at the crucial moment.

A golden gate made of precious stones appeared abruptly in the air.

The fire bird swooped in, and suddenly fell into the other side of the door unexpectedly. The door was only one meter wide and three meters high, but the huge fire bird flew in smoothly.

And the treasure stone gate faces Fenglaixian and the others. Zhang Ping held Zhao Yanlong in his left hand and Zhao Yanhu in his right hand. He jumped out from the door and landed in front of Fenglaixian. .

"A safe landing!"

Zhang Ping looked at Feng Laixian with a desperate face, and suddenly smiled brightly.


Zhang Shouzhong avoided a catastrophe, somewhat in disbelief.

The same is true for other people. One second they were completely desperate, and the next second the fire bird was teleported away, as if all the dangers they experienced were just as if dreams and visions in a bubble.

"Zhang Ping, you slap me in the face." Bai De walked up to Zhang Ping and said.

Zhang Ping surprised strangely said: "No way, instructor Bai, do you still have this kind of hobby?"

"Fuck you, haha, earned it, I just thought I was Will die." Bai De suddenly laughed and cursed, and then ecstatically hugged Zhang Ping, fiercely patted Zhang Ping's back.

Other people were also relaxed, Cheng Xuejie even silently wiped her tears. She was just so desperate.

At this time, Liu Sishan walked quickly to Zhang Ping, pushed away the surprised Bai De, and held Zhang Ping’s face in both hands. When everyone thought she would kiss her, she was right He rubbed Zhang Ping's face for a while.

"Warm, soft, alive, very good." She confirmed that Zhang Ping was still alive, and said with tears of joy.

Zhang Ping helplessly broke free of Liu Sishan's hand, opening the mouth and said: "Sister Sisi, I am embarrassed by you like this, you are dear."

Other people Suddenly, I couldn't help but laugh. In the atmosphere just now, it seemed that not only they misunderstood, but Zhang Ping also misunderstood.

"glib tongue." Liu Sishan gave Zhang Ping a white look and patted his forehead with his hand.

Zhang Ping saw that everyone’s mood eased, so he coughed, his expression became serious, and said: "Well, don’t be too happy for everyone. The left door is a two-way door. It is entering, so the fire bird is actually in Base 08. With its strength, it may not be impossible to get out if you spend some time, so we'd better run away!"

"Right, yes, hurry Go!" Lu Han reacted and immediately agreed.

Everyone cleared up their hearts and continued to move towards the Changsha River. On the road, Zhang Shouzhong said curiously: "Zhang Ping, how do you know that we are here, and you can come to rescue us accurately?"

"I heard it." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He heard everyone's conversation through Wind Whisperer. At that time, he was also a little bit of no master. After all, Fenglaixian couldn't deal with the enemy, so he rushed over to die.

He never chooses this kind of mortal option.

Saving people is not about sending you to death. At least you must leave a way out for yourself.

Don't look at him trying his best to save Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu. In fact, he only needs to become a body of pure water to be taken by Su Qingbo to escape. It is not dangerous from beginning to end.

Because he knew it well, he didn't panic at all.

But this time he was really panicked.

So, the fire bird attacked him for the first time and did not appear.

Then Wind Whisperer was suddenly quiet, and his heart almost stopped beating at that moment.

The scenes of getting along with Liu Sishan in the past continue to appear in his mind, as well as Bai De, Feng Laixian, Zhang Shouzhong...

When the fire bird attacks for the second time, He was mentally prepared to die, and only then began the rescue operation.

When he held the gem key and activated his abilities, he was surprised to find that it turned out that the stone gate can choose two-way gates and one-way gates.

The two-way door means that both sides of the two doors can be teleported. The one-way door has only one side to enter, and the other side of the door only has one side to exit. The entrance door cannot go out, and the exit door cannot enter. .

So he was divine light flashed, and when setting the door at the other end, he happened to be stuck on the route where the fire bird swooped down.

So there is the previous scene.

Zhang Ping sorted out his mood while running. Don't look at his brightest smile just now. In fact, he is more scared than anyone.

