I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [011] The enemy is so great that there is nothing we do not know.

Who hasn’t come from an innocent age?

Even a strong person like Liu Sishan would inevitably have some naive thoughts and childish and cute behaviors when he was a child.

She waved her hand gently, and the ice sword instantly melted into pure water, and then dissipated in the air.

"Are you really...Sister Sisi?" Seeing this, Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and asked.

Liu Sishan did not take off the ice mask on her face. She looked at Zhang Ping and said, "Second question, according to the investigation, your ability is the Greed Gem, which is rated as useless because it cannot meet the activation conditions. So... …Why have you been acting so abnormally during this time?”

"Because I ate the Greedy Gem." Zhang Ping answered truthfully.

This is a question that can be answered, after all, even the examiner does not know all the effects of contract gems.

Liu Sishan was startled and asked doubtfully: "Eat it yourself?"

"Yes, after I ate the Greedy Gem, my body and mind were completely under my control, so I discovered that there were two alienated beasts lurking in the school. At that time, I had doubts in my heart, whether Pearl City belongs to humans or alienated beasts, so I started Investigate." Zhang Ping nodded.

Liu Sishan was silent. Zhang Ping's answer was indeed self-explanatory, but according to the organization's investigation, there was only one alienated beast in Pearl Ability School.

They even hired killers to conduct testing, but unfortunately they still failed to find out the details of the other party.

"You mean, you can accurately identify all the alienated beasts in the city?" Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and asked seriously.

Zhang Ping was stunned, opened his eyes and asked, "Don't you know what the alienated beasts in the city are?"

"Answer my question first."

Liu Sishan avoided answering. After all, she was still not sure whether Zhang Ping was a human or an alienated beast.

Some alienated beasts can create extremely clever illusions. Everything in the illusion is extremely real, but in fact it is derived from human beings' own imagination.

If she falls into a similar ability at this time, all the information provided may be leaked to the enemy.

"According to my investigation, there are currently a large number of alienated beasts lurking in the city. They are all Tianchang Fox. I suspect that a group of people has invaded Pearl City. They generally have two to three abilities. The inherent abilities of the race are cognitive distortion and Subversion of common sense.

Currently, there are two Tianchang Foxes lurking in the school. With the school as the center, there are more than thirty Tianchang Foxes lurking in almost every street. The most important thing is that the patrol team has been completely occupied by Tianchang Foxes, and there are no living people inside. Anyone who joins the patrol will be eaten by the Tenchang Fox. "Zhang Ping realized that Liu Sishan did not completely believe him. After thinking for a moment, he still decided to provide more information.

Liu Sishan's eyes widened. She knew that Pearl City was dangerous and that there were an unknown number of alien beasts lurking in it, but she didn't expect that the situation had become so serious.

If what Zhang Ping said is true, then Pearl City has completely fallen into the hands of the alienated beasts. The entire city is their hunting ground, and all humans have become their meat.

"I wrote down part of Tian Changhu's identity. You can try to verify it. This should prove that I am a human being, right?" Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and asked.

Liu Sishan hesitated, then thought deeply and nodded: "Go ahead."

"Leye Street, Wanshang Breakfast Shop, the proprietress is Tianchanghu, the same is Leye Street, Jiu'an Furniture, the boss is Tianchanghu, Longzhu Street, Longqiangchang Weaponry, the three blacksmiths are Tianchanghu, you Let’s investigate first, and we’ll talk after verification.” Zhang Ping said slowly and logically.

He thought for a while and added: "To be honest, I originally thought you knew that the alienated beasts were Tianchang Fox, at least you knew their abilities.

But at present, it seems that you should have confirmed that there are alien beasts in Pearl City through other means, but

I don’t know the specific situation, so if you want to find someone to verify, it’s best to find someone you can trust. After all, I don’t know if there are alien beasts lurking in your team or organization. "

When Zhang Ping said this, Liu Sishan was really not sure whether there was Tian Changhu hidden in the organization.

Cognitive distortion and common sense subversion, you can guess what kind of ability it is just by listening to the name. The combination of these two abilities is terrifying.

Liu Sishan thought for a moment and decided to contact the captain.

She could no longer tell whether Zhang Ping's words were true or false, and the information Zhang Ping provided was too important. If it was true, it would definitely be critical information.

"Don't move here, I'll be back soon." She glanced at Zhang Ping and then said.

Zhang Ping shrugged, looked at Liu Sishan with narrowed eyes, and said helplessly: "Do you think I can move?"

All right.

In fact, he was able to break free from the constraints of this liquid gelcoat.

I just considered that doing so could easily cause misunderstandings, so I kept letting this strange liquid wrap around me. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable anyway.

Liu Sishan left the darkroom and took out a badge from his arms.

This badge is slightly larger than a coin, with a blue pearl inlaid in the middle.

She pressed the pearl gently, and an old voice came from the badge: "Sisi, I have heard Manny tell you about this, and not only has your luck not gone out, but it has become even stronger. Tell me, what's the matter? good news?"

"Captain, I don't know if this is good news..." Liu Sishan sighed, and then told the other party the information provided by Zhang Ping.

On the other side of the badge, a silver-haired old man listened to Liu Sishan's story and then looked up at the others.

