I Contracted Myself

【825】Somewhere underground base

With Sophie's help, Xia Shu's efficiency increased greatly.

When Wuming found the little white mouse and came back, the development of the antidote was on the right track. Wuming simply sat aside and waited, watching them fiddle with various seemingly useful instruments.

To be honest, although it looks like that, Wuming has actually participated in many experiments and has a good understanding of this aspect. These two people are simply fooling people who don't understand.

It's probably like two NPCs randomly clicking on a bunch of meaningless molds. In fact, nothing will be produced, but as long as the task can continue, there will be no problem.

Six hours passed in a flash, and the antidote was finally developed.

Xia Shu put a little white mouse on the experimental table, and then injected the antidote into the little white mouse.

The tail of this little white mouse has the wings of a fly. In fact, these wings have no function. At most, they flap at high speed and make a buzzing noise.

When the antidote was injected into the little white mouse, the little white mouse struggled immediately, but soon it collapsed on the experimental table, and its tail gradually absorbed the wings of the fly.

Finally, the mouse completely returned to its original appearance.

"Success!" Sophie clapped her hands happily when she saw the mouse's tail return to its original appearance.

Xia Shu said calmly: "More tests need to be done next, bring the second mouse!"

"Okay!" Sophie replied with a smile.

Then several more mice were used for experiments to prove that the antidote can indeed eliminate the insectization of organisms, but whether there are any side effects is impossible to see immediately because the time is too short.

It is possible that the antidote has some hidden side effects, which take time to ferment slowly, and it will be too late when it is discovered.

"Okay, let's go, remember to bring the mice with you, and we will observe while we walk." Xia Shu began to pack up.

Wuming nodded and took several mice that were treated with cages.

"Where are we going now?" Sophie asked.

Xia Shu took dozens of the developed medicines and said, "Go find a few humans to do experiments. After confirming that there are no problems... find the culprit and solve this trouble!"

"Do you want to use humans for experiments?" Sophie hesitated.

Wuming comforted: "In order to save more people, there is no other way, but don't worry... there are many guys outside who deserve to die. It's not too much to use them for experiments!" When he was small, he could sense the slightest movement within a thousand meters. Now that his body has grown, his perception has also increased greatly. He is in the laboratory, but he knows a lot of things happening outside.

When the three walked out of the laboratory, Sophie was frightened by the white tiger. When she saw Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia, she was even more surprised that there were such individuals.

"By the way, if you want to treat them, how much dose should you use?" Sophie asked curiously.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I don't know, and when you really start the treatment, you won't inject one person at a time, right?"

"Well, at that time, you can use the antidote to reverse the spectrum and return all the insect-like creatures to their original form." Xia Shu nodded.

In fact, Wuming and the others didn't care whether they were treated or not, because there were plenty of ways to deal with it after leaving this world.

But they certainly couldn't act like they didn't care, so they all pretended to care whether they could change back.


Somewhere in an underground base.

On the ceiling of the base, countless eyes of a giant spider were emitting red light. Suddenly, it sensed something and its eyes kept flashing.

Gu Yue, who was doing an experiment, felt the change in the giant spider and immediately looked up at the spider. Then his eyes could also emit red light.

"It's not good. The antidote has actually been developed."

Gu Yue muttered to himself, and then walked quickly to the light screen. He quickly entered various coordinate codes and said, "If they want everyone to change back to their previous appearance, they will definitely come here, because only here we have a mutant spectrometer, so let them never come back!"

As he continued to enter commands, more and more insect beasts and insect people were controlled and gradually moved towards the base.

Wuming and his men were too small a target, and their combat effectiveness was too high. It was not a good idea to disperse and pursue them. Gu Yue knew very well that they would definitely come to him, so he simply waited for them.

In this way, he could not only concentrate all his strength, but also wait for the enemy to appear, so that when the enemy appeared, the insect beasts and insect people he controlled would not be exhausted and unable to fight.

In the final analysis, the insect beasts and insect people he could control were all individuals with weak willpower, and poor willpower often meant low combat ability.

Like soldiers or some special beasts, they were not under his control at all.

In this case, the most advantageous thing for him was the human wave tactic, and dispersion was the stupidest approach.


On the ground, a insect man rolled crazily and roared in pain.

However, as time went on, the insect characteristics of the insect man gradually disappeared, and finally he turned back to the appearance of an ordinary person, but he was very weak and looked dying.

“He is in good physical condition, but he has consumed too much physical strength and needs to rest.” Sophie said to Xia Shu after observation.

Xia Shu nodded and said, "This is the fifth one. Except for one who was ill, the other four have successfully recovered. They can go find Gu Yue and get the world back on track!"

"The question is where is Gu Yue hiding?" Wuming frowned.

Xia Shu said calmly: "He must be in an underground base somewhere."

"An underground base somewhere? Where is that?" Zhu Chixia wanted to complain. There are thousands of underground bases in the world. How long will it take to find this one?

Xia Shu glanced at Zhu Chixia, and after Wuming repeated Zhu Chixia's words, he explained: "The underground base somewhere is called the 'somewhere' underground base. This base was built by Gu Yue himself. It was once complained by Mouti because of too many complaints about the name."


Everyone was speechless.

It turns out that the underground base somewhere is a name, not a general reference to a certain base.

It has to be said that this name is indeed full of complaints, and it has the same purpose as 'There is an Inn'.

"Since we know where the target is, let's set off without further delay!" Wuming clapped his hands and smiled at everyone.

Xia Shu looked at Sophie and said, "Sophie, you don't have to go. It will be very dangerous. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a dangerous place. If you go, you will only cause trouble for us."

"Then let's forget it. We will only cause trouble if we go." Zhu Chixia said quickly.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, then you can act with Sophie, and let Baihu protect Sophie."

Then, everyone separated again. Wuming and Xia Shu went to a certain underground base, while Ma Lie and the others found a safe place to wait and protect Sophie.

After parting, Wuming and Xia Shu headed towards a certain underground base. Xia Shu seemed to know where the underground base was, so he led the way directly in front, and Wuming followed behind, while reviewing all the details of this experience.

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