Situ Shibai hearing this, replied: "In your situation, it was not impossible in the past."

"Is there a solution?" Zhang Ping eagerly Asked.

Situ Shibai replied: "Yes, the solution is actually not difficult. You only need to meditate, ask your heart, and determine your own path."

"Meditate, ask your heart, and determine your own path. "Zhang Ping frowned, a little puzzled.

Situ Shibai explained: "In fact, your situation will only appear in awakened with multiple abilities. Awakened with a single ability often decides the route to take very early, and the greater the ability The more choices you have, the more you will have, on the contrary, it will cause awakened to get stuck in promotion.

You only need to figure out what you want, and understand the route you want to take in the future, naturally. Where water flows, a canal is formed breakthrough."

This situation is relatively rare.

Although Situ Shibai himself is also awakened with multiple abilities, he was in the era of'primary school', because the cruel rule of Zhu Family forced him to become stronger as soon as possible. And the belief he forged in countless battles is already destined to take the road, so he is instead a breakthrough where water flows, a canal is formed.

Therefore, awakened with multiple abilities, in fact, may not be'promotion and staying'. This is a problem that very few talents will encounter.

Fortunately, in the past, the sweep team had awakened encountered similar situations, so Situ Shibai can still give Zhang Ping guidance.

Zhang Ping heard Situ Shibai's words, looked thoughtful and said: "Simply put, I have too much ability, and I didn't think about what ability to train, so I got stuck in the promotion."

"Yes, in the final analysis, all your abilities are not well-trained. If you have a very highly-trained ability, you will naturally be promoted. Now your ability is very low-level, so Although you are already good enough to advance, you need to choose a path yourself. This is where meditation and inquiring about the heart work." Situ Shibai agreed.

Zhang Ping hesitated: "Then Old Mister Situ, if I keep stuck like this, will there be any side effects?"

"I don’t know, there are not too many cases in the past. Learn from it, so I suggest you get promoted as soon as possible to avoid some bad situations." Situ Shibai replied.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and said: "Then Old Mister Situ, please teach me how to meditate."

"Close your eyes, empty your mind, and feel your own Every kind of ability, let the ability come out of the state of "sent but not sent." Then you need to torture your heart, what path you want to take, understand the most true thoughts in your heart, and naturally the ability will respond to your thoughts. But don’t aim too high. For example, if you have the fire eater ability, even if you imagine that it has the ability to swallow other elements, it will not derive similar abilities. It can only generate advanced abilities in the range of “sorrow”. "Situ Shibai said leisurely, with a soothing tone, inducing Zhang Ping to meditate.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes, feeling the existence of a certain ability.

Posted but not posted.

This is a magical state.

To use a slightly vulgar analogy, it is probably like when you urinate, the urine is already flowing out, but the state of preventing it from flowing out is restrained.

You can feel its existence, you can feel its temperature.

Zhang Ping feels almost like this at this moment.

The contract gem gives him the feeling of endless darkness, but the color of the contract gem in his perception is crystal clear and near-transparent dark green, as if it is full of vitality, as if it were born. Young leaves.

Appraisal Technique feels like a big eyeball, which is in a half-opened state. As long as he activates the ability, the eyeball will completely open his eyes and peep into the unknown.

Nethermist nightwalker is a cloud of gray fog.

It has no fixed shape, it changes all the time, and it does not appear from time to time, as if the next moment will be hidden in the dark and never reappear.

There is also fire eater. Originally Zhang Ping thought that this ability should be like a fire burning raging, but after closing his eyes, the fire eater he felt was not a flame, but a piece of red The space, this space has nothing but red, and emptiness is its best adjective.

Next, Zhang Ping continues to perceive the past with other abilities.

Wind Whisperer!

It turned out to be like a river, but what flows in the river is not water, but illusory wind. Zhang Ping can't feel the source of the river, nor can it trace its end.

Zhang Ping pondered for a while and couldn't figure out his clues, so he simply shifted his attention to the next ability.

Alien Eater!

This is one of the most important abilities of Zhang Ping.

But in the purely perceptual world, the alien eater is like a whirlpool, it seems that everything can be thrown in, and then it becomes something else through stirring.

The body of Nethermist.

Zhang Ping has great expectations for this ability.

In the world of perception, the body of Nethermist and Nethermist nightwalker feel very similar, both are a cloud of gray fog, but the fog is vaguely forming the shape of a human, and it is constantly changing, faintly You can see that this figure has a skull face.

Zhang Ping guessed that it may be that he used the face of Death God more often, so the skull face is a proof of his level of skill.

Finally, there is the sense of purity of the pure water body, and the warm and moist feeling of the pure blood body.

On the contrary, it was the blood of the old king, which gave him a feeling as fierce as a fire and as strong as a tiger. He originally thought that when he perceives the blood of the old king, there would be a trembling image of M, which was like he imagined Is completely different.

When his round of meditation is over, there is only one thought in his heart. Too many choices can sometimes be a happy trouble.

"How about, have you made a choice?" Situ Shibai asked when he saw him open his eyes.

Zhang Ping sighed, shook his head and said: "There are too many choices, is there no way to do both?"

"It depends on your own heart, I can't give it to you Suggestion." Situ Shibai said.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. This time he carefully felt each ability, carefully savoring the difference between them, and finally he focused on the contract gem.

In fact, his biggest hesitation lies between the contract gem and the alien eater.

The contract gem is his basic disk, and most of his abilities actually come from the contract gem, but Alien Eater also provides him with four powerful abilities.

Whether it is the body of Nethermist, the body of pure water, or the body of pure blood, or the blood of the old king, they are all first-class powerful skills.

It can be said that although the alien eater originated from the contract gem, its potential is no longer inferior to the contract gem.

So what Zhang Ping really hesitated about is which of these two abilities should be chosen as the core of the advancement.

He simply really emptied his mind and didn't think about these things.

Gradually, he has an answer.

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