outside, riprap beach.

Zhang Ping is the first time out of the city, along the way, the greatest feeling is actually safe.

He thought the face of danger after emerging out of the city, who knows to follow Liu Sishan along the way, have not encountered a beast alienation.

"Sisi sister, we came here to do? Do not mean to do special training to fight?" Zhang Ping picked up a pebble, while playing side asked.

Liu Sishan back to Zhang Ping, when suddenly a sweeping out the water from her side of the trunk.


Zhang Ping to play with pebbles suddenly divided into two, then he could react, and quickly fling stones, quickly stepped back.

"In order to ensure my special training can work for you, then you may be out to attack me, and I will appropriate shot, in order to test your limits." Liu Sishan turned and looked at look preparedness Zhang Ping, slowly began.

Zhang Ping frowned: "? Sisi sister, are you sure you will not be missed, a careless cut me in half"

"This is hard to say, you better pray I do not missed. "Liu Sishan light path.

She while speaking, all around there have been four floating water polo, water polo rotating around her, at any time may become water whip cut everything all around is.

"Come on."

Liu Sishan waving to Zhang Ping Road.

She a white clothed, stand still.

Gradually all around steamy, rays of light under refraction she looked like a wide cold Fairy.

Zhang Ping have a feeling not start, think a little, stooped to pick up a few pebbles, cobblestone altogether as hidden weapon, Liu Sishan means of temptations.

He bayan throw pebbles.

Liu Sishan all around the balloon suddenly turned into a flat shield Dangxia pebbles, then many small balloon isolated from the large balloon out, like a bullet fired as Zhang Ping.

"Not good!"

Zhang Ping quickly back away, in front of the pebbles have been ejected through the water.

If the water bombs fell on the people, and the consequences could be disastrous.

At this moment, Zhang Ping realized that Liu Sishan was serious.

He took a deep breath, and then pull out the tear beauty dagger, close to the foot-step fast ape Liu Sishan.

Monkey King Style is the essence of the footwork.

This footwork enormous, very trip, when I got to Great Accomplishment unless there is a kind of mental ability to lock, otherwise it is difficult to aim.

Zhang Ping ape step is not Great Accomplishment, just the extent of entry.

But Liu Sishan no full shot, otherwise the water bombs faster, and with a trailing effect to Zhang Ping did not have the strength now to play.

Under Liu Sishan turn on the water, Zhang Ping ape with water bombs step away, but close to Liu Sishan etc., have not had time to sweep out the attack was a huge slap in the face five meters from the water formed outside.


Zhang Ping sat on pebbles, grimace suddenly pain, could not sucked in a breath of cold air.

But Liu Sishan do not intend to give him time to breathe, a series of water from fire bombs again, he quickly dodge roll.

Next, he got up and try to be close to Liu Sishan, but the result is exactly the same with before again. After

several times, Zhang Ping has been gasping for breath, sweating.

"This means you only?" Liu Sishan to stop the offensive, watching Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Ping breathing heavily, could not help listening rolled the eyes, said ill-humoredly: "Sisi sister, you want me to sprout a new rookie Level 3 What are the means?"

"before you can now play the strength is not as strong when Heavenly Fox attacks, it seems ... I ... could also be forced tight enough." Liu Sishan squinting, leisurely he said.

Her words came out, Zhang Ping could not help squint wide open, and my heart kind of bad feeling.


next moment dozens of tiny water whip instantaneously formed.

However, this does not whip the water flows at high speed and high-speed vibration, purely whip composed of water.

Zhang Ping endured whip caught off guard, suddenly hair stand, Mimi Yanzheng into bovine pain, is sucked in a breath of cold air, trembling.


He felt burning back to see more of the water whip to quickly hand Stretch, suddenly spewing out energy Fire Element, forming a huge flame palm, this will all flow whip Dangxia.

Next, the water whip like octopus tentacles, constantly attacked from various angles.

Zhang Ping dancing, jumping up and down, rolling around, but still suffer several whip, pain grimace in pain.

During the confrontation, he had to abandon the idea of ​​excess, wholeheartedly against attacks from Liu Sishan of.

He gradually into the state with no distractions, began to feel the rhythm of the wind coming.

No matter the angle from which the water whip to attack, he will be able to react first step, each time just by flame Dangxia attacks.

Liu Sishan looked Zhang Ping, mouth slightly tilt, water whip attack speeds up, more and more tricky angle.

one minute after.

Zhang Ping vivo Fire Element energy depleted, the entire weak people suddenly fall.

"I have to die, so tired."

He looked all around in a water whip, eyes closed helplessly said.

But the water whip did not fall, but gradually shrink to Liu Sishan side, again back to form water polo.

Liu Sishan walked in front of Zhang Ping, said:. "You really strong, at least strong in the primary level awakened in"

Whether or reaction ability of handling capacity, in fact, Zhang Ping's performance is remarkable, only weakness is probably no remote means, but it can slowly make up for weakness in the future.

