
Zhang Ping and Wang Jieming returned to the dark room again, and the two bodies of Heavenly Fox have been cleaned up.

"Zhang Ping, what the hell is going on, how come there are alienated beasts in Pearl City? And... they are really alienated beasts?" Wang Jieming asked immediately.

Zhang Ping nodded, and then told Wang Jieming what he knew. Wang Jieming was stunned after listening, and then his face got worse and worse.

"What's wrong? Don't worry, we killed those two Heavenly Foxes. Someone has already helped us cover them. Other Heavenly Foxes will not find us." Zhang Ping saw that Wang Jieming's face was wrong, so he was comfortable.

Wang Jieming shook his head, then said in a daze: "I suspect my mother was eaten by Heavenly Fox."

"Your mother?" Zhang Ping frowned.

Wang Jieming said seriously: "Really, she is very wrong. If you don’t say that I can’t react, I can feel it when you say it. She always teaches me what I know before, and I don’t cook, and I often buy cooked food from outside...Is it possible that those cooked foods are actually...vomit..."

"Wait, don't scare yourself first. I'll go to your house and check it later. , Don't think too much now." Zhang Ping quickly opened the mouth and said.

Wang Jieming cried and said, "Zhang Ping, if my mother is really eaten, what should I do?"

"What else can I do, of course for your mother Take revenge and kill the Heavenly Fox." Zhang Ping said solemnly.

He thought of Heavenly Fox who had eaten Su Jingyao. He didn't want to avenge that beautiful girl.

Wang Jieming fell silent.

A moment.

Liu Sishan appeared in front of the two, and Wang Jieming was taken aback again.

"Sister Sisi." Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said.

Liu Sishan calmly said: "If there is anything you want to ask, I have to ask now. I got information. The alienated beasts outside the city seem to have traces of riots. The patrol team was slaughtered by Heavenly Fox. The consequences of other alienated beasts invading Pearl City are disastrous. I am afraid that I will not have time to take care of you."

"I know about this. The king of the Heavenly Fox clan is sleeping, and Pearl City has not been attacked by other alienated beasts before. The invasion is because it sits in Pearl City, and now it condenses its own breath, so other alienated beasts begin to stir." Zhang Ping said.

He has listened to most of the content of the Heavenly Fox meeting through Wind Whisperer, and naturally knows what is going on.

"In other words, the alienated beast will inevitably invade Pearl City next." Liu Sishan frowned.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "More than that, the Prince of the Heavenly Fox clan will also take the opportunity to observe when the time comes to fight against the awakened of alienated beasts, and focus on cleaning up the awakened they think may be members of your organization. "

"so that's how it is, I want to disrupt Pearl City's order, focusing on the powerhouse that shot it." Liu Sishan saw through the other party's intentions in an instant.

This is indeed a good way.

Because ordinary people cannot resist the attack of alienated beasts, the awakened must be able to do it.

Pearl City has a population of one million, and Heavenly Fox alone is impossible to find out the strength of all awakened. After all, some awakened will deliberately conceal their strength, and some awakened are not even registered at all.

Relying on the existing data files of Pearl City, it is basically impossible to understand everything in Pearl City.

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and asked: "Sister Sisi, is there a way for your organization to stop this plan?"

"The other party's agent is scheming, but this is more Well, as long as the opponent's king doesn't move, we can do a lot." Liu Sishan said.

Then she did not wait for Zhang Ping to ask, opened the mouth and said: "Okay, you go back first. I will report this matter to the organization. I will talk about the specific situation later. There shouldn’t be too much in the short term. The alienated beasts invaded Pearl City, Pearl City is still safe.”

After speaking, Zhang Ping and Wang Jieming were bounced back to the Iron Soul.

"Zhang Ping, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Wang Jieming glanced at the dark night outside the window, and then asked weakly.

He doesn't want to go home.

After all, he didn't know what he was facing when he went home.


Zhang Ping understands that feeling well, after all, he has been rounded by Moon Prince.

Speak frankly, Heavenly Fox itself is weird and terrifying, but it is ultimately an alienated beast. The real terrifying thing is the human skin on their foreheads.

The blood-stained human skin makes people angry and feels have one's hair stand on end.

Wang Jieming sleeps in the guest room under the arrangement of Zhang Ping, but in fact it is next door to Zhang Ping.

Wait for Zhang Ping to leave.

After Wang Jieming closed the door, he was slightly relaxed.

He has known Zhang Ping for a while, and he knows that Zhang Ping is not the kind of person who has an off-character.

The problem is that everything Wang Jieming has experienced so far is the words of Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan.

He didn't see the specific appearance of Heavenly Fox. Even if Liu Sishan killed the two Heavenly Foxes, he would only look like an ordinary person in his eyes.

So is it possible that those two people are actually killers, and everything Zhang Ping said was just to fool him?

There is this probability.

Even in the past, awakened of the Illusion Technique type confuses a woman, making her spend the first half of her life in vain. Later, awakened died unexpectedly, and the woman got rid of Illusion Technique and it became real.

There is an organization behind Zhang Ping.

This organization is very strong, especially the'Sister Sisi', whose strength can completely kill him in seconds.

