I Contracted Myself

【612】Amateur Rival

Sharp thrust!

Laser eyes!

Blood inflammation!

Wuming launched a series of attacks at the flying Aries Palace. At the same time, he gently held a line of fire and flicked it, and the fire spread to the front in an instant.

When Aries passed through the flames, Wuming's fist hit the tip of his nose. He was immediately hurt and flew backwards, but he immediately kicked Wuming. Wuming blocked his attack with both hands, and also fell back and flew some distance away. .

"White Sun Fist!"

Aries came forward first and immediately raised his hand to punch Wuming. White flames all over his body immediately rushed to his arm, and then turned into a huge white fist and hit Wuming.

"I swallow it!"

When Wuming saw the white fist coming, he immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the white fist.

"Wu Ming, you have too many abilities." Aries Gong was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile.

Wuming frantically digested Aries' attack, and finally white flames spurted out from his nostrils and ears. He closed his mouth and stared, and the indigestible flames in his body were quickly extinguished.

"Phew, it tastes so bad."

Wuming let out a breath of hot breath and then complained.

Then, the two sides took action again, fighting from one side of the Aries Dome to the other.

Both sides didn't hold back at all, using all their moves to kill each other without worrying about beating each other to death.

They all now realize that unless they use some super-standard abilities, they will not be able to kill each other even if they fight for decades.

When the level reaches a certain level, their vitality, soul, consciousness, and thinking will change. They are no longer ordinary living beings. Unless they come into contact with super-standard things, it is difficult for others to kill them.

The two fought for a day and a night, and basically figured out all the opponent's conventional attack methods.

If the fight continues like this, Aries will definitely lose. Because Aries does not have infinite energy, he will definitely run out of energy first and eventually lose to Wuming.

Of course, if the resources in the storage space can be used, it may take a long, long time for the two of them to decide the winner.

In the end, the two of them didn't want to fight anymore because they had figured out each other's methods. The fight became less and less passionate, and the two stopped in unison.

It's like a newlywed couple, passionate at first, but gradually it becomes more and more boring as you know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

The two decided that this time the competition was a draw and they would come back again if they had the chance.

It was still noon when we came out of the Aries Dome, but it was noon the next day. Everyone else had already learned how to ask the heart, and only Gao Shangong and Zhenwo Suren were still there.

"I thought your discussion wouldn't be over in less than ten days and a half." Gao Shanggong said with a smile.

Aries put on a decent top and said with a gentle smile: "It was very pleasant to play against Mr. Unknown. I haven't had such a good exercise in a long time."

"Do you still call this exercise?" the real person complained in a low voice.

Whether it was Aries or Wuming, he couldn't beat him. As a strong second generation, he had always had a superior and arrogant mentality, but in front of Wuming, his mentality collapsed a bit.

Mainly because Wuming was much younger than him. Looking at Wuming, he felt like he had lived in vain for hundreds of years.

Next, at Wuming's invitation, everyone returned to Wenxin Courtyard to drink tea, while continuing to discuss the issue of repairing the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

Because of Wuming's breakthrough, and Wuming himself being the controller of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Aries revealed a lot of information that could not be revealed before.

For example, the Evil God Xuan Ni will be imprisoned in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. This is actually because the Evil Goddess Breeding Evil is also imprisoned in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. However, the Scholar Foundation is not sure on how many floors she is imprisoned in.

There are several evil gods imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. This is the fundamental reason why many organizations have donated money and material support. No one wants the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to collapse. No one wants the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space to escape. But everyone Even more afraid of the evil god escaping from trouble.

"I have a question. Since we know that the power of the Evil God contaminated by the Eternal Silence Space may undergo unpredictable changes, why is the Evil God still imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming asked.

Aries smiled bitterly and said: "Because we didn't know before. Before Xuan Ni Evil God mutated, we didn't know that this would happen again."

"Actually, the main reason is... at the beginning, we never thought that there would be problems with the Everlasting Silence Prison Tower." Gao Shangong said.

The real person glanced at Wuming, feeling that he had found a little confidence again, and said: "The level of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is very high. It can be said that it is second only to the treasure given by the Shenzang Trial. There were many strong people when it was first built. Just think that this tower can never be destroyed..."

"No wonder, it turned out to be a flag." Wuming nodded.

Generally speaking, things that are said to be "never" will often slap themselves in the face very quickly, such as the Titanic, which is said to be unsinkable...

Afterwards, everyone discussed the personnel involved in the operation. After Aries' introduction, Wuming finally knew who was acting together this time.

This time, in addition to Gao Shang Gong, Zhenme Suren will also act with him. The main reason is that the plan he proposed earlier failed. In order to save the dignity of the society, he will personally command the death squad.

"Are you okay?" After Wuming found out, he looked at Zhenme and asked. The real person's face suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry, although I can't fight you, but in terms of life-saving ability, you may not be as strong as me."

"He seems to be very angry. What did I say wrong?" Wuming asked Aries in a low voice when he saw that Zhenwo Suren looked unhappy.

Aries smiled and looked at the real amateur, who immediately yelled, "I'm not angry!"

"He's just shy!" Aries teased.

The real amateur roared, "You're shy, humph, you don't know what you're talking about!"

After that, he got up and left angrily.

"Don't tease amateurs."

Gao Shanggong saw that Wuming was playing dumb, and that Aries was cooperating with Wuming, so he said helplessly.

Then Wuming and Aries couldn't help laughing. It was obvious that the two of them didn't know each other until they fought, but now they have become good friends. Wuming just gave a look, and Aries understood what Wuming meant and cooperated with Wuming perfectly.

"It's not that I want to tease him, it's mainly because he's a bit like an excellent student in an ivory tower. Is this kind of unfounded confidence really good?" After laughing, Wuming took a sip of tea and asked.

Gao Shanggong explained: "Su Ren comes from the True Self Clan. The education of the True Self Clan is very cruel. Many people die in the clan fighting every year. It is not as simple as the top students in the ivory tower for Su Ren to stand out all the time."

"But success is also failure. It is precisely because he has always been smooth sailing that his personality is too arrogant and arrogant, and he is also indifferent to life. His methods are more cruel than gentle, a bit like me a long time ago." Aries sighed.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "I guess he should have changed now. After all, Wuming has stimulated him a lot."

"Me?" Wuming was surprised.

Aries nodded and said: "You are much younger than the True Self Su Ren, but your strength is far beyond him. He must feel very uncomfortable, but in this way, he will look up to you, at least he will not treat you as a supporting role or NPC."

"So that's the case. No wonder his reaction is bigger than I expected." Wuming clapped his hands.

He just wanted to make a joke, but he didn't expect that it would irritate the real amateur. Now he finally knows the reason.

It's probably like Xiaozhi's rival is Xiaomao, and Tom's rival is Jerry...

It turns out that the real amateur regards him as a rival.

Of course, a rival is not a real enemy, but more like a competitor.

The real amateur obviously regards Wuming as his competitor. He is now one version behind Wuming, so his mentality is particularly easy to collapse.

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