Phoenix cents to roar, with departure of the left to the next stop.

He got up and quickly return to the top of city wall, eyes look to the Western District, and sure enough the Western Wall city gate wide open, while living corpse key mixed force formed by the awakened being occupied by the city, and even some residents numerous area is also surrounded by them.

awakened a team formed, led by Wuruo Yu, like a sharp knife, aggressive side of the south wall to kill, some obstacles have been awakened in the merciless killing.

"Everyone, come with me!" To the immortal phoenix standing in front, eyes to see Wuruo Yu, then bite.

Wuruo Yu side forward, while said with a smile: ". Everyone prepared to face the"

city wall from the residential area, there have been twenty meters buffer zone.

At this time two sets of people in this twenty meters of open space fight at close quarters.

But it was not an immediate hit, but the two sides is the first confrontation, and eyes to see and Wuruo Yu phoenix cents.

"Wu Hall Master, Why?" Phoenix fairy keeping a close eye Wuruo Yu, stressing each syllable asked.

Wuruo Yu asked:

ranging phoenix fairy answer "? Phoenix Hall Master, Pearl City how you feel," he looked back to see the light behind the residential area, sighed, Road : "you see, it is lighted, bright but fragile, Pearl City two hundred people died alienation beast attacks every year, it seems that we can only stick to this piece of land, you may have thought, we ah perhaps you can change a living law? "

" so that's how it is, who had preached in my museum Wang supremacy theory students are your people. "Feng Xian to squint squinting , he continued.

these words, he had heard, where the student who has come to learn Beastmaster Fist of.

Wuruo Yu nodded and said:? ". Yes, but you expel him, or you could have become a part of us"

"hehe, you become a part and then ... ... the entire Pearl City have put an end to it? "phoenix fairy smiled down at first, then suddenly put away a smile, eyes fierce Nuzheng, facing Wuruo Yu growled.

Wuruo Yu sighed, shouted: "! When words get sour, adding words is useless, it only Shoudexia pinpointing the kill"

He suddenly soared, beat Hong Xiang phoenix cents.

phoenix fairy looking gloomy, do not hide do not avoid in this beat is about to hit when his face extend the hand catch.

He roll up our sleeves roots, the other hand is the punch toward Wuruo Yu's head, but likewise caught Wuruo Yu.

They glared at each other, almost simultaneously offensive.

Lieyang dojo taught Lieyang Fire Dragon palm, itself a staunch handed palm method, even to the last Cultivation palm shoot flame, Profound Truth 'Fire Dragon rigid' is known IAS first.

Wuruo Yu palms quick to shoot, phoenix fairy with a variety of moves against the same, under the impact of heat and blood, just like they played against in the volcano.

Taking their center, a thrill of horror temperature gradually spread.


Monument Square.

Situ Shibai sitting next to the monument, some disappointed rubbed monument. The situation

entire Pearl City, who are well aware of.

"so that's how it is, that people wanted change, forming a rolling trend, I can stop Zhu Family, I can stop the wild beast, but the general trend of people but how to stop?" His work since whispered.

mutiny is not only dojo, there are many farmers.

These farmers quickly provide water for them after the army into the sea of ​​people, people will not guarantee the ocean onto land on the battle strength greatly reduced.

Situ Shibai do not blame these people because he understands the suffering of these people.

"failed, you should understand that you've failed." Li Aoxue as if a gust of wind blowing, ethereal figure, watching Situ Shibai, with a winner's smile said.

Situ Shibai look to Lee Aoxue, asked: "! I will not fail," "? Have you ever thought, if you fail, Human Race in the end how"

Lee Aoxue looked Situ Shibai, said full of confidence.

Situ Shibai increasingly looking sharp, talk too much: "In you will be cutting edge play, cooperation to the next in you and left to innocent people, in you by fair means or foul, you would have lost your trip is deception, rather than the king! "

" As the old saying goes, a million marrow will be off the ground, I'm going to mention is the king of the road, how could you not bleed? deception also well, benevolent worth mentioning, in the final analysis only the winner takes all. "Lee said Aoxue disdain.

Situ Shibai got up and angrily: "You are too ambitious, you will kill more people, even the Human Race onto land of eternal damnation."

" it seems that today's scene still can not convince you, although I did not expect to convince you, here tonight is your land of burial, right here is the final resting place of the Master, you should be dead rest in peace. "Lee does not care Aoxue Situ Shibai Rage, lightly saying.

Then Situ Shibai you squinting to see the all around, a live corpse began to appear among the living dead and mixed with a lot awakened.

"And you as well ......" Situ Shibai see the crowd a familiar silhouette, incredibly he said.

a middle-aged man slowly out, helplessly said: "Big time Brother Bai, Heavenly Fox too much, Aoxue Sister're right, humanity needs a King, we should unite, and a pot of loose sand, not as I do now. "

this is the now middle-aged man of Pearl City City Lord, apparently because he thought the transition Heavenly Fox invasion.

"Li Mingjun Aoxue not, she will not succeed." Situ Shibai looking middle-aged man, said the pain.

middle-aged man said with a bitter smile:. "Maybe, but Aoxue sister was right, some things always someone to start, regardless of the outcome is good or bad I know I can not advise you, so when Big Brother Bai ...... road ...... please! "

" Come, then, decided to Pearl City future with this war. "Situ Shibai glance awakened all around, and from the eyes of these people he saw the determination to see the power of his helpless sighed, slowly began.

After saying that, hanging in the air a huge ball of light broke bright radiance.


City Lord's Mansion.

Moon Prince holding Chen Jun Ting, is watching Chen Jun Ting sleeping face.

Then it can not help his long tongue licked Jun Chen Ting face.

"white, do not lick, tickling."

Chen Jun Ting slightly frowned, subconsciously waving poke tongue, muttering said.

raised her white puppy, Holy Mother in because of blood, particularly white obedient.

However, she muttered a few times, dream white are still licking her face, so she was confused opened his eyes.

She saw not Luo Shiyu, nor the Heavenly Fox, but a group indescribable, ineffable presence.

"Hello, you look so strange."

Chen Jun Ting sat up, looked at the indescribable thing, curious said.

then that group indescribable mess things constant peristalsis, in what seems to talk.

Chen Jun Ting nodded very serious attempt to understand the other side, from time to time, and in some places they reveal the color doubts.

"You say your master is dead? That really poor."

moment, Chen Jun Ting barely understand the meaning of indescribable thing, then sympathy Road.

Then she stared, surprised: "You say you want to follow me ...... Well let me see, what will you??"

That indescribable things slowly out of the shadow of a mess group, a blink of an eye it and Chen Jun Ting appeared at the top of City Lord's Mansion.

"wow, big sun." Chen Jun Ting looked up at the big ball of light, surprised said.

Then she was pleased to see the indescribable thing, said with a smile: "Hello powerful, how is this done?"

group indescribable thing that ever deformation, creep, what seems to explain.

"You mean ...... you always been an intangible concept of ability, then the owner gave you life?" Chen Jun Ting difficult to understand road.

group indescribable thing that agrees, then a burst of deformation.

Chen Jun Ting Minzui said:. "Well, since you have nobody wanted, I will temporarily shelter you, but you have to listen Oh, or I do not want you"

Then, she extend the hand.

group indescribable thing that integrate immediately into the hands of her, what she felt an instant, eyes look to Monument Square.

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