I Contracted Myself

【687】Ten Thousand Demons Sutra

Basia Gui put the soil into the beam of light and frowned: "It's not enough!"

"Where are these?" Chen Yidao took out the clothes he wore during the battle and threw them to Ba Xiagui.

Basia Gui put his clothes into the light pillar. The next moment, light pillars continued to rise from the water, and in the blink of an eye, a huge light array appeared on the lake.

Then a nameless figure appeared in the light array. At first he was just a shadow, but as more and more shadows overlapped, they finally condensed into a solid entity.

"Wuming has been infected by the latent light spell, but I want to say, don't seek death." Ba Xiagui wiped his sweat, then looked at Chen Yidao and said.

Chen Yidao stared at Wuming closely, his eyes were like those of a hungry wolf after seeing its prey.

He ignored Ba Xiagui's advice and stepped into the formation step by step. Wuming immediately noticed him, locked his eyes on him, and said calmly: "So this is all your fault."

"Hehehehe, Wuming, it's been a whole hundred years, do you know how much I want to see you again?" Chen Yidao said with a deep smile.

In the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wuming stood in the formation and looked at Chen Yidao calmly, and said calmly: "If there were no Ten Thousand Demons Sect and Rama, you would have died long ago. No, if Luo Jiu hadn't intervened between us in the first place, Fight, I have already taken off your head and used it as a urinal."

"Then let's continue. This time I will take off your head!" Chen Yidao gritted his teeth as his murderous intent surged.

The next moment, he immediately wielded the Extreme Demonic Sword and slashed at Wuming. In a blink of an eye, Wuming's body turned into countless petals and spread out, and then densely packed flowers of fantasy continued to appear out of thin air.

"The same tricks won't work on me!"

Chen Yidao sneered, and the form of the Ji Mo Knife changed. Its length and flexibility were greatly increased. He waved his hand gently, and the Ji Mo Knife swept through all the fantasy flowers in the formation like a tornado.

"Can you dance the waltz?" A nameless voice suddenly came.

Chen Yidao realized something was wrong when he heard Wuming's words, but when he heard Wuming's words, his body had already started to dance uncontrollably.

Dancing sickness!

Chen Yidao immediately realized that the dancing disease that broke out in the Shenzang Space was related to Wuming.

He raised his mind. Although his body was dancing, the Extreme Demonic Sword was free. By controlling the Extremely Demonic Sword, he continued to frantically kill the flowers of fantasy around him, preventing them from getting close to him.

Because he still remembers the experience of opening his mouth to eat these fantasy flowers. These flowers are very dangerous.

If he was not controlled by Waltz, he actually had many ways to avoid the Flower of Fantasy, but now he could only rely on the Demonic Knife for defense.

Outside the formation, Ba Xia Gui silently counted the time, and suddenly said: "The time has come, kill!"

Countless turtle people reacted and immediately rushed out of the water. Those disciples of Wanmomen who followed Chen Yidao reacted and immediately fought with the turtle people.

But gradually things started to go wrong.

The strength of these turtle people is too strong, and it is not like the strength that the turtle people should have.

"They are not turtle people, be careful, this is a trap, inform Lord Demon Star quickly!" Youwan Demon Sect disciples shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, Chen Yi's sword was in the formation and could not hear their voices. Several Wanmomen disciples wanted to launch a death charge, but before they could get close to the light pillar, they were punched by a snow-white fist and were wiped out.

Lin Renmei tore off her disguise and looked calmly at the next disciple of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect who flew over. The colorful biological force field was slightly condensed in her right hand. The moment the opponent raised his knife to slash, he punched out the opponent with his sword. He flew out upside down and killed two Wanmomen disciples along the way before his body completely fell apart.

"Leave this to me, go and capture Liu Shensheng!" Lin Renmei said to Ba Xiagui.

Although Chen Yidao likes to fight alone, he actually has a position in Wanmomen, that is, the master of Demon Sword Hall. In addition to these ordinary disciples, he also has a deputy master, Liu Shensheng.

If Chen Yidao is the sharpest knife in Demon Sword Hall, then Liu Shensheng is the brains of Demon Sword Hall.

Now Liu Shensheng is most likely trying to find a way to contact the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, or even ask Rama or a certain elder for help. Liu Shensheng must be killed as soon as possible to ensure that this operation goes smoothly.

In fact, this is a trap.

A few days ago, Ba Xiagui entered the Dahuang Special Zone to ask for a meeting with Wuming. After understanding Baxiagui's divination ability, Wuming came up with this plan with him.

Of course, at that time they were not sure who was coming.

However, they made corresponding plans based on the character of the Seven Devils, and even prepared seven sets of words. As long as the Seven Devils dared to come, they did not believe that the other party would not be able to fall into the trap.

The main reason why Basiagui agreed to cooperate with Wuming's actions was because Wuming gave a very preferential policy to the turtle people.

As long as this plan can be implemented smoothly, the turtle people will live better in the Great Wilderness Zone in the future!

Divine hidden space, golden area.

Gao Shang Palace was constantly attacking various buildings in the Chengtian area. Luo Jiu soon appeared in another area further away. Luo Jiu did not appear until the original sin beast, which had the ability to instantly kill all living creatures, quickly advanced towards that area. In the Chengtian area.

In fact, Luo Jiu discovered after several experiments that the original sin beast that killed everything in an instant seemed to be targeting him. Wherever he was, the original sin beast would run.

Therefore, he first moved the tiger away from the mountain, and then entered the Chengtian area to avoid being instantly killed by the original sin beast with one punch.

"Gao Shanggong, are you childish? Do you think that attacking the Chengtian area can make me angry?" Luo Jiu looked at Gao Shanggong and sneered.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said, "I just came here to digest my food after eating."

"Humph, you want to fight? Then I will accompany you to the end!" Luo Jiu said coldly.

Gao Shanggong was obviously far inferior to him, but except for overwhelming Gao Shanggong in the Yongji Prison Tower, he did not get any substantial benefits in the next few encounters, which made him a little unhappy.

The next moment, the two sides went to war directly, and various attacks continued to fall into the opponent's area through the sky above the area.

Ten Thousand Demons Gate.

Rama sat cross-legged on the futon to practice, and suddenly he frowned slightly, feeling a whim.

"Ten Thousand Demons Sutra, nurturing ten thousand demons, absorbing ten thousand demons, who is about to fall?" Rama said to himself.

He passed the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra to the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Gate, but different people would have different understandings. For example, Chen Yidao transformed into a knife demon because he only had knives in his heart.

When they practice to the extreme, they naturally need to incorporate other demons into their bodies, so that they can become higher from their own potential.

In theory, the more practitioners who practice the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra, the more beneficial it is for the practitioners who practice the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra, because it means that there will never be a lack of materials for promotion.

Rama has never been private in his practice, nor has he ever controlled any practitioner of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra.

He hopes that a disciple can practice to his level, and then... he dies, or the other person dies, and after getting everything from the other person, maybe he can see the new scenery of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra.

But now he has a feeling that a disciple he is optimistic about is going to die.

The problem is... this time he doesn't know who it is.

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