Awakened often fights in the wild, and it is inevitable that it will be injured and scarred.

Men awakened regard scars as honor. Unless the scars are really ugly, they will not take the initiative to remove the scars, but women awakened are different. Even if they are injured, they leave scars and return to Pearl. City will also find a familiar doctor to remove the scar.

Pearl City has many awakened cures that can remove scars, which is not difficult.

Zhang Ping doesn't know what Liu Sishan has experienced, and why Liu Sishan has scars.

But as a member of the sweeping team, Liu Sishan is definitely easier to remove scars than normal awakened, so he speculates that Liu Sishan has two possibilities for scars.

One is that Liu Sishan himself is unwilling to remove scars.

The other is that the scars on Liu Sishan's face are not simple, which can't be removed by ordinary ability.

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

Zhang Ping is not Liu Sishan, so he just mentioned his ability a little bit. If Liu Sishan is willing to ask him to try to remove the scars, he will naturally tell him.

If he is unwilling to remove the scars, he will not force it. After all, it is Liu Sishan's own choice.

In his eyes, Liu Sishan is a strong little girl. Although she is only 19 years old, she has a stable and reliable personality. She is a qualified comrade in arms and can be trusted. The partner behind.

As for the relationship between men and women, that is not true.

He prefers petite and cute girls, Liu Sishan is not his type.

Go back to the safe house.

On the bed, Liu Tiefeng was already asleep. Zhang Ping supported himself with Nethermist and floated silently to Liu Tiefeng's side. He turned his right hand into pure blood, and then gently used it The blood pointed at Liu Tiefeng's broken arm.

His blood slowly penetrated into the capillary blood vessels through the pores at the broken arm.

After his blood is mixed with Liu Tiefeng's blood, he can manipulate the blood to start repairing Liu Tiefeng's injury.

This feeling is very strange, he does not need to know any medical knowledge, closing his eyes is like seeing countless broken walls, and all he needs to do is to put these broken walls one after another repair.

Liu Tiefeng has a lot of internal injuries.

Especially the waist injury, although it has been completely recovered, it is not perfect in his vision.

He consumed his own blood and continued to treat Liu Tiefeng. Gradually Liu Tiefeng's breathing became smooth and smooth, and his frowning brows were gradually smoothed.

After the internal injury of the body was repaired, his eyes fell on the position of the broken arm.

This is Liu Tiefeng's current injury.

Zhang Ping is very clear that the blood volume of one arm alone is not enough to treat this kind of injury, so his body completely transformed into a pure blood form, and the whole person slowly penetrated into Liu Tiefeng’s blood vessels. middle.

This is completely different from the previous feeling.

He found that he could feel Liu Tiefeng's breathing, heartbeat, and even part of the blood circulating with him. He knew how long Liu Tiefeng could live. If there is no disaster, he even knows how Liu Tiefeng will die.

In fact, when he first saw Liu Tiefeng, he used Appraisal Technique to identify Liu Tiefeng.

At that time, Liu Tiefeng’s attribute was:

[Name: Liu Tiefeng]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Investigation team (retired)]

[Potential: None]

[lifespan: 86] (minus age is the actual time to live)

[etc. Level: Intermediate awakened]

[Level: 18]

[innate talent]

[Bind gold rope: can consume a certain amount of physical strength, manipulate gold into a rope To bind the target, the stronger the spirit strength, the stronger the strength of the restraint]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Multiple Golden Ropes: Consume more physical strength and can be controlled at the same time Three golden ropes]


But according to Zhang Ping's judgment at this time, Liu Tiefeng's actual lifespan is only 5 years left.

Calculated according to the above identification results, Liu Tiefeng is currently 74 years old and should be able to live about 12 years, which means that Liu Tiefeng was injured this time and lost 7 years of lifespan.

After knowing this, Zhang Ping felt very uncomfortable and made up his mind to talk about Liu Tiefeng's broken arm repair no matter what the cost.

Pure blood can repair body damage.

As long as there is enough blood, in theory, even if a person only has the head left, he can restore the other person's body.

At this time, Liu Tiefeng's broken arm gradually grew new granulation, and the wound that was originally bandaged was gradually squeezed and squeezed by the newly grown arm. The arm was like a broken branch. , Grow new shoots.

Zhang Ping does not need to understand the distribution of blood vessels, nor the structure of skeletons. It only needs to provide blood continuously, and Liu Tiefeng's body will spontaneously repair the wound.

When Liu Sishan re-entered from the door, most of Liu Tiefeng's broken arm had been repaired, and only one palm remained.

Liu Tiefeng woke up a long time ago, mainly because of the pain and itching of his arms when he re-growth. He was impossible to sleep.

"This girl, what kind of potion you gave me, why did my hands grow again?" He saw Liu Sishan coming in and asked immediately.

Liu Sishan replied: "Zhang Ping is treating you."

