I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [010] Please prove that you are human

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Ping arrived at the small park.

Because he hadn't completely determined whether the other party was friend or foe, he simply found a corner to hide, using the darkness as cover, waiting for the other party to appear.

There are still many areas that can be developed as a fire eater.

While waiting, he was manipulating the fire element energy in his body, constantly strengthening his control over the energy.

The problem is that he cannot release the fire element energy in the form of energy. Energy can only circulate in the body. Once released outside the body, it will turn into flames, and he does not have the ability to control flames.

For example, he is now equivalent to a gas tank. The switch of the gas tank is in his hand, and he can release the gas, but the gas released will burn instantly. He can control the output of the gas, but he cannot Control the burning flame.

The so-called flame entanglement effect actually produces a coat of flame on his body surface.

The essence of a fire eater is to allow him to use fire as food, rather than giving him the ability to control fire.

The abilities of the awakened ones are all kinds of strange.

Pearl City has a large number of awakened beings who have similar abilities, but are actually not the same thing at all.

For example, two awakened beings who control fire may have completely different principles for operating their superpowers.

Some awakened people have organs in their bodies that can secrete special liquids. When this liquid is mixed with sweat and flows out of the sweat glands, it will burn violently, turning the person with abilities into a burning person.

There are also awakened ones who simply consume their physical strength and create flames out of thin air.

Awakened beings like Zhang Ping also exist. They don't even need to swallow flames. They can generate and store similar energy through daily diet, and then consume this energy to release flames.

Even if different awakened people have the same energy, they will still produce different effects due to differences in personality and so on.

There is a pair of very famous twin brothers in Pearl City. They awakened to control the element of thunder at the same time. The elder brother has a fiery personality, and his ability gradually turns into a violent thunder, while the younger brother has a peaceful personality, and his ability gradually evolves into an electrostatic field.

As long as you keep practicing any ability, it will gradually become the shape that the user is accustomed to.

This is why Zhang Ping practices his abilities all the time.

The Contract Gem can be used twice a day, and there is no way to train it even if you want to. Nightcrawler is a passive ability, so so far, the only abilities he can really freely practice are Appraisal and Fire Eater.

At nine o'clock, the park was still empty.

Zhang Ping was not in a hurry, wondering if fire eaters would have different effects if they consumed certain special flames.

Suddenly, a black circle appeared under his feet. The moment he saw the black circle, he wanted to get up and jump away, but the next second he fell into the black circle. The darkness in the black circle was not the darkness of night, but a kind of darkness that could see everything. The missing black.

He could feel himself falling rapidly, but there was nothing he could do. Even if the energy exploded through the soles of his feet, or even burned through his shoes, he still could not stop his fall.

About thirty seconds later, he fell suddenly, and his body was covered by a black liquid. This liquid was like a gel coat, tightly wrapping his whole body, leaving only his head exposed.

"Now you have five minutes to prove you're human."

Before Zhang Ping could figure out the situation, a familiar voice sounded. He immediately looked up and saw a woman wearing white clothes with an ice mask on her face standing in front of him, holding an ice sword in her hand.

When he saw the woman, the woman put the sword on his neck, and the cold air emanating from the blade instantly made him sober.

Prove you are human?

My own

He is a human being, how to prove it?


Zhang Ping's narrowed eyes suddenly widened and he asked, "Isn't there a way for you to find the alien beasts hidden in the city?"


The woman did not answer, but responded to Zhang Ping's question with silence. Her eyes under the mask were calm and unruffled.

However, Zhang Ping got the answer from her silence. The other party was not able to determine the situation in Mingzhu City, and could not even accurately find the Tianchang Fox lurking in the city.

They should have realized through some indirect way that there was a problem in Pearl City.

But they don't know the details.


Zhang Ping then overturned his idea.

After all, the woman in front of him once stopped him from assassinating the Tianchang fox cub.

The other party knew that it should be Tian Changhu, and even knew what abilities Tian Changhu had.

But they have no way to accurately find all the Tianchang foxes hidden in Pearl City!

Only in this case does the other party need to prove that he is a human being, because they have no way to determine the identity of every resident in Pearl City.

In their eyes, everyone may be a potential alienated beast.

Zhang Ping calmed down and immediately thought of the reason why the other party did this, and then became a little troubled. How should he prove that he is a human being?

If it is a past life, a DNA test can prove that you are human.

The problem is that the other party knows Tian Changhu's ability, which is an ability that can distort cognition, and ordinary methods cannot prove himself at all.

"Can you give me some tips?"

Zhang Ping looked at the woman in front of him and asked with a headache.

But no surprise, the woman remained silent, just waiting for his proof.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and simply used the identification technique on the woman first.

