Suqing Bo look to Ye Changchun, said with a bitter smile: "Big Brother Ye, this thing ...... how do you swallow?"

Just look at him to contract gem, and my heart has produced a great rejection, feeling like a shit eating the same contract gem.

It felt too uncomfortable.

Ye Changchun thought, replied:? "I then did not seem to think so much, not a old saying that goes right remedy for it so disgusting I think this gem is certainly good medicine, so I swallowed . "

" ...... "

both a queen speechless.

Suqing Bo closed his eyes, said with a bitter smile: ". I do the psychological work to do, see if you can eat, if the final or not, it is nothing"

"senior, do not give up, certainly no problem." Zhang Ping encouraged.

Ye Changchun also nodded and said: "! Brother Su, Zhang Ping said, well, do not give up, you do not there is a great-granddaughter, think about her, perhaps you can be a"

"I did my best."

Suqing Bo not smile, and then a serious look at the hands of the contract gem.

He looked at the contract gem, still there is a feeling of nausea, but Zhang Ping, Ye Changchun their encouragement, and great-granddaughter Ye Changchun mentioned, he did a lot more faith in my heart.

"Eat, bitter medicine!"

He was secretly thought, then close your eyes, simply will contract gem swallow.

After swallowing contract gem, he felt something fall from the body, the instinct of a control water fishing, contract gem back to the hands.


At this moment, everyone is silent.

Zhang Ping know, if my heart has always been exclusive, so even if it would eat a full pull out.

But the perception is that he comes from the memory of the original Zhang Ping, simply to say this is the original Zhang Ping test conclusion.

Now he finally saw the original will really eat pull out.

"Zhang Ping, how is this going?" Suqing Bo dumbfounded Road.

But he did come up with great determination to swallow contract gem, can not even digest contract gem.

"Brother Su, you will not be eating this state of no use?" Ye Changchun speculated.

Although he also turned up, but the trees were footer in the final analysis is the real body, he would have been able to eat. But the water of the body Suqing Bo but Elemental Body, there is no ability to digest this.

"Would not want to change back to human form just works?" Suqing Bo slightly frowned Road.

He thought into the water again, to take a moment to fur animals, which have a waterproof coat, removed from the water but still dry.

Suqing Bo came to the shore, who dressed in animal skins, then gradually transition from the body of the body of water for human flesh.

The body of water can not see how old he is, back to humans can see out.

He is too old.

all white hair, skinny body.

His weather-beaten face was covered with deep wrinkles, but now there is a long scar corner, very grim.

"laugh." He looked surprised to see Zhang Ping himself, then he said.

Zhang Ping hurriedly sorry and said:. "No, it just did not expect Senior Su so old"

"hehe, but for quick die of old age, who wants to has maintained that form, but a long time, really not suited to some humans that old legs and old arms. "Suqing Bo exclaimed.

Then he looked contract gem hands.

probably had the first experience, but the second is not so exclusive.

He tried the gems into his mouth, then found changes in contract gem hardness quickly, if in his hand when the hardness almost like candy, then had changed into his mouth after takes tofu.

After eating contract gem, he would look to Zhang Ping, he asked: "? Zhang Ping little friends, this may effectively a"

"I look at."

Zhang Ping Having to use Appraisal Technique for Suqing Bo, this time really contract gem in force.

He nodded and said: ". Been good, so I started to order the"

. "Come on"

Suqing Bo at the last minute but frankly .

"I order you to keep today's lost state is not allowed to deteriorate, not allowed to heal, not allowed to sink!" Zhang Ping looked Suqing Bo, the first organization in the heart of the language a bit, then ordered.

Suqing Bo closed his eyes and after a while it opened, uncertain asked:. "Ah, the command should have come into force," "? This is good."

zhang Ping nodded and said.

Suqing Bo next moment is converted back to the hindquarters of water, opened the mouth and said: "My fleshy body too old, estimated then converted several times, they may even have the ability to not be resorted to, I hope useful it. "

" Senior Su, Do not worry, I lost the ability to sink tyranny, certainly no problem. "Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Ye Changchun laughed and said:. "Yes, Zhang Ping This ability is definitely helpful, Brother Su put your heart into the stomach it"

In fact, there is no feeling Suqing Bo change, it is because Zhang Ping command is to allow him to maintain the state of mind now, of course, there will be no major changes.

And Ye Changchun is not the same, he's lost has been eliminated, so forgetful of the problems well, naturally feel particularly strong.

At this time, the small Theron climbed lap Zhang Ping, the arch of the stomach with his head Zhang Ping of the arch.

"how, hungry?" Zhang Ping to see the small Theron, could not resist the disc tray on its head, and then inquired.

small Theron gesturing, looking first at Ye Changchun, then looked Suqing Bo, the last open-mouthed, trained, trained, sent small sound.

"You mean, you want to eat contract gem?" Zhang Ping surprised.

small Theron nodded, revealing a Kangkaijiuyi expression.

It watched Suqing Bo eating contract gem.

Although Suqing Bo do not understand why the obviously feel sick we are still forced to eat contract gem, but it feels greatly shocked.

Accordingly, it would like to try.

"Let me see, then three commands it, can you?" Zhang Ping looked at the little Theron, sincere asked.

Zhang Ping small Theron vaguely understand the meaning, but also feel a sincere Zhang Ping, which thought they nodded agreed.

next moment, Zhang Ping will gather again, a contract gem, small hand-handed in front of Theron, said with a smile: "Well, eat."

Theron saw a small contract gem, suddenly regretted.

It slowly stepped back, but looked up to see Zhang Ping eyes full of encouragement, the courage to give birth to it, gnashing teeth looked contract gem.

"It does not matter, do not worry, do not force yourself to eat." Zhang Ping to see if it looks like gnashing teeth, said with a smile.

Before he wanted a dream Summoned Beast.

But after Ye Changchun for the treatment and Suqing Bo, but his mood changed.

Even if both partners need to be able to command absolute trust, to be able to entrust the back, then he is not a man too failed?

So when small Theron expressed their willingness to eat contract gem, his heart is very clear, small Theron does not really understand the meaning of contract gem, it's just because trust him, why they want to eat.

There is no such distractions trust, than the so-called 'categorical imperative' is more valuable?

So, he gave up the so-called 'categorical imperative', only we prepared three opportunities to command, and he already had the opportunity of these three commands, each command's usefulness.

small Theron looked up at Zhang Ping.

It is seen from the eyes of Zhang Ping of the kind, love, trust, which look extremely warm, it suddenly give birth to even greater courage.

it look to contract gem, then it will contract gem an open mouth to swallow.

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