"Zhang Xiaozi? What about him... others?" Liu Tiefeng said unexpectedly.

Liu Sishan said with a slight smile: "You'll find out later."

"What kind of ability is Zhang Xiaozi? He can eat fire, and now he can heal." Liu Tiefeng asked curiously.

Liu Sishan replied: "This question, you can ask Zhang Ping."

Although she admired what Liu Tiefeng did, she did not let her guard down.

In fact, she doesn't trust anyone. She is loyal to Pearl City and guards Pearl City. Even the most respected Situ Shibai, she has reservations, not absolute trust.

After half an hour, Liu Tiefeng's palm also grew back, but his arm was too young and white to fit his body at all.

It feels like he was fitted with a youngster's arm in his twenties.

Next, a large amount of blood seeped out of his arm, and he immediately felt dizzy. After he got used to it, he saw the blood falling on the ground gradually forming a human shape.

Zhang Ping's arm turned into flesh and blood, and then a large number of Nethermist gushed out of the arm, he put on his clothes under the cover of Nethermist, and this dispelled Nethermist.

"Kid Zhang, you were in my body just now?" Liu Tiefeng saw this scene and finally understood what was going on.

Zhang Ping nodded said with a smile: "Well, Grandfather Liu, see if there is any problem with this arm. This is the ability I just acquired, and it can be used to treat your injury."

"What are your abilities, swallowing fire, controlling fire, emitting smoke, and turning your whole person into blood. Are you...the legendary copying ability?" Liu Tiefeng didn't care about his hands at all. He looked at Zhang Ping and asked in surprise.

Zhang Ping was a bit distressed and said: "My abilities are a bit complicated, and it is troublesome to explain. It is a bit different from those who are capable of copying, but they are basically the same, and they will have more and more abilities."


"Then your ability is...infinite!" Liu Tiefeng's eyes widened, and he looked at Zhang Ping in shock.

Those with infinite abilities.

Liu Tiefeng looked at Zhang Ping, and his emotions gradually became agitated.

Pearl City has not seen infinite abilities in more than two hundred years. He really didn't expect to be able to see live, fresh, and young infinite abilities.

This is the apple of one's eye from Pearl City.

He immediately realized why Liu Sishan happened to appear to rescue him, because Liu Sishan was originally protecting Zhang Ping.

If the country still existed thousands of years ago, Zhang Ping is definitely a national treasure.

Every person with infinite abilities is a national treasure!

"Grandfather Liu, don't get excited, take a deep breath, calm down, don't get excited."

Zhang Ping saw Liu Tiefeng's face flushed with excitement, so he was scared and quickly stepped forward to comfort him. Liu Tiefeng said nervously while helping Liu Tiefeng pat her back.

"I’m fine, but I didn’t expect to be able to see the new infinite abilities alive, you remember, awakened abilities are absolutely unlimited, even if you are infinite, you may encounter difficulties. The enemy of, before you are absolutely sure, you must not expose yourself as an infinite-level ability person.” Liu Tiefeng said seriously with a blush on his face.

Before, he regarded Zhang Ping as an inheritance of Liu Family forging craftsmanship, his descendant, but now in his eyes, Zhang Ping has risen to the pearl of Pearl City, and he can do it in the future. Savior that suppresses the luck of Pearl City and brings happiness to countless people.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, I know."

"Okay, okay, okay, Pearl City finally came out with a'true pearl' again." Liu Tiefeng said happily .

After the great grief and joy, he insisted on chatting with Zhang Ping again, until his energy was low, and then fell asleep again, Zhang Ping simply sat by the bed and watched.


Hanhai Academy.

Chen Xueli sat in the room with a long sword in his hand.

After the disappearance of his granddaughter Chen Junting, he has remained in this state, seeming to be on guard.

"Chen Xuezhi, everything has been packed, shall we leave tonight?" At this moment, a servant walked into the room lightly and asked softly.

Chen Xueli opened his eyes, slightly tired and sighed, and asked: "You haven't found Jun Ting yet?"


This servant is low There was no answer, but the answer was self-evident.

Chen Xueli pondered for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "Then leave Pearl City directly through the secret road, and get ready to set off."

"Yes!" the servant answered.

The entire Hanhai Academy was mobilized, and many people dragged their families to leave Pearl City through the secret road.

Although Hanhai Academy is similar to dojo, in fact their form of existence is more biased towards Sect. The students are directly selected from the orphanage, and through childhood are trained by Hanhai Academy, so these students are very good to the school. loyalty.

"teacher, why did we have to leave?"

In the secret road, Chen Xueli walked at the forefront with a long sword, and a middle-aged dísciple behind him asked unwillingly.

Hanhai Academy has been operating in Pearl City for more than 150 years, now it is equivalent to give up everything in Pearl City, and they have a long way to go, and it is still unknown where the next stop will be .

The entire Hanhai Academy, with 1,645 people, how many people can reach the end alive?

This price is too heavy.

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