There were more than ten members sitting in the conference room. At this time, everyone was frowning, thinking about the information provided by Liu Sishan.

Although this information is different from the information they have currently investigated, it coincides with each other in many places.

"Tian Changhu, have any of you heard of this alienated beast?" The old man lightly knocked on the table and asked.

The middle-aged man sitting on his right said: "I can confirm that the alienated beast named Tianchang Fox has never appeared near Pearl City in the past. However, cognitive distortion and common sense subversion, these two abilities have appeared in the past. However, the alienated beast with cognitive distortion is the Heart-eating Phantom Fox, and the one with subversion of common sense is the Jiwei Fox. The possibility of the two mating and leaving offspring cannot be ruled out. "

"In other words, the information provided by that kid Sisi is probably true." The old man thought.

At this time, the strong man sitting on the left side of the old man said: "Since the other party has provided the accurate identity of the alienated beast, let me verify it."

"Jin Bo, don't be impulsive." The middle-aged man on the right said.

The old man smiled and said: "If Sisi's kid is an alienated beast, then the information provided must be a trap, but it may also be a bait specifically released to win our trust, but I think I can take a gamble. After all, Sisi's The fire of luck cannot be faked, Jin Bo, you will lead the team to verify the information given by the other party, and if possible, bring back Tianchanghu’s body!”

"Yes, Captain!"

Jin Bo responded, then stood up and left.

The middle-aged man said worriedly: "Captain, is this too risky?"

"Chen Ming, the enemy is so powerful that no one knows about it. We have sacrificed several elites during this period, but only found two alienated beasts. We can't even determine who the enemy is. Now we finally have the opportunity to verify it, but we can't do anything to avoid it." This is not the style of our cleaning team," the old man said in a deep voice.

He looked out the window and could vaguely see the Pearl City in the dark night. He couldn't help but sigh: "Now that the Pearl is covered in dust, we need to clean up the city."

To sweep away the dust and make the pearl bright and clean, how can we look forward and backward, and be afraid of our hands and feet? "

Leye Street, Wanshang Breakfast Shop.

The structure of this breakfast shop is similar to Iron Soul, but it only has two floors.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, a middle-aged fat man was snoring and sleeping soundly. Next to him lay a two-meter-tall fox. The fox was also sleeping. As it inhaled and exhaled, the human skin on its forehead Constant ups and downs.

At this time, a door appeared on the side of the bedroom.

The moment the door appeared, the fox on the bed opened his eyes suddenly, but it was already too late.

One punch!

The fox's head exploded. The strangest thing was that there was no sound, and the fat man who was sleeping next to him was not awakened at all.

Jin Bo lifted the fox's body with one hand and said quickly: "Let's go!"

On the other side, in the Pearl Ability Academy, 'Luo Shiyu' who was resting suddenly opened his eyes. He came out of the dormitory instantly and looked at the street in the distance.

"Your Highness?"

A Tianchang Fox immediately appeared behind it.

'Luo Shiyu' said: "Yue Jiu is dead, someone killed Yue Jiu."

After saying that, it kicked off its legs, and its body instantly appeared a hundred meters in the air. It lowered its head and glanced around, and suddenly felt that another Tianchang Fox had been killed.

Location locked!

The next moment it swooped down and landed directly on Leye Street, but then it frowned and looked around, and the breath disappeared again.

But soon the breath appeared again!

The problem is that the aura appears further away from it, and another Tianchang Fox dies!


It gritted its teeth and raised its long ears, trying to control its anger.

Finally, it still couldn't help but let out a roar, and a terrifying wave of air erupted around it, turning into a strong wind and spreading to the surroundings.

The Tianchanghu all around woke up one after another.

One came out from all directions, and the dense human skin was fluttering in the wind.

But at this time, Jin Bo's team had already left Pearl City with the corpses of two Tianchang foxes.

When the two corpses were in Pearl City, they still looked like humans even after they became corpses. Jin Bo hesitated for a second after killing the first Tianchang Fox, but in the end he decided to continue.

It is better to kill the wrong person than to let it go.

After they left Pearl City for some distance, the body suddenly turned into a fox. The members carrying the body were shocked. When they discovered the change in the body, the team members were all shocked and confused.

Jin Bo glanced back, but showed a ferocious smile, and said with murderous intent: "This is a good thing, at least we finally figured out who the enemy is!"

Based on the overall luck of Pearl City, the cleanup team determined that there were alien beasts hiding in the city.

They sent elites into Pearl City to investigate, but not only did the investigation yield no results, but only eight of the twenty elites could still be contacted.

Not only did the other twelve members lose contact, but the fire of luck was immediately extinguished, which meant that they were all dead.

The clean-up team is an organization independent of the Pearl City system. The purpose of its establishment is very simple. It is to have a trump card that can turn the tide when Pearl City encounters a disaster.

Most of the elites in the team are from the investigation team and patrol team, and they are all geniuses who were once famous.

These geniuses voluntarily put aside everything in the past by means of fake death, disappearance, etc., and then went behind the scenes to silently protect the Pearl City.

No one felt sad for the sudden loss of twelve members.

But the enemy is nowhere to be found.

Everyone could only hold their breath.

And now.

They finally found it!

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