"Of course I know I'm very strong at the same level, the Sisi sister, if you are at the same level with me, I can lick it?" Zhang Ping looked up at Liu Sishan asked.

Liu Sishan truthfully: "The fight, however, I only means of defense, after the mid gradually formed before mid-battle strength."

"with how long?" Zhang Ping asked road.

Liu Sishan replied: ". A year"

"how could!" Zhang Ping Road shocked.

only one year, it advanced from the primary level to mid-level?

Liu Sishan said: "There is nothing impossible, the ability to qualify for a different speed there is a terrible gap itself."

Her ability is through water savings Water Element energy, so she and most people are not the same, most people will drink too much water intoxication, while her drink energy will only increase the water Element, the water Element with timely energy is released, she can hone the ability to drink water continuously.

is the ability to use stronger.

compared to some of the harsh conditions, the ability to launch her ability to launch conditions can be quite loose, so long as willing to practice, Advanced fast.

Of course, this is also related to her remarkable potential.

If a low potential, equally impossible so fast promotion.


place to rest for ten minutes.

Liu Sishan let Zhang Ping up, and then move on with Zhang Ping.

"Sisi sister, and now we are ready to go?" Zhang Ping compression eating energy bars, asked.

Liu Sishan said: "You know why Pearl City will be built here?"

"Why?" Zhang Ping really do not know the answer.

Liu Sishan replied: "Because Pearl City is east of Changsha River, to the south mounds, ten kilometers west outside there is a lot of iron ore, north endless mountains, where the founding of the city need to worry about lack of water, salt iron, meat and other resources. "

" that we are now in the south? "Zhang Ping looked up the sun in the sky, and then judge Road.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: ". Mounds road leading south to the investigation team and the Guard will regularly clean alienation beast, so the lower the general level of alienation beast, just for you to practice hand"

"now it?" Zhang Ping eyes wide open road.

Liu Sishan replied: "go to camp to rest for a long time, the night before you start."

"That's good, then good." Zhang Ping relaxed.

He is now the state is very poor, not only in vivo Fire Element energy is depleted, physical strength but also consume bits and pieces, not to mention alienation beast, even ordinary wild beast have not played before.


is the name of a place mounds.

actually contains a lot of salt mines in the valley.

to mounds ground from Pearl City, about two hours to go.

Sometimes the transport of salt people a chance to return to Pearl City, simply rest in the vicinity of mounds, gradually formed a camps.

The question is not safe in the wild overnight.

often middle of the night would have been wild beast, alienation beast attacks, mostly related to transport salt deaths and injuries related to this.

Later, some of the adventurer saw potential, and so on to build a better, safer camps in the vicinity of the mounds.

Guests pay only a small amount of money can be Pearl for one night, and the night has a special awakened responsible for the alert, driven wild beast and beast alienation.

accommodation inexpensive, relatively safe.

transport of salt and gradually people are accustomed to in this camp overnight.

In the mounds, the camp slowly became a pretty good business.


after two hours.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan came to a camp.

This camp built on a small hill in the middle dug a pit, pit burning raging flames, a bit like a small volcano.

bonfires all around, many erected tent, holding the corresponding number plate can stay to rest.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan tent a short distance from the fire, Zhang Ping sat down next to the bonfire flames absorbed quickly recuperate.

"ask a question, you can eat out of your own flame to release it?" Liu Sishan asked to see this scene, he looked thoughtful of.

Zhang Ping moment, then tried it, replied: "! Can be, but still be consumed, but that was a new idea"

fire eater primary capacity It is devouring flame recuperate.

Fire Element will become a full strength after the energy stored in the body, so when he physical exertion, can by releasing energy Fire Element, then swallowed Fire Element flame formed recuperate energy.

In fact, this is not the real fire eater usage?

Zhang Ping heart whispered.

In fact, many are confused awakened their abilities real purpose.

They are trained according to their own understanding, the ability to use, even if mistaken, the capacity will be in constant use gradually become accustomed to the shape awakened.

Therefore, most awakened will not go thinking that he would not be with their own ability to think differently.

"Since you can regain their strength by absorbing flame, now do not idle, do first five hundred push-ups."

Liu Sishan Zhang Ping to himself in time, that immediately aware of fire eater real purpose.

has a fire eater.

Zhang Ping can go the route of fleshy body to strengthen the system.

He did not need to worry about physical exertion, as long as the flame can continue to exercise.

"Sisi sister, and five too petty, and I'll have five thousand meaning of meaning."

Zhang Ping said with a smile, and then they ordered their own hearts, start exercising together,

campfire exercise, he can while taking the flame while doing push-ups, there is not much feeling tired.

and other finished five thousand push-ups, followed by Zhang Ping and altogether around the campfire to start leapfrog.

is now daytime.

salt transport people out looking outside the salt mine, no one around to bother.

In addition to the camp crackle sound bonfire burning, only gasps Zhang Ping's.

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