"Well, little fellow, you will be called Theron from now on."

Zhang Ping is slightly relaxed, the name is just second, the most important thing is through this Time exchanges, the relationship between the two parties goes further.

He can feel that the little fellow is not as hostile to him as before, and this little fellow is actually quite foolish.

When he was communicating with Little Theron, Feng Laixian and Bai De had already fled to the bottom of the mountain. The two quickly entered the jungle and quickly shuttled through the forest. Any tree that blocked them was beaten casually. burst.

In the rear, densely packed black mountain ants form a black wave.

It's really like a big wave.

Countless black mountain archback ants stepped on other black mountain archback ants, all moving forward desperately, looking one after another.

When they go down the mountain, they are completely rolling down, even not much different from the water. Many black mountain ants hit the rocks and big trees.

Under the violent impact, countless black mountain ants died, but there are still more black mountain ants marching on the corpse.

This momentum is too terrifying, it's like a natural disaster.

"Zhang Ping, you brat, don't follow us all the way, you run over there, and after getting rid of the pursuit of the Black Ant Dynasty, we will meet under the highest mountain in front of us, roll quickly!" Bai De felt that the ground was shaking, and then roared angrily.

Zhang Ping can fly and can't die at all.

If the Black Mountain ant is really going to catch up, it will only be him and Feng Laixian who will die.

Even Fenglaixian may not die. He is the most likely person among the three to be killed by the Black Mountain Arch-back Ant.

Zhang Ping also realized that if he really continued to follow Bai De and Feng Laixian, it would only harm the two of them, so he nodded and said: "Well, little Theron and I will get rid of the black ant, We will meet again later."

After speaking, he parted ways with Bai De and the others, and flew away in the other direction.

The Black Mountain ants at the rear seemed to have some way to lock the little Theron. Zhang Ping changed the direction of flight, and they immediately changed the direction and continued to chase.

North of Pearl City, there are endless peaks.

So it is called the endless mountain by the residents of Pearl City.

There are countless legends and countless dangers here.

It can be said that no matter what demons and ghosts you encounter in the endless mountains, you don’t need to make a fuss about nothing.

Zhang Ping flew over the mountains with countless black mountain arch-back ants, wherever he went, he was flying and jumping, and even provokes a giant bear with a strong sense of territorial alienation.

He flew away.

However, the angry, alienated giant bear fought with the black mountain archback ants behind, and finally died. I don't know how many black mountain archback ants died.

However, the giant bear itself is not good. Under the bite of countless black mountain archback ants, the whole body is wounded. If the black mountain archback ant is not fighting unintentionally, it may not even have a chance to escape.

After the giant bear flees dingyly, these Black Mountain Arch-backed ants continue to chase Zhang Ping and Little Theron, but Zhang Ping has already taken Little Theron away.

"Little Theron, let’s take a break here."

In midair, Zhang Ping felt that the black mountain ant had been thrown away for a long distance. There was a huge boulder under the mountain in the distance, and there was a clear stream beside it, so he decided to say.

He controlled Nethermist to fall slowly, and then put away Nethermist and wings.

In fact, such a high-intensity flight is not a small burden for him.

Fortunately, there is little Theron, but Nethermist's consumption has saved a lot.

The main thing is that he is staying in the body of Little Theron. It is much easier for Nethermist to fly with Little Theron than to fly him himself.

In fact, Zhang Ping has thought about a problem.

That is when he converted to a pure blood body, and the weight of the strictly speaking blood should be the same as his original weight.

How can so much blood enter the body of a target smaller than him.

Won’t this blow up the opponent?

But then he thought about it carefully, let alone small creatures, even the same size can't stand it.

Really so much blood enters the blood vessels, and the blood vessels burst to death due to high blood pressure within minutes.


Zhang Ping wants to open it.

This is a super power, so what do you think about it, it's easy to use.

He didn't bother to think,'Why did he live in Little Theron's body, and Little Theron's weight didn't increase'.

At this moment, he gathered blood, which instantly seeped out of Little Theron's body, and turned into flesh and blood in a blink of an eye.

"Come back!"

He used Nethermist as his clothes, and at this time he launched summon against the gold treasure house in the distance.

About half a minute later, the gold treasure house bracelet flew over and fell into his hand.

When he got dressed, he sat beside Little Theron, holding Little Theron's head while taking out all kinds of food.

"Hungry, come and eat meat."

He took out a piece of honey sauce and handed it to Little Theron.

Just now in the body of Little Theron, he felt an empty stomach and stomach rumbling with hunger. This little fellow probably hasn't eaten since he was born.

There is no doubt that Little Theron does not understand what politeness is.

It took a look at Zhang Ping, and then took a bite of the barbecue. It probably didn’t expect that this fragrant piece of meat was so delicious. It froze in place for a while before eating slowly. .

"little fellow, it's quite edible, do you want it?" Zhang Ping took out another piece of barbecue and threw it on with a smile.

Little Theron opened his mouth unceremoniously and bit.

Its appetite is obviously much larger than Zhang Ping estimated.

Next, Zhang Ping fed him 30 pieces of barbecue continuously, and then he barely fed him full. After eating, the little fellow lay tiredly on the stone and fell asleep.

It hasn't been long since it was born. It is obviously not easy for it to toss and escape.

Zhang Ping gently touched its head, slightly sighed.

Although he wanted to contract this little fellow very much, he actually hesitated at the thought of going to a crisis-ridden place soon.

In case he doesn't go back, he just contracted Little Theron, wouldn't it mean he would be harmed?


Suddenly there was a loud noise not far away.

Zhang Ping hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. A pimple-grown Old Tree Man seemed to have fallen from a high altitude, just stepping on a small forest not far away.

Tree people?

Can plants also become alienated beasts?

Zhang Ping was shocked, and quickly used Appraisal Technique on the Old Tree Man.

After several failed authentications, the attributes of Old Tree Man quickly unfolded.

[Identification Successful]

[Name: Ye Changchun]

[Race: Human (Lost)]

[Potential: None ]

[lifespan: 99]

[level: top awakened]

[level: 39]

[innate talent]

【Super-vegetation (mutation): The body can be transformed into a plant body, possessing various abilities of plants. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Photosynthesis: Through photosynthesis, you can restore physical strength without eating. 】

【high level -put down roots :Put down roots into the soil, they can absorb nutrients from the soil and slowly strengthen themselves until the super-vegetation is lifted. 】

【Top-Rooting and Sprouting: A seed can be produced every year. If the body dies, it will resurrect in the seed, take root and germinate, and grow again. 】


Not good.

Zhang Ping's face changed slightly.

I thought it was a special alienated beast, but didn't expect it turned out to be a lost one.

He quickly squatted down and gently picked up Little Theron, preparing to leave quietly.

Who knew that all around suddenly grew a lot of vines, and in a blink of an eye all his retreats were blocked.

The huge Old Tree Man walked slowly, looking at Zhang Ping with muddy eyes, and opened the mouth and said sonorously: "It's been a long time since I saw anyone come here, kid, you are Where is it from?"

I'm in big trouble.

Zhang Ping held Little Theron and looked at Old Tree Man solemnly.

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