I Contracted Myself

【707】Top 10

When Antarctic pandas decide to face their enemies head-on, there are only two outcomes.

Either the Antarctic Panda absorbs the attack of the Mountain Bear and transfers the damage to kill the Mountain Bear instantly, or the Antarctic Panda is instantly killed by the Mountain Bear.

In an instant, with a loud noise, the victory or defeat was decided.

The Antarctic Panda fell slowly. If it were not in the arena, the blow would definitely shatter its body.

Countless spectators were in an uproar. After all, the Antarctic Panda was the favorite to win the championship. Many people were optimistic about the Antarctic Panda. Who knew that the Antarctic Panda was defeated.

At this time, the owner of the Antarctic Panda also looked in disbelief. He opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.


Opposite, the owner of the mountain giant bear said calmly.

The owner of the Antarctic Panda couldn't help but ask: "Who are you? It's impossible for a giant mountain bear to have such power. Which beast-controlling family are you from?"

To be honest, every time Wuming heard about the beast-controlling family, he would subconsciously think of the beast-controlling Zhu family in the Lashao universe. Unknowingly, those things and things happened many years ago.

It's a pity that the King of Darkness is too strong, and he has been calling the cosmos to look for him frantically during this period, so that he doesn't dare to go back.

In fact, the more Wuming understands the horror of Level 279, the more he understands how much water the King of Darkness released in the first place. He can be sure that the next time he returns to the Lashao Universe, it will probably be the moment of life and death with the King of Darkness.

He set a goal for himself to return to the universe after level 280.

As for why he chose to go back to level 280 instead of level 279, it was naturally for stability.

The King of Darkness obviously cannot leave the Lashao Universe. The Lashao Universe is his cage. There is no need for Wuming to take risks. When he is higher level than the King of Darkness and stronger than the King of Darkness, wouldn't it be nice to go back and crush the King of Darkness?

You know, there is also a gap between level 279 and level 279.

The day passed in the heat of competition.

After being eliminated in the semi-finals, the top ten players were finally unveiled.

They are:

Contestant No. 5: Sun Xiaojun, his pet is: Starry Sky Giant Frog

Contestant No. 11: Lin Renmei, pet is: Dream Tapir

Contestant No. 13: Cui Yunyu, pet is: Night Shadow Giant Wolf

Contestant No. 22: Dai Bai Nanfeng, pet is: Island Hanging Crocodile No. 27: Ma Linboqi, pet is: Swallowing Sky Black Dog

Contestant No. 29: Gioatanatos, pet is: Mechanical Fortress Turtle

Player No. 35: Ackerman-Jos, pet is: white spirit

Contestant No. 40: Han Sanzhu, pet: Mountain Giant Bear

Contestant No. 43: Falx, pet is: Thousand Chance Immortal Jellyfish

Contestant No. 46: Su Luyuan, pet is: King Kong Strange Gu Mother Queen Insect

Tomorrow's event will be a 11VS11 match.

To ensure maximum fairness, all players will battle against ten other players.

The winner of ten battles is the champion, the winner of ten battles with the Nine Saints is the runner-up, and so on.

In this championship competition, only one player will be eliminated, and the remaining ten players will all receive generous rewards.

After the host finished explaining the rules of the championship, many beauties came on stage to start performing, and some female celebrities came on stage to sing and dance. Wuming and others were not interested in these additional performances, so they returned to Wenxin Courtyard together.

"I didn't expect that the Antarctic panda didn't even make the top ten." Maria returned to the house and couldn't help but say.

Lucifer then said: "Han Sanzhu must have used a pseudonym. He may be a surprise soldier sent by a certain beast-controlling family. His true identity will be revealed only when he wins the championship."

After all, some ancient beast-controlling families want to save face. If they don't win the championship, they will pretend that they have never participated. Only when they win the championship will they reveal which family they are from, thus advertising their family's beast-controlling business.

"I suspected that Su Luyuan might be from the Su family, but he used Gu insects, which I didn't expect." Wuming analyzed with a smile.

Wen Yifang's Seven Kills Ancient Insect was defeated by Su Luyuan's King Kong Strange Gu Mother Queen Insect. Otherwise, Wen Yifang would really have made it into the top ten. After all, the poison of Seven Kills Ancient Insect was still very powerful.

Maria asked curiously: "Master Wuming, who do you think is the greatest threat to you in the first ten people?"

"The beautiful Dream Tapir, and the strange white ghost of Ackerman Joes, and the giant mountain bear are also unknown. None of the top ten are easy to deal with." Wuming said with a bitter smile.

Moreover, it can be seen from the competition that several contestants did not let their pets use their full strength, and they may have hidden some killer moves.

You don't need to guess to know that those killing moves must have been secretly reserved for Bobo.

"Okay, don't think so much, let's eat first, and then everyone has a good rest. Just try your best tomorrow without leaving any regrets." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile at this time.

Maria sighed and said: "It's a pity that Dahuang was frightened by aunt and the others and returned to Xinding City. Otherwise, I really want to ask him whether the Sky Swallowing Black Dog is considered beautiful among dogs."


Everyone was suddenly speechless.

Later, after dinner, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The next day.

Wuming and others headed to the arena after breakfast.

There were already a large number of spectators in the auditorium when they arrived. They did not come early, but did not leave at all. The performance on the stage has continued from the end of the game until now.

These audiences eat and drink in the spacious auditorium while enjoying the performances on the stage. They will cheer or applaud when they see beautiful women.

In the rest area for the contestants, Wuming and others sat down. Lucy Phil released the sonic music bird and trained the ability of the sonic music bird on the table. Maria held the velvet cat and stared at the actress singing on the stage.

"She sings so well." Maria said enviously after the actress finished singing.

She was born tone-deaf. If she made a roar like a Tyrannosaurus, she could easily shock a large number of creatures, but if she was asked to sing, she could easily torture a large number of creatures to death.

"By the way, Wuming, I remember the news said some time ago that Dahuang City was going to create a film and television universe. How is it now?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I don't know. I'll ask later."

The so-called film and television universe is actually equivalent to the film and television city on Earth, but Dahuang City will use an entire universe to create various environments required for filming films and television.

For example, a planet in a certain galaxy is transformed into an ancient environment, and a planet in another galaxy is transformed into an interstellar science fiction planet. In this way, a galaxy is a shooting scene.

I have to say that in such an environment, the TV dramas shot are much better than those on Earth, and there is no need to add special effects. The actors are all practitioners, and they will look good if they are a little fancy.

Wuming has been following several TV dramas recently.

These TV dramas are one episode a day, all shot and broadcast on the same day, and sometimes they will be mixed with some recent hot topics, which is particularly interesting.

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