I Contracted Myself

【692】Wave-Particle Duality

"Wavy pattern."

"Lightning pattern."

"Golden eggshell."

In the library of Dahuang City, Wuming held a thick book in his hand and was looking up information on the pet eggs he had received.

In his mind, this competition is more like a leisurely entertainment activity while busy. Investigating the identity of pets and finding ways to hatch pets are all part of the game. At least compared to learning increasingly difficult knowledge such as restrictions, runes, and formations, this It's really so relaxing.

If any question can be answered by flipping through a book, that would be great.

"Strange, doesn't the Encyclopedia of Alien Beasts claim to be the most comprehensive in all worlds? It doesn't exist." Wuming read the entire book and said with some surprise.

He looked at the pet eggs on the table and suddenly felt that things were not simple.

As a new family joining the Dahuang Special Zone, the Su family is very low-key.

Members of the entire family believe in doing things with a high profile and being a low-key person. They don't mind being in the limelight when it comes to business operations, but they are very restrained and modest as a person, and rarely appear in the limelight.

When people talk about the Su family, they think more of their pets. Except for the slightly famous patriarch Su Wu, most of them are unknown, and basically few people know their identities.

The Su family manor is located on the fifth floor of Dahuang City. The entire manor is built on a huge disk. This disk floats in the air. Only another disk thousands of meters away can vaguely see them.

In the middle of the manor is a circular lake with a large number of pet eggs soaked in the lake.

The water in this lake is called Shijing Shenshui, but it actually does not cause the soaked object to enter a state of time stillness, but another more magical state, which can not only ensure that the essence of the object remains unchanged, but also resist the erosion of time. , and also ensure that the biological potential will not pass over a long period of time.

In addition to a large number of pet eggs in the divine water, there is also a blue dragon swimming slowly. It will check each pet egg from time to time to ensure that there is no problem with these pet eggs.

"Shaoxian, how many people are participating in the competition?" Su Zhengxian yawned, fished a pet egg out of the lake, and asked the people next to him.

Su Shaoxian shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it must have exceeded 10,000."

"What a huge amount of money this is, if only you could give it all to me." Su Zhengxian sighed.

At this time, a group of direct descendants of the Su family hurried over. Su Zhengxian and Su Shaoxian both looked puzzled. At the same time, they also saw the panic-stricken second young master Su Bing in the crowd.

Su Zhengxian and Su Shaoxian both stood up one after another. When everyone came over, Su Zhengxian cupped his hands and said, "I have met Elder Shaoqing. What can I do for you?"

"Alas, this evil beast actually confused one of the only five mythical pet eggs in the clan with these pet eggs when they moved. Now I just hope that the egg was not given away." Su Shaoqing said. Face said angrily.

Su Zhengxian and Su Shaoxian both showed shocked expressions, and both looked at Su Bing in disbelief.

You should know that the beast-controlling families will divide their pet beasts into five levels, namely low-energy level, super-energy level, high-energy level, fairy beast level, and mythical level.

In order to make their name known, the Su family spared no expense this time. Not only did they release fifty powerful-level pet eggs, they also released five fairy-level pet eggs.

As long as the lucky ones who get these pet eggs cultivate them carefully, they can basically lock in the victory of this competition.

Of course, it's not entirely without surprises.

After all, an excellent animal trainer can stimulate the potential of a pet, and even a dog may be cultivated into a mythical beast.

But the mythical pet eggs are different.

Even if the recipient does nothing, the mythical pet beast can slowly absorb power and knowledge from its blood, and finally become a powerful divine beast.

It is impossible to give away such pet eggs. Each one is of inestimable value, especially some mythical pet eggs that are now extinct. They are priceless treasures that no family will let go of easily.

Su Zhengxian couldn't help but ask: "Aren't the five mythical pet eggs stored in the Divine Fetus Jade Box? How could they be confused?"

The Divine Fetus Jade Box can make the pet eggs seem to be still in the mother's womb. It not only ensures the vitality of the pet eggs, but also gradually nourishes the pet eggs, making the pet eggs more and more rich.

Each of the five mythical pet eggs will be placed in a separate box, and only a few people have the authority to open the box.

Su Zhengxian and Su Shaoxian really couldn't imagine how Su Bing opened the box and confused such an obvious mythical pet egg with other pet eggs.

This is almost like mixing a pearl into a mung bean. Can it be confused?


Su Bing remained silent and felt that he was going to die.

He actually got a magical master key hundreds of years ago. That key can open any door, and can even find some secret passages in the void. He can use the key to open those secret passages and travel freely.

On that day, he was responsible for escorting the transfer of mythical pet eggs and another batch of pet eggs from the family's old site to Dahuang City. He was a little curious at the time, so he opened a box and took out the mythical pet eggs, wanting to see the mythical pet eggs and the What are the differences between ordinary pet eggs?

Who knew that when he was admiring the mythical pet eggs, his younger brother Su Wen walked in.

He quickly hid the mythical pet egg behind him. It happened that the escort vehicle experienced several bumps in the air. So when he dealt with Su Wen and turned around, he found that there were several pet eggs that were similar to the mythical pet eggs. In a hurry, he couldn't tell which one was the mythical pet egg.

At this time, he was very close to the Su family manor. In a hurry, he had to put the pet egg closest to him into the divine fetus treasure box. As a result, the incident was exposed today.

Su Shaoqing was ordered to come and check all the pet eggs. He immediately found that one of the five mythical pet eggs was wrong. It was just a powerful lightning dragon egg.

He immediately summoned all the people in charge of the escort, and Su Bing surrendered after being interrogated.


Su Zhengxian and Su Shaoxian looked at Su Bing with speechless eyes. This is the end of being naughty.

"Everyone, check the eggs of the lightning dragon quickly. See if the mythical pet egg is still there. If not..." Su Shaoqing instructed everyone. At the end, his eyes were like a knife cutting at Su Bing. Su Bing suddenly shuddered and felt his bladder swelled a little.

Next, everyone began to search for the lightning dragon eggs in the lake.

Su Zhengxian asked curiously while searching: "Elder Shaoqing, what kind of mythical beast is the bloodline of the lost mythical pet egg?"

"According to the identification of the experts in the tribe, it is an egg of a wave-particle ape." Su Shaoqing replied.

Wave-particle ape, what kind of mythical beast is this?

Su Zhengxian and Su Shaoxian were both confused. They had never heard of such a strange name for a mythical beast.

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