I Contracted Myself

【685】Turtle Clan


The Wansui Lord spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling a terrifying force rapidly eroding his body.

The Extreme Demon Sword was too domineering. His extremely condensed aura, the world laws he controlled, and the perfect-level spells were like a layer of paper in front of the Extreme Demon Sword, which was broken with a slight poke.

He couldn't stop it. No matter what ability he used, he couldn't stop the power of the Extreme Demon Sword from raging in his body.

"Are you going to die?"

The Wansui Lord fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Not far away, the middle-aged coach and the teenagers all looked at this scene in horror. They realized that things were serious.

Chen Yidao fell from the sky, stood next to the Wansui Lord, and said, "You fell down before I even used force. It seems... you really haven't made any progress at all."

After that, he stabbed the Wansui Lord in the throat with a knife. The Wansui Lord widened his eyes, looking like he would die with his eyes open.

However, Chen Yidao was not fooled by this illusion, and said calmly: "I am very disappointed. Isn't it good to leave in a decent manner? A mere death makes you lose face?"

If other people say this, many people may think it is hypocritical.

But Chen Yidao's words give people a sense of conviction, because this guy is a real knife maniac who is not afraid of death. In the past, he attacked cities for the Wanmo Sect and encountered traps, but every time he fought to the death and even often used a life-for-life fighting method to kill the enemy.

The next moment, his knife pierced into the chest of the Wansui Ye, and the soul of the Wansui Ye screamed.

This time he finally didn't feel fresh anymore, and the only thing left was fear. It was the great terror between life and death, which made his past cultivation and calmness disappear. He just wanted to live.

The longer you live, the more afraid you are of death.

The Wansui Ye's calmness in the past came from his own strength and knowledge, but when all this lost its effect, his true nature was exposed.

"Where is the Dao Hua Gu?" Chen Yidao pointed the knife at the soul of the Wansui Lord and asked lightly.

The Wansui Lord said in horror: "If I tell you, will you let me go?"

"I will give you a decent look." Chen Yidao said.

The Wansui Lord cried in horror: "No, please, Yidao, I have never harmed you, and I have taught you. Can't you spare my life?"

"Hehehe, your teaching is completely misleading the students. I don't blame you for blocking the Dao, but you dare to take credit in front of me?" Chen Yidao sneered.

Without waiting for the Wansui Lord to speak, Chen Yidao slashed down with a knife, and the Wansui Lord's soul suddenly lost a piece.

The Wansui Lord said in horror: "No, no, I don't want to die..."

Obviously, he was completely scared.


Chen Yidao was a little disappointed. The next moment, the magic knife slashed down, and the Wansui Lord who ruled this world for hundreds of thousands of years was wiped out.

Then Chen Yidao looked around and felt that it was too troublesome to search bit by bit, so he jumped up and slashed from the air. The dark demonic energy suddenly burst out with its due power, and the planet was broken into pieces in an instant.

In the collapsing planet, Chen Yidao glanced and immediately felt the breath of Daohuagu.

Daohuagu is a treasure unique to this world. After the holder drips blood, he can bind Daohuagu. Daohuagu can be integrated into any substance at will, and then the blood dripper will completely control the fused substance.

"It turns out that it is integrated into the atmosphere, no wonder I can't find it!" Chen Yidao appeared in the air in an instant and said to himself.

He has reached a bottleneck in practicing the Extreme Demon Sword. He has tried many methods but couldn't break through. In the end, he had to ask Rama shamelessly. Rama told him at the time that the reason he had a bottleneck was because he was progressing too fast.

It would take at least hundreds of thousands of years for a normal person to practice the Extreme Demon Sword to Chen Yidao's level, but Chen Yidao practiced to this point in just a hundred years. Now what restricts Chen Yidao is not anything else, but Chen Yidao's own soul.

His soul was not strong enough to support the Extreme Demon Blade to move forward.

Rama finally gave him two suggestions, one was to spend time practicing slowly and become stronger steadily, and the other was to find the Daohua bone and integrate the Daohua bone into his own magic energy, so as to reduce the burden of the magic energy on the soul.

When Chen Yidao asked where the Daohua bone was, Rama gave the answer, in Chen Yidao's hometown!

The moment Chen Yidao got the answer, he realized that the Daohua bone was most likely in the hands of Wansui Ye, and only Wansui Ye could hold such a treasure in his hometown.

After getting the Daohua bone, Chen Yidao simply left this world.

Next, he will continue to become stronger until one day he can kill Wuming like he killed Wansui Ye, and even... kill all those who block the way!


Pond world, the largest pond.

In fact, the largest pond is a lake with an area larger than the total area of ​​the earth. There are many medium-sized lakes around the lake. These lakes are linked together by dark rivers to form a water cycle that exchanges what they have.

Underwater, the people who rule this pond are turtles, a kind of intelligent life that has gradually evolved from pond turtles.

They are born with extremely strong defenses and the ability to live on land for a short period of time. If they become practitioners, they can completely dominate the sea, land and air, so their status in the world is pretty good.

At this time, the turtles are packing their luggage and preparing to go to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

The elder of the turtle people, Ba Xiagui, has already discussed with Wuming that when the turtle people move to the Dahuang Special Zone, there will be a lake for the turtle people to live, and the turtle people only need to provide 600,000 tons of Guiling heavy water every year. .

Six hundred thousand tons of Guiling Heavy Water is not particularly harsh. As long as the Turtle People don't make jokes like the Gorgon Family, they will definitely be able to gain a foothold in the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

"Quick, quick, everyone, move quickly. The transfer must be completed within today, so as not to be noticed by the spies from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. The turtle grandson over there is still looking around. Grandpa is talking about you. Why are you dawdling? Hurry up and pack your luggage. "Ba Xiagui commanded everyone, and when he saw anyone who was dilly-dallying, he would hit the other person's turtle shell with his crutch.

Under the supervision of Ba Xiagui, the normally lazy turtles were finally very efficient and completed the packing of their luggage in the evening.

Suddenly, dense flames fell from the top of the lake, and the lake suddenly boiled. Then a spear fell from the sky and was inserted into the head of a turtle man carrying luggage.

"No, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is attacking. Everyone, hurry up and get into the teleportation array. Hurry, hurry!" Ba Xiagui's expression changed, and then he shouted loudly.

The reason why he contacted Wuming in a hurry was actually because he had a bad premonition. Now his premonition came true, and the Ten Thousand Demons Sect was really coming.

The Turtle People are a race with the gift of divination. Ba Xia Gui knew very well that this time the Turtle People would be in catastrophe, and very few people would be able to escape. After giving the order, he led the defense force to quickly rise from the water to the surface.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came up, a jet-black sword energy fell from the sky. He gritted his teeth and used his crutch to block it, but the crutch was split into two in an instant. Fortunately, his turtle shell was a treasure that had been tempered for hundreds of millions of years. This sword energy fell on There was only a knife mark left on the turtle's shell.

"Sword Demon Star!"

Ba Xiagui glanced at his own turtle shell and said with an ugly expression.

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