[Authentication failed]

[Authentication failed]

[Authentication failed*8]

[Authentication failed*20]

After a series of failed appraisals, Zhang Ping began to wonder if there was something wrong with his abilities.

But now he couldn't think of any good solution, so he simply continued to insist on the identification. Finally, two minutes later, the identification was successful.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Liu Sishan]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 122】

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 21]


[Water element control: Store water element energy by drinking water, and you can control the water element energy in your body at will. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate-Energy Compression: Compress the water element energy in the body, greatly increasing the upper limit of one's own energy storage]

[Advanced - Water Temperature Adjustment: Adjusting the temperature contained in the energy of the water element can convert the temperature of the pure water converted by the water element between minus one hundred and fifty degrees to two hundred degrees]

So strong!

It's not like Zhang Ping has never identified high-level awakened people, but Liu Sishan's attributes still surprised him.

Especially the potential. He is already a high-level awakened person, but he still has up to five stars of potential that has not yet been converted into strength. If all of it was converted into strength, how strong would it be?

Top awakener?

Or the legendary king?

Zhang Ping closed Liu Sishan's attributes and did not continue to think about it. After all, there was not much time left for him now.

The most important thing now is to prove that he is a human being, not an alienated beast.

Originally, he wanted to confirm Liu Sishan's identity through identification, and then search the memory of the original owner to see if the original owner knew him.

After all, the note showed that the other person knew Zhang Ping when he was a child, so Zhang Ping should also know the other person.

Tian Changhu does not have the ability to read memories.

They look like humans in the eyes of others, but their essence is not a disguise, but a cognitive distortion.

Therefore, as long as he comes up with information that Tian Changhu cannot possibly know, it is enough to prove that he is himself and not someone pretending to be Tian Changhu, because even if he is pretending, he cannot suddenly reveal information that he does not know.

Usually when Tian Changhu comes to information that he does not know, he will often directly tell him to fool him. Due to the distortion of cognitive level, most people will not notice the problem, but Zhang Ping has been paying attention to Tian Changhu's information during this period. Every move, so it's clear.

The problem is the name ‘Liu Sishan’.

Zhang Ping did not find any clues in the original owner's memory.

He estimated that there were two possibilities. One was that Liu Sishan changed her name and her name was not Liu Sishan. The other was that Liu Sishan knew him but he did not know Liu Sishan.

"One minute left!" Liu Sishan said at this time.

Zhang Ping frowned and kept recalling the original owner's childhood, and listed the girls he knew when he was a child.

"Are you Liu Sisi?"

"Are you Liu Xiaoxiao?"

"Are you Liu Pingping?"

"Are you Liu An'an?"

Then, Zhang Ping looked up at Liu Sishan and probed one by one.

Liu Sishan responded with silence, but seeing that Zhang Ping had no intention of stopping, he said, "This does not prove that you are human."


This information can actually be found through the orphanage. Although Tian Changhu definitely doesn't bother to look up this information, what if it happens?

Zhang Ping thought about it and felt that if Liu Sishan was really someone he knew, then it was most likely Liu Sisi. After all, there was only one word difference between Liu Sisi and Liu Sishan.

In the orphanage, Zhang Ping actually had very few friends. Most of them were acquaintances but not familiar with them.

Liu Sisi was three years older than Zhang Ping, so she enrolled in Pearl Ability Academy three years earlier than Zhang Ping. By the time Zhang Ping enrolled, Liu Sisi had already graduated early and joined the investigation team.

This is the information Zhang Ping found from the memory of the original owner.

The reason why the predecessor knew this information was because the last time he returned to the orphanage, he heard from the old director that Liu Sisi donated money to the orphanage. At that time, the old dean casually mentioned that his predecessor had not yet awakened his abilities at that time, and his self-confidence was not inferior to others, so he did not take it too seriously.

The more Zhang Ping thinks about it now, the more he feels that the Liu Sishan in front of him is the original Liu Sisi.

Then he searched hard to recall all the information about Liu Sisi. The kind of information that could be recorded certainly could not be used as proof. It was best to have information that only the two of them knew. Only in this way could it be proved that he was a human being.

Small park, martial arts training...

Suddenly, Zhang Ping remembered something. When his predecessor was a child, he had practiced martial arts with Liu Sisi for a few days.

In fact, it is just a play-house type of play.

At that time, Liu Sisi taught him the "Heaven Collapse and Earth Split Sisi Invincible Fist" in a serious manner, and he took it seriously.

"The first move, haha, the second move, haha, the third move, haha, haha, the sky collapses and the earth shatters, Sisi Invincible Fist."

Zhang Ping looked up at Liu Sishan. Although he felt a little embarrassed, in order to prove that he was a human being, he still said the boxing formula that Liu Sisi taught him back then.

Suddenly, the originally calm and calm Liu Sishan's eyes under the mask made waves.

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