and cut down the stone on the bench. Blade light flashed, the stone was cut in half, and the cut was smooth and flat.

"This is the most common knife in Pearl City!"

Zhang Ping really has an eye-opening feeling at this moment. This is something that the Pearl Ability Academy cannot learn, and at the same time Let him have a preliminary understanding of Pearl City's weapons.

But soon he woke up, Pearl City with such a weapon was still infiltrated by Heavenly Fox.

There is no doubt.

Heavenly Fox is more terrifying and dangerous.

"Can this standard weapon cause harm to the Intermediate Alienated Beast?" Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked.

Qiu Qiang put the knife aside, listened to Zhang Ping’s question, smiled suddenly, and said: "It depends on what alienated beast it is. Some alienated beasts have strong defenses, and some alienated beasts are extremely agile. Some alienated beasts are good at attacking, so there is no absolute answer.

However, Pearl Knives are generally only used to deal with primary level alienated beasts, and even primary level alienated beasts, some have strong defenses. Yes, it can still withstand the attack of the Pearl Sword."

Most of the alienated beasts are stronger than humans, and the higher the level, the stronger.

Even if the ability is not a physically enhanced alien beast, after a higher level, the fleshy body strength is not inferior to the enhanced fleshy body awakened.

This is also one of the disadvantages of humans facing alienated beasts.

"Okay, let's give it a try next. Don't be nervous the first time. You will have a long time to practice the basics slowly." Qiu Qiang saw Zhang Ping looked thoughtful and took off his hand Fireproof gloves, patted Zhang Ping's shoulder, then said.

Zhang Ping nodded, took the fireproof gloves handed over by Qiu Qiang, and walked to the stove after putting on the fireproof gloves.

He has already remembered the techniques of Qiu Qiang just now, and now he only needs to follow the steps of Qiu Qiang forging the Pearl Sword just now.

1st Step, prepare all the necessary materials.

Second Step, put the material in the stove and burn it with an open flame.

Zhang Ping puts the wooden tray into the stove. When putting it in, the arm without the protection of fire gloves already feels a burst of heat, and the material burns in the flame, and it will also release heat. This heat gushes out from the stove, and his eyebrows immediately become curled, and he can faintly smell a smell of burning hair.

"Don't step back, carefully feel the changes in the materials, don't let go, otherwise the combustion-supporting agent mixed into the firewood will be useless." Qiu Qiang reminded.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to go back. Hearing these words, he could only clenched his teeth and insisted. As the wooden plate burned out, he immediately felt an unidentified heavy object in his hand. Obviously this was after burning and mixing. s material.

"The time should be almost up. The material in your hand is not evenly distributed now, so slowly rub it to feel its weight." Qiu Qiang said.

Zhang Ping nodded, then slowly rubbing both hands.

Although he is separated by fire-resistant gloves, he does feel that this mass of material that is similar to flour but harder than flour does not feel the same in different areas.

He at first really thought it was no different from making noodles, but now after personal experience, he realized that the force required for this kneading is much greater than that of making noodles, which is simply not what ordinary people can do.

Very difficult.

But he still gritted his teeth and continued to stir and knead.

"This step is very important. It should not be too slow. If it is too slow, some materials will be completely burned." Qiu Qiang watched Zhang Ping gradually brow beaded with sweat, said with a smile.

Zhang Ping clenched his teeth and insisted, and gradually felt that the "dough" in his hand had been integrated. He glanced at Qiu Qiang. Qiu Qiang did not say whether it was right or wrong, but said that he would judge by himself.

"It should be possible!"

Zhang Ping thought for a while, immediately took the reddish'dough' out of the stove, and then quickly put it into the mold, and put the mold closure.

He bent down and wanted to pick up the hammer, only to realize that the weight of the hammer was heavier than he estimated. He actually did not raise with one hand.

Easy, picking up the hammer with both hands, he hurriedly hit the mold with the hammer.

With the sound of ding ding dong dong, the protruding part of the mold is gradually knocked flat.

After making sure that he has done his best, he took the kerosene and poured it on the mold.


There was a loud noise, and a lot of steam spurted out of the cracks in the mold.

Zhang Ping put down the kerosene, and did not rush to check the knives he had forged, but sat on the ground, exhausted and collapsed.

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