Wang Jieming silently concluded that these two pieces of information are at least true. As for other information, he tentatively believes it first, but before there is absolute evidence, he will not judge easily.

Before going to bed, he thought of his mother, all sorts of weird feelings made him heartache inexplicably.

How he hopes, this is just a scam.


On the other hand, Liu Sishan also told Situ Shibai of the information provided by Zhang Ping.

In the Conference Hall of the sweeping team, there are still Jin Bo, Chen Ming and the others.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Heavenly Fox is going to muddy the water in Pearl City, what do you think?"

"hmph, those hybrid animals are nothing more than humans Potential seedlings are all pinched. I think I can take the opportunity to take the opportunity to do as many Heavenly Fox as I can." Jin Bo said with a sneer.

Chen Ming frowned: "It's wrong. Although my ability is interfered by the other party, I have a feeling that if I am too aggressive this time, many people will die."

The ability is to predict the future.

With this ability, he became the think tank of the sweeping team and the second in command of the sweeping team.

But because Moon King's rank is too high, it has already had a great impact on him, so most of the future he sees is false. But he is high level awakened after all, predicting the future will have a bonus to intuition, so his intuition accuracy rate is extremely high.

"Chen Ming, do you know what?" Jin Bo asked Chen Ming suspiciously.

He knows very well that even if Chen Ming joins the sweeping team, he still has a very bad habit of being too arbitrary. Many times Chen Ming already knows the key information, but he does not say it, so he has to wait for the critical moment. Just said.

"It doesn't work anymore." Chen Ming said with a smile.

Jin Bo said uncomfortably: "It's this sentence again."

"Some things may be bad for the present, but they have important meanings for the future. I feel that Tell me, at least the sweeping team can't mess around at the moment." Chen Ming looked at Jin Bo and said.

Situ Shibai said with a slight smile: "But I can't make those foxes feel better. Now that the opponent's king is asleep, let the Formation group use the phantom light curtain to divide Pearl City into eight areas, the fox Don’t you want to observe? Let them also taste what it's like to see that everything is fake."

"Man Ni is supporting Sisi." Chen Ming opened the mouth and said.

Situ Shibai nodded and said: "I will inform Sisi, Man Ni can no longer support her for the time being, but when the magical sky is on, she does not need to hide again."

"Understand." Chen Ming nodded and said.

The magical sky curtain is a combo skill, which is launched by the cooperation of Man Ni, Chen Luowei and Xu Jie from the Formation group.

Man Ni’s ability is the “shadow”, and the advanced abilities are the black passage and the black secret room. The dark room where Liu Sishan and Zhang Ping have met several times is provided by her, and she is also responsible for Liu Sishan’s actions Cover up.

Chen Luowei’s ability is the phantom of light and shadow, and the advanced ability is dynamic phantom, which can change the color of light and shadow. Humans can see things and rely entirely on the reflection of light, and she usually shoots at the same time as Man Ni In addition to maintaining the security of the sweep team’s base, Liu Sishan will occasionally be provided with stealth capabilities.

The last Xu Jie, the ability is solar charging, and the advanced ability is energy sharing. She is the power bank of Man Ni and Chen Luowei. Both of them can activate their abilities for a long time and rely on Xu Jie to provide huge The energy, otherwise the two will not be able to support it at all.

Once the magic light curtain is activated, the three of them will not be able to rest, and can only hold on for a week at most.

After that, they will have to close the magic light canopy to rest.

Otherwise, there is a risk of sudden death.


Late night.

Most people in Pearl City are still asleep. Starting from the center of Pearl City, an invisible black screen slowly falls. In a blink of an eye, the entire Pearl City is divided into eight areas, and then various scenes appear in the black screen. , The shady screen was quickly filled up by the screen.

The shape of the black screen gradually changes, and the picture also changes.

The whole Pearl City is beginning to be different.


second day.

Pearl City is operating as usual, no one realizes that Pearl City has changed.

Even Heavenly Fox in City Lord's Mansion didn't realize the problem.

Yue Yi, Yue Er, and Yue San walked out of the City Lord's Mansion.

They are responsible for providing food for the other Heavenly Foxes in the City Lord's Mansion, so every day all must come out to pick their prey.

This in itself is not difficult, but now there are humans awakened in the dark glare like a tiger watching his prey, so they become dangerous, but they are sent out naturally because of their strength, far surpassing others Heavenly Fox.

It can be said that their strength is second only to Moon Prince.

"Yue Yi, do you feel something wrong?" Yue San walked on the road, looking at the pedestrians, and suddenly asked.

Yue Yi glanced all around, shook his head and said: "No, what did you find?"

"No, just a strange feeling." Yue San replied.

Yue Er said with a smile: "You are suspicious."

At this time, Jin Bo and the other combatants stood by the side of the street, watching the three Heavenly Foxes pass by .

Although in their eyes the three Heavenly Foxes are all human appearances, they all know that they are Heavenly Fox.

"Keep up."

Jin Bo finished speaking to his teammates, and then followed Heavenly Fox, who didn't realize it in front of him.

In the picture that Heavenly Fox saw, all around pedestrians were coming and going, everything was very normal, and there was no one behind.

In fact, the magic light curtain has circled three Heavenly Foxes.

Everything they see is an illusion.

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