He is afraid that the person he cares about will die, he is afraid that he will not have time to save others, and he is afraid that he will lose an important partner again. This is something he would rather die than face.


Suddenly a loud noise disrupted his thoughts.

The earth shook violently, and then exaggerated ground cracks appeared in many places, one after another lava gushing out from the cracks.

"Not good, the fire bird will come out soon."

Feng Laixian immediately felt the breath of the fire bird, and his complexion greatly changed.

Everyone started to speed up, Zhang Ping threw Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu to Zhang Shouzhong, opened the mouth and said: "Help me get it."

"Do you still care about them at this time?" Just throw it away." Zhang Shouzhong caught Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanlong's brothers, and couldn't help but vomit.

Zhang Ping began to make the King’s Gem. While activating his abilities, he responded, “I’ve been rescued, take it with me.”

while speaking, an index finger-shaped Golden gems are formed in an instant, and he immediately knows what the gems do when he holds them.

This is a cheat gem. The effect is that after using the gem, the ability effect of the next use is doubled, and there is a small probability that a critical strike will occur, and the ability effect will be increased by ten times.

Zhang Ping, apart from anything else, immediately squeezed the gem in the shape of an index finger. The gem suddenly turned into golden energy and poured into his body. He prayed silently in his heart, next moment King’s gem, must It is the key to the precious stone gate!

He activates the ability to quickly form a gem.

This is a round gemstone with a double circle pattern on the surface of the gemstone.

Gem of interest?

Zhang Ping slightly frowned, instantly know the effect of gems.

Originally an ordinary breath-gathering gem, the effect is to converge and isolate its own breath after use, making it difficult for the enemy to perceive its own existence from the breath for 30 minutes.

Because he had used cheat gems before, the effect of the gems for restraining the breath has become to isolate the breath of all creatures within ten meters from the center, making the enemy undetectable.

He thought for a while, and simply used the Breathing Gems. With him as the center, an invisible energy shield suddenly appeared. This energy shield enveloped everyone, and all creatures ten meters away Unable to perceive the breath of the creatures in the energy shield.

For a moment, the earthquake stopped suddenly.

Feng Laixian stopped suddenly as he ran, looking confused and said: "Wait, the fire bird has stopped."

He looked at where the fire bird was in the distance. The fire bird should be about seven or eight hundred meters away from the ground, and suddenly stopped moving very strangely.

"You mean, it stopped suddenly?" Zhang Ping looked thoughtful.

Fenglaixian nodded and said: "en."

"I just used an ability, within 30 minutes, centered on me, the inner Qi within ten meters Isolated." Zhang Ping said directly.

Feng Laixian immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Ping. If the fire bird is to lock their breath, it means that the appearance of the fire bird is not an accident, but an unknown enemy is targeting them.

"I will try!"

Everyone present understands the meaning of Zhang Ping's words, and Lu Han immediately opened the mouth and said.

He walked out of the energy shield, and the moment he walked out of the energy shield, the ground vibrated slightly again.

"The fire bird has moved!" Feng Laixian opened his eyes wide and said immediately.

Lu Han hurriedly returned to the energy hood, thinking: "This method is not something Heavenly Fox can do."

"Will it be Zuo Xiangming's group? Made by someone?" Bai De speculated.

Feng Laixian shook his head and said: "The probability is not high. If they have the means to control the alienated beast of the King level..."

"It is the Zhu Family, the fire bird is named The Sun God bird, the Zhu Family has been called the Sun Family a long time ago." Situ Shibai suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Liu Sishan solemnly said: "Is Zhu Family targeting us or targeting a specific person?"

"Is there a difference between targeting us or targeting one of us?" Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile, and then pushed Zhang Ping forward, pushing and saying: "Obviously that fire bird is attacking by locking our breath or the breath of one of us. We are impossible to give up anyone, so now the most The important thing is to go to Land of Trial!"

Cheng Xuejie clapped her hands and agreed: "Yes, since Zhang Ping has come back, then let's go directly to Land of Trial."

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