courting death!

Zhang Ping opened his squinted eyes slightly, his eyes locked on the mourning bird in an instant.

Three thousand meters in the air behind him, the Floating Cannon Jewel