I Contracted Myself

【809】Absurd Web

"Ah, help!"

"Get out of here, monster, don't eat me!"

"Mom, Mom!"


"Woof, woof!"

In the chaotic streets, all kinds of creatures hunted each other.

Some dogs just pounced on a person, and then a cat scratched their necks. Then, before the cat could enjoy the fruits of victory, it was stabbed in the neck by a mouse with a poisonous needle, and died instantly from the poison.

A woman holding a baby was running in the chaotic crowd. Above her head, Wuming, Ma Lie, and Zhu Chixia were observing the surroundings. Whenever a worm-like person or a time-worm-like beast approached the woman, they would attack the other party.

Finally, the woman ran to a building, went up to the fifth floor, quickly opened the door, and quickly locked the door after entering the house with the baby.

After confirming that it was safe, she leaned against the door and panted heavily. Finally, she sat on the ground holding the child, making bursts of low sobs.

Her husband was crazy and almost killed her. In the end, she killed him with all her strength.

Now that she had calmed down, she deeply realized how crazy and terrible everything that happened was. She carefully opened the swaddling clothes to reveal a pupa. She carefully stroked the pupa with a look of pity.

"She seems to be crazy too. She actually treated a pupa as her own child." Zhu Chixia complained.

Wuming jumped onto the sofa and said, "That is indeed her child, but the insect turned into a pupa. Whether it can transform and what it will transform into in the end... that's hard to say."

"Gu Yue, damn it!" Ma Lie said angrily.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, if there is a chance, this account must be settled with him!"

He jumped to the window and looked down. The chaos was still going on. He then began to search for useful things in the room.

"Come and take a look!" After a moment, he found a map.

After spreading out the map and waiting for Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia to come over, Wuming said, "How strange, this world actually has only one island and only one city!"

"Could this map be incomplete?" Ma Lie said.

Because they don't know the characters in this world, it's hard to say whether this is a world map.

"It's possible, but... it's unlikely." Wuming said. Tick, tick, tick.

As the three of them stared at the map, a water drop sounded suddenly.

Wuming and the others looked in the direction of the sound, and then they were all stunned. The woman looked at the insect pupa that her child had turned into, and her saliva was dripping.

Her eyes showed a crazy emotion, and she seemed to be out of control.

"What's going on? Why is she crazy?" Zhu Chixia said in disbelief.

Wuming sighed and said, "Because whether it is a worm-turned human or a worm-turned beast, in fact, there is an additional hunting instinct of the insect race in the body, just like the female mantis will eat the head of the male mantis. Once the instinct is triggered, the human nature will be suppressed, and finally... only seemingly crazy behavior will be manifested."

"Then why are we fine?" Zhu Chixia asked.

Wuming glanced at Zhu Chixia and said, "It is normal that Ma Lie and I are fine, because the willpower of me and him is countless times that of normal people. As for why you are fine... It is really strange, maybe... Because your nature and the instinct of aphids are unexpectedly in sync!"

"Master Wuming, I don't know whether you are insulting me or praising me with this sentence." Zhu Chixia complained.

Ma Lie said unhappily: "Of course you are insulting you."

At this time, Wuming stopped chatting, but flew to the top of the woman's head and landed, pressing his palm on the woman's crown, and a gentle light energy quickly passed through the crown to the woman's brain.

About twenty minutes later, the woman finally regained her humanity.

She reacted and immediately hugged her child tightly, her face full of fear.

Wuming saw that she had recovered, so he returned to Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia and said, "If there is indeed only one island in this world, and the entire island has only three cities and a large number of villages, then we can easily infer the approximate range of Dr. Xia Shu as long as we find information about her. Let's go to the library!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Wuming, why go to the library instead of the law enforcement bureau?" Ma Lie couldn't help asking.

Wuming explained, "If you go to the law enforcement bureau now, can you understand the text?"

"Uh..." Ma Lie was speechless.

Zhu Chixia was surprised and said, "Then you can understand it in the library?"

"I can learn it immediately. If I start from scratch, of course I can learn a text faster in the library. Give me three hours." Wuming said.

In fact, he wanted to save people.

But when he saved the woman who was on the verge of madness, he found that it took too long to save a person.

Compared with saving people inefficiently.

It is more reliable to find Dr. Xia Shu and protect Dr. Xia Shu.

But there is also a problem, that is, they are illiterate.

Even if there is a document recording where Xia Shu is, they can't understand the text on it.

In fact, Wuming has some superpowers such as reading and writing, but these abilities don't work for some reason, so he can only learn temporarily.

The three of them left the house from the balcony and walked on the wires to find the library in the city.

Some sparrows with hard shells saw them coming and immediately spread their wings and flew away, but they fell to the ground after flapping their wings a few times, and then they were stepped on to death.

"Insectification is really random." Ma Lie complained.

He saw a man who had completely mutated into a louse, lying on a pig to suck blood, and the pig grew butterfly wings, trying to fly, but because of its weight, it couldn't fly at all, and its wings quickly became tattered.

"There's a bookstore over there!" Zhu Chixia said at this time.

Wuming looked in the direction Zhu Chixia pointed, and sure enough, there was a small bookstore in the corner of the steel jungle, near the edge of the city.

Although it was not a library, there were quite a few books in the bookstore, which were enough for learning characters.

"Let's go!" Wuming immediately changed direction.

The three of them switched from one wire to another and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, a monkey with wasp wings, a tail and a wasp stinger swung over from a distance. It grabbed the wire with both hands and swung for a while, and finally grabbed the wire with its legs to stabilize its body, looking at Wuming and the other two.

"I heard that monkeys eat some small insects..." Zhu Chixia said with some concern.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, they do eat it, and they also eat wasps!"

At this time, an eagle cried out, and the wasp monkey was in a state of panic. It looked up at the sky and saw a hawk with bee-striped feathers swooping down from the sky, grabbing the wasp monkey with its sharp claws.

Good opportunity!

Wuming's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately shot a golden light at the hawk.

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