The Mount Everest at four o’clock in the morning should have been a paradise for wild beasts.

At this time, there was a perverted voice from the mountainside, and the scared animals were all shiver coldly and did not dare to act rashly.

pa pa pa pa!

"Come again!"

pa pa pa pa pa!

"I can still do it!"

pa pa pa pa pa pa !

"Sister Sisi, push hard!"

Zhang Ping was naked, standing in the clearing like Horse-Riding Stance, and countless current whips were constantly beating him.

Sure enough, there are some things, sensory disgusting is not necessarily really disgusting, maybe you will find it after a little try, and it doesn't seem to be that bad.

Zhang Ping originally rejected Liu Sishan's test.

But after trying it, he found that the improvement brought by the blood of the old king is all-round, the more pain the more effective, even the self-healing ability will be correspondingly improved.

So, he really smelled decisively.

At this time, Liu Sishan's face was expressionless, like a cold and ruthless queen, controlling dozens of water whips and constantly beating Zhang Ping's body, while Zhang Ping's face was sour and uttered. An unclear voice.

Actually, he really didn't want to make this kind of sound, but the stronger the whip hit him, the more comfortable it was.

It hurts.

In fact, it still hurts.

But the feeling of all-round improvement has surpassed the pain, and the pain has turned into a good "dish".

Not far away, Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie were sitting in a row. Both of them were stunned looking at the frenzy dancing in front of them. Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said in a low voice: "Senior Sister, thinking I think she's good at it."

"Don't...Don't talk nonsense, Sisi did this for a reason, and it was Zhang Ping who said just now. You can't blame Sisi." Cheng Xuejie helped Liu Sishan defended.

But she then looked at Liu Sishan again, always feeling that there was a face that was laughing wildly under the cold mask.

Good terrifying......

As for Zhang Ping, people also have one's hair stand on end.

Even if I know that Zhang Ping is because of the blood of the old king, I still feel that Zhang Ping is so perverted.

Cheng Xuejie was still a little moved with Zhang Ping. After all, Zhang Ping is squinted, but she doesn’t look bad, and she has excellent abilities and personality. She has also been in her body. Such an excellent young man Men are very popular in the sweeping team.

But she looked at Zhang Ping with a sore and distorted expression on her face at the moment, and that trace of goodwill suddenly disappeared...

Suddenly, there was a huge light in the sky above Pearl City. The ball disappeared suddenly.

Everyone stopped their actions at this moment.

"The rate of physical loss has returned to normal." Lu Han said solemnly.

Cheng Xuejie also felt tired, opened the mouth and said: "Fatigue has returned to normal."

"I feel my weight has returned to normal." Zhang Shouzhong opened the mouth and said.

Liu Sishan took out the badge and tried to contact Situ Shibai.

Every member of the sweeping team has received the blessing of Situ Shibai when entering the team.

'Blessing' is a rare state-protecting ability that can give others a certain attribute semi-permanently. Unless the person who gives the blessing dies, the power of this blessing will accompany others for life.

Lu Han's blessing is that his physical strength loss rate is halved, Cheng Xuejie's blessing is that fatigue is halved, Zhang Shouzhong's blessing is that his weight is halved, and Liu Sishan's blessing is that spirit strength consumption is halved.

At this time, the blessing suddenly disappeared, and everyone felt a very bad feeling.

They can't believe the answer, and they don't want to believe the answer in their hearts.

For half a minute, Situ Shibai did not get in touch, Liu Sishan and the others' hearts began to tremble, and there were even teardrops in Cheng Xuejie's eyes.

Although Zhang Ping did not receive the blessing of Situ Shibai, the answer can be inferred from the disappearance of the ball of light and the reaction of Liu Sishan and the others.

He also felt incredible.

In his opinion, Situ Shibai is a real boss. Is this kind of existence so easy to fall?

"Cough cough, it hasn't existed in this form for a long time."

Suddenly, Situ Shibai's voice came from the gold treasure house bracelet.

Zhang Ping was taken aback, and Liu Sishan and the others immediately surrounded him. Liu Sishan grabbed Zhang Ping's hand, looked at the bracelet and asked, "Captain, how are you?"

"Not so good. In about a year, I might be killed by the king of the Heavenly Fox clan." Situ Shibai replied.

Zhang Ping couldn’t help but ask: "Old Mister Situ, are you contacting us now through a bracelet?"

"No, this is my second hand, once If I am not dead, part of the memory will form a virtual personality and be transmitted to this bracelet. I am actually just a virtual personality, not myself." Situ Shibai replied.

To put it simply, it is not Situ Shibai that lives in the bracelet, but the artificial intelligence that has part of his memory.

Zhang Shouzhong excitedly said: "Captain, what should we do to save you?"

"Don’t worry, the situation is similar to what I expected. I already had a foreboding when I was in Pearl City To death, but I also saw hope in death. Now, in order to kill me completely, the king of the Heavenly Fox clan can only stay in the Monument Square to prevent my resurrection. This is something other Heavenly Fox cannot do. Once it is divided Heart or leave, then I will have the opportunity to resurrect and escape.

Therefore, it cannot act rashly within a year. This is our opportunity." Situ Shibai replied.

Liu Sishan calmed down and asked: "Please Captain for instructions."

"Now you must leave quickly and go to the nearest safe house before speaking. According to my own memory, I can. Presumably, Li Aoxue will definitely not let you go. You have ruined her plan. If it falls into her hands, I am afraid it will be bode ill rather than well." Situ Shibai said.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Okay, everyone is ready to transfer."

"What about them?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yan Brother Long.

Lu Han opened the mouth and said: "Kill it, so as not to have a branch."

"No, take it away together." Situ Shibai denied Lu Han's idea.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Shouzhong, Zhang Shouzhong sighed, with a right hand on his left and a right hand, and brought up Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yan Brother Long.


Liu Sishan promptly said.

Everyone immediately moved towards the nearest safe house.



A woman wearing a black windbreaker brought a group of black clothed persons to the side of Mount Everest.

The woman saw the blood on the ground, took off the black glove of the right hand, and put a little blood into her mouth with her finger.

"Bah, I dared to poison my blood. It is really a despicable villain who can only be cultivated by the old fogey of Situ Shibai. Chase me. I must not let the sinners who undermined Aoxue Your Majesty plan be spared! "She spit out blood, then said gnashing teeth.

A black clothed person with a petite figure next to her spawned and asked: "Aunt Hongying, where should we go after, you haven't told us yet."

" Come with me!"

The woman realized she was dazzled by anger and gritted her teeth helplessly said.

But she hasn't taken two steps yet, suddenly her feet softened and she fell to the ground. The petite black clothed person cry out in surprise: "Hongying Aunt, what's the matter with you?"


"Damn it, that poison is so powerful." The woman said unwillingly.

Her ability is called'Badger Beast Power', so she has extremely powerful physical quality and a sense of smell far beyond ordinary people. At the same time, most of the poisons are directly immune, even if it is not immune to the poisons. , She can also be treated through prolonged paralysis.

The poison contained in the drop of blood just now directly caused her to be paralyzed.

If you leave it alone, I am afraid that this mountain will soon be affected by the poison and become a wasteland, and countless animals will die as a result.

Only to deal with the enemies that may appear, even use this kind of poison.

Guan Hongying wanted to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

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