I Contracted Myself

【637】After the disaster

Dahuang Special Zone, Wenxin Villa.

The birds outside the window chirped non-stop, and the morning sun gradually rose.

Wuming slowly opened his eyes, and the smiling face on the ceiling was facing him. He blinked and woke up after a long time.

"Wuming, you finally woke up." Lin Renmei sat by the bed and handed him a towel when she saw him sitting up.

Wuming took the towel and wiped his face, and asked, "What's the matter? Did I drink yesterday and black out?"

But then his hand suddenly stopped, and the scene of the sword of life and death falling, and the scene of endless pollution immediately appeared in his mind. Gao Shanggong took him and ran desperately, and finally fell to the second floor and was caught up by the power of the eternal space.

Gao Shanggong burned himself and burst into speed. He couldn't withstand Gao Shanggong's speed that surpassed everything, and he fainted immediately. It was not until now that he woke up slowly.

"Remember?" Lin Renmei took the towel from Wuming and put it into the Wuming Sea.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yeah, I remember now. Is Uncle Gao okay?"

"He's still in a coma. Lucy Phil is taking care of him." Lin Renmei replied.

Wuming then asked, "Where's Su Ren?"

"The Scholars Foundation reported that the life lamp of the True Self Su Ren has gone out." Lin Renmei continued to answer.

Wuming took a deep breath and continued to ask, "What's the current situation of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?"

"At present, except for the first floor, which is not polluted because the entrance borders the Great Wilderness Special Zone, everything from the second floor onwards has been fully polluted. According to the judgment of the Scholars Foundation, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is no longer worth saving and necessary." Lin Renmei replied.

Wuming slapped his forehead and asked, "By the way, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Three days." Lin Renmei replied.

Wuming leaned against the head of the bed and sighed deeply for a long time.

There is no doubt that this rescue operation failed.

"Don't think too much. You have tried your best. After all, the level gap between you and the enemy is too big. It is normal to be powerless." Lin Renmei gently put her head in Wuming's arms and comforted him softly.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "I shouldn't have given Bailangpu to Su Ren. If I hadn't given Bailangpu to him, he wouldn't have to die."

Strictly speaking, it was he who killed the real Su Ren.

Lin Renmei said calmly, "Then kill the murderer who killed the real Su Ren and avenge him."


Wuming fell silent, feeling a little powerless.

It's not that he doesn't want to avenge the real Su Ren, but the enemy is too powerful.

Diao Shengke's strength is terrifying, and now he has mastered the Life and Death Wheel Sword. Wuming has no doubt that if he meets Diao Shengke again, the other party can cut him with one sword.

"If you can't beat him, then practice, then do what you can." Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and said seriously.

Wuming forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, I won't give up. I will completely destroy the Saint Guest and the Dark King sooner or later."

"There is another Rama!" Zhang Shouzhong came in from the door at this time, threw a divine stone to Wuming, and said, "Wuming, but you have to be mentally prepared now. The public opinion on the Internet is not quite right. You and Uncle Gao are almost like rats crossing the street."

Wuming took the divine stone, frowned and opened the Internet, and then saw that the hot list was full of news about disasters in various places.

He opened one of the links, and the screen turned to a video, which played a tragic scene of a world being invaded by creatures from the Eternal Silence Space.

Countless creatures were killed, the city was trampled into ruins, and a kind of mushroom man cried and fled, but was swallowed by a monster.

After the Eternal Silence Prison Tower completely collapsed, countless monsters and prisoners used various methods to leave the Eternal Silence Space, and now they are wreaking havoc in the heavens and all realms.

Wuming clicked on the links one by one and learned that after Luo Jiu, the fishing saint, rescued Rama, Rama summoned his former subordinates to reorganize the Wanmo Sect.

After the Wanmo Sect was reorganized, in order to celebrate the Wanmo Sect's direct extraction of the power of hundreds of worlds, the Wanmo Crown was presented to Rama.

Now, the heavens and the worlds are in chaos.

There are threats from various monsters in the Eternal Silence Space in front, and the Wanmo Sect is burning, killing and looting in the back. Practitioners can still escape, but ordinary creatures can only stay in the original world and wait for death in despair.

Now everyone knows that the repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has failed, so many people blame Wuming and Gao Shanggong for the failure, thinking that they are incompetent and should send stronger people to repair it.

In short, many people do not hate the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space, nor do they hate the Wanmo Sect that burns, kills and loots, but instead hate Wuming and Gao Shanggong, and clamor for the two to come out and apologize online.

"Don't pay too much attention to these trolls." Lin Renmei comforted.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's okay. I've seen a lot of people like this. What I'm more concerned about now is what's going on with the Wanmo Sect. There's too much true and false information on the Internet."

The Wanmo Sect has revived, and there is naturally a lot of information about the Wanmo Sect on the Oracle Network.

The problem is that this information is true and false, and is full of a lot of contradictory information, so that Wuming can't tell which is true and which is false.

"The Wanmo Sect is a sect founded by Luo Mo, the brother of the fishing saint Luo Jiu. He advocates order and rules, but his order and rules seem to be a little different from what we think." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Wuming asked, "What's the difference?"

"The sect rules of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are 'outside the rules, everything is allowed, within the rules, those who violate them will die'. It is said that only by practicing the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra can one understand what the rules are, so that's all we know." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Wuming probably understood it.

In simple terms, there will be some 'rules' after practicing the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra. As long as they do not violate the rules of the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra, the practitioners of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect can do whatever they want.

Wuming can imagine how lawless the practitioners of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are.


Wuming swiped lightly, and the Oracle Network immediately showed various information about Rama.

This information is also true and false, but after careful screening, Wuming can be sure that some of the information is true.

It is said that Rama generally does not act easily, but once he does, he will definitely act big.

There are even many people on the Internet speculating that, for example, Rama may have been caught on purpose, with the purpose of destroying the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and everything that is happening now may be in his plan.

Of course, many people refute and do not believe this argument.

However, it is certain that the fishing saint Luo Jiu deliberately lost to Gao Shanggong and was deliberately imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

If you search carefully on the Internet, you will find a lot of speculation and discussion posts. Everyone is curious about why the fishing saint Luo Jiu thinks he can definitely get out and why he dares to enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to save Rama.

Isn't he afraid that he will die in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and never have a chance to turn over?

It is precisely because of this doubt that many people think that Rama has already made a plan and Luo Jiu is just one of the links in the plan.

However, this speculation also has a fatal flaw, that is, Wuming was teleported in completely by accident.

If Wuming did not appear, no one would be qualified to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Around these two points, many practitioners argued with reason, and posts were piled up one after another, but in the end no one convinced anyone.

Wuming did not find more useful information and had no choice but to close the oracle network.

He also wanted to know the answer to the question, but the answer to this question is probably only known by Rama and Luo Jiu.

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