No. 08 base itself has a strong seismic capacity, Situ Shibai took all this into consideration when constructing it.

However, this earthquake was obviously not a natural earthquake. After a violent aftershock, the wall not far from Zhang Ping burst suddenly, and a lava lightning came in from the crack.

"Not good!"

Zhang Ping saw this scene, immediately turned around and ran.

Other people also came out of the room one after another, turning around and running when they saw this scene, all moving quickly in the direction of the exit.

"Zhang Ping, what is going on?" Bai De ran to Zhang Ping's side and asked.

Zhang Ping replied while running: "I don't know, I got an earthquake right after I came out, and then the wall broke soon."

"This is not a lava in nature, probably Some kind of extremely powerful alienated beast is moving." Feng Laixian said at this moment, running in front of the two of them.

Normal lava will definitely not be accompanied by lightning.

And in this lava, there are still purple red thunder and lightning running, which seems extremely abnormal.

Suddenly, the earth shook violently again, and a lot of cracks appeared in the passage.

A huge ceiling fell, and Zhang Shouzhong and Feng Laixian in front of Feng Laixian shot at the same time. The two punched the ceiling to pieces, and then continued to run forward.

But at this moment, the ground squeezed towards the base, gradually narrowing the passage.

"Not good, if we continue like this, we may be blocked before we reach the exit." Feng Laixian judged.

Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said: "Don't resist everyone, I'll take you over!"

After speaking, a lot of Nethermist came out of his body.

In the experience yesterday afternoon, although he didn't get much experience, he still saved a little Nethermist through killing.

The main reason is that animals are more prone to anger and fear. Although their emotional quality is not high, they finally get rid of the dilemma of passive water.

So when he should be generous, he will certainly not be stingy.

For an instant, everyone was wrapped in Nethermist, and then he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Get up, go!"

Nethermist floated with everyone, and the speed skyrocketed in an instant. In the constantly deforming passage, Nethermist is like a giant gray snake, reaching its destination in an instant.

No. 08 base has no doors or windows, so a Formation is required for entry and exit.

This Formation will send everyone to a grassland outside of several hundred meters, but it takes 5 minutes to start this Formation.

"Start Formation quickly."

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Liu Sishan.

Usually 5 minutes of waiting is not a problem, but now these 5 minutes are particularly fatal.

Lu Han opened the mouth and said: "Depending on the situation, the passage will collapse sooner or later. We must find a way to fix this space."

"I'll do it." Zhang Shouzhong Directly opened the mouth and said.

He turned his fat into four pillars, each stuck in the constantly deforming channel.

Only more than ten seconds later, the four pillars of his fat began to deform slightly, twisting under tremendous force.

The power of nature is too powerful.

Although this disaster was probably caused by alienated beasts, it was nature's mighty force that caused the base to collapse.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at the gradually curved top beams, his face was bitter and said: "I'm afraid I can't hold it, do you have any other way?"

At this time, the lava burned thickly. The smoke spread over, and everyone covered their mouths and noses.

"This is not the way to go, how far is the base from the ground?" Feng Laixian solemnly asked.

Five minutes is not long. The problem is that the tunnel collapses and the lava will flow to them faster. He is not afraid of lava, but others may not be.

And now lava is burning the air violently.

They will soon find it difficult to breathe because of the thin air.

Furthermore, the gas released by the burning of lava contains toxins, even if it is awakened, as long as there is no corresponding detoxification ability, various symptoms of poisoning will soon appear.

The longer the delay, the worse the situation will be for them.

“Base No. 08 is located at a distance of 1,800 meters below the ground. In addition to this Formation, there is another Formation where you can leave. The problem is that Formation is in the basement at the other end.” Situ Shibai’s voice came from the bracelet Outgoing.

Feng Laixian was silent for a while, and at 1,800 meters, he directly cut off his idea of ​​digging channels to survive.

"Zhang Ping, do you need an old man to take action?" Ye Changchun's deposit flew out of Zhang Ping's pocket, and then asked aloud.

Zhang Ping shocked happily said: "Senior Ye, do you have a way?"

"He he he he, take you away directly, the old man may not be able to do it, but hold on Five minutes should still be fine." Ye Changchun said with a smile.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "That is troublesome senior."

"Well, you guys get a little bit away, I'm going out." Ye Changchun responded.

Zhang Ping hurriedly asked everyone to open a large enough area, Zhang Shouzhong asked in a low voice: "Zhang Ping, is this senior very big?"

"Very big, Very big!" Zhang Ping nodded and said.

No one else has seen Ye Changchun, so they watched Chu Qi drifting to the empty space with curiosity and suspicion.

Next moment, Ye Changchun came out of the deed, and the ceiling of the base was burst in an instant, and then densely packed thick roots plunged into the walls all around, directly changing the area they were in. Into a forest.

"This...isn't this too ridiculous!"

Cheng Xuejie looked up at the topped ceiling, her mouth couldn't close.

At this time, Ye Changchun said with a smile: "Okay, it won't collapse for at least five minutes."

His bruised face looked forward, and then opened his mouth. A blast of air was blown fiercely, and the thick smoke of the lava was blown back, and even the lava that flowed back was blown back.

"It's too strong. If it's in an open place, how strong this senior would be unimaginable." Feng Laixian felt the strong wind blown by Ye Changchun, and said inwardly.

Because of the cultivation, he was in a state of chaos, and the "blowing technique" can be said to be Pearl City Number One Person, but Ye Changchun's breath made him feel the gap.

Obviously, Ye Changchun's strength is not only the huge tree-man body, but also many other incidental abilities.

"Zhang Ping, this senior is your Summoned Beast?" Zhang Shouzhong asked in a low voice.

Zhang Ping corrected: "It's not Summered Beast, Senior Ye is our comrade in arms. He also chose to act with us in order to save Pearl City."

"Good, I I also want this kind of senior guarantee and protect." Zhang Shouzhong envied.

Cheng Xuejie vomited: "Didn't you always say that your ability is the strongest ability? Would you envy other people again?"

"Can I envy you? Of course, my ability is the strongest, but it doesn't mean I can't envy it." Zhang Shouzhong insisted.

Cheng Xuejie rolled the eyes, curling her mouth to express her disdain.

"What do you mean when you roll your eyes?"

"Why do I like to roll your eyes?"

"You roll my eyes too!"


Five minutes passed quietly between the two of them gagging.

"Okay, Formation has been opened. Groups of three will leave in an orderly manner."

Liu Sishan, who has been staring at the start of Formation, now opened the mouth and said, At the same time, he looked at Zhang Ping.

Everyone wanted Zhang Ping to leave first, but Zhang Ping decided to stay with Ye Changchun until the end.

Because once Ye Changchun leaves, this space will completely collapse within a few seconds, so Ye Changchun must wait for everyone to teleport away before leaving.

Ye Changchun is here because of him, so how could Zhang Ping go first?

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