In Zhang Ping's vision, Cheng Xuejie's legs seemed to be filled and blocked by a large amount of white matter. What he needs to do is to knock out these white substances and unblock the clogged blood vessels and meridians.

This is not difficult.

He controls the blood's crazy sprint. After all, the snake venom is not controlled by anyone, but the blood contains his will, so the snake venom is unable to withstand a single blow under the impact of blood.

The body of pure blood is exactly the same as the body of pure water, and that is purity.

Snake venom has no effect on his blood at all.

It’s like his blood falling on the ground, and it won’t be contaminated with dust, otherwise his blood snake would become a mass of mud when it was active on the ground. .

In just half a minute, Zhang Ping forced the snake venom to near the wound.

From Cheng Xuejie's point of view, a lot of black blood flows from the wound bitten by a white snake.

She found that her originally unconscious leg recovered again, and even the wound healed quickly, leaving only blood on the surface in a blink of an eye.

"Cheng Xuejie senior, I have healed your injury." Zhang Ping said to Cheng Xuejie.

Hearing Zhang Ping’s voice, Cheng Xuejie said unexpectedly: "You... are you in my body?"

"Well, please keep it secret for now, don’t let the other party know of my existence ." Zhang Ping said, and then his consciousness shifted back to Liu Sishan's body.

Cheng Xuejie got up from the ground again, took a look at Liu Sishan, and knew that it was not the time to inquire, so she joined the battle group again.

Outside of the snakes, the two young men were incomprehensible.

"Brother, is the poison of the holy nest mother snake's heir so easy to unravel?" The blue clothed youth whispered.

red clothed youth frowned: "It seems that these snakes alone may not be able to solve them. Prepare to take action. Don't let any of them go."

"I really want to kill them all. , Is it too cruel?" The blue clothed youth whispered and forced.

red clothed youth glared at the blue clothed youth. The blue clothed youth stuck out his tongue and had to obediently raise his right hand, and a strange fragrance radiated from his palm.

If you look closely, you will find that his palm actually has many small scars.

"What does he want to do?"

Zhang Ping saw this scene and thought about applying Appraisal Technique to the blue clothed youth immediately.

Actually, it has been about 3 minutes since he was ambushed. He has not had time to appraise the two of them, and he is worried that the sudden appearance of the appraisal screen will cause Liu Sishan to be distracted, so he has been delayed until now. .

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed]

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhao Yanhu]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Saint Ancestor Village]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 96]

[Level: high level awakened]

[Level: 22]

[innate talent]

[Saint’s Blood : Blood has a strong fragrance and can attract all creatures all around. The lower the intelligence, the easier it is to be attracted. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Paid Blood: Paying a small amount of blood can drive animals to fight for themselves. 】

[high level-blood of injustice: You pay twice the blood, and the eater must repay twice the price, until the eater cannot repay the price, and can only be compensated with fate and completely controlled by you. 】


Is it the ability of the Royal Beast System?

Zhang Ping thought to himself after reading it.

At the same time, Liu Sisi, Cheng Xuejie, and Chen Weihua in the distance all saw the attribute interface suddenly appeared.

Chen Weihua, who was far away in Pearl City, squinted and looked at Feng Laixian who was still facing Zuo Xiangming ahead, guessing that Zhang Ping might also have encountered an enemy.

"Is it Royal Beast? I hope Zhang Ping will be safe." Chen Weihua thought.

And Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie looked at Zhao Yanhu at the same time. They both realized that if they wanted to solve these white snakes, they had to win Zhao Yanhu first.

But before they waited for them to do something, suddenly there was a vibration on the ground.

An alienated beast is coming!

"Not good."

The expressions of the two changed slightly at the same time. Liu Sishan looked at Cheng Xuejie. Cheng Xuejie immediately blocked her behind and beheaded the white snake behind her.


Liu Sishan locked Zhao Yanhu, and a stream of water instantly turned into an ice blade and slashed towards the opponent.

But this is a hand blocking Zhao Yanhu, directly smashing the ice blade, Liu Sishan frowned and looked at the owner of the arm, Zhao Yanhu’s big brother, red clothed youth.

Seeing this, Zhang Ping immediately used Appraisal Technique on red clothed youth without a second word.

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed]

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhao Yanlong]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Saint Ancestor Village]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 96]

[Level: high level awakened]

[Level: 25]

[innate talent]

[Saint’s Blood: The blood contains extremely strong stimulating substances, which can continuously strengthen itself, and it is also a kind of highly toxic. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Super Strong: When the mood swings gradually increase, blood circulation will stimulate all parts of the body, thereby making the body stronger . ]

[high level-damp poison: the highly poisonous blood will flow out with sweat, and be evaporated by body temperature, forming a large area of ​​poison mist. 】


Zhang Ping is the first time I have seen this situation.

Obviously the abilities of the two brothers are called the blood of the saints, but their actual effects are completely different.

Although the abilities will gradually become the shape that the user likes according to the user’s habits, the two abilities are completely different, and there is no connection at all.

At this moment, Zhang Ping has a deeper understanding of the potential of ability.

At the same time, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie both felt a little tricky. One of them could attract various creatures to besiege them, and the other would act as a strong shield to block all attacks from the former.

If Zhao Yanlong is not solved first, I am afraid it will be difficult to pose a threat to Zhao Yanhu.


At this time, there was a loud noise, and a huge tiger almost the same size as an elephant appeared not far away, but this tiger was not looking at Liu Sishan and the others, but stared at Zhao Yanhu's hand.

"Not good, if it drank that Zhao Yanhu's blood, we would be in trouble." Zhang Ping reacted immediately and said.

Liu Sishan took a deep breath, the water balls of the next moment all around increased rapidly, and then the shape of these water balls changed, forming a huge blister in a blink of an eye.

This blister envelops everyone and rotates at high speed at the same time. As soon as the white snakes approached, they were cut into several segments by the slightly protruding edge of the blister.

Because Lu Han does not need to be distracted to protect his body, his spirit strength is instantly concentrated on Flying Sword. Flying Sword quickly shoots at Zhao Yanlong, forcing Zhao Yanlong to fight with Flying Sword.

Zhang Shouzhong was holding a giant crossbow aimed at Zhao Yanhu. When Zhao Yanlong resisted the Flying Sword and couldn't get distracted, he gently squeezed the trigger.

The two brothers are only about fifteen meters away from him, so they are still within his range.

However, Zhao Yanhu took this arrow with one hand. Zhao Yanhu looked at the arrow and said with a smile: "You don’t think I am a coward who needs to hide behind my big brother? This kind of toy is also Want to hurt me?"

"In fact, we are not enemies. Why don't we give way to each other?" Lu Han narrowed his eyes and probed.

Zhao Yanhu threw away the arrow, took out his ears with his hands, and then blew to the little finger of the ears, and said, "That's so sorry, the order that my big brother and I received is... …Kill all those who stand in the way!"

He was while speaking, the giant tiger, which was obviously an alienated beast, slowly approached him and sniffed his scent with his nose.

"Really good, come, this is your reward!"

Zhao Yanhu is not afraid of the giant tiger in front of him. He takes out the knife from behind and uses the knife to cut open the palm of his hand. Slowly stretch out the bleeding hand to the giant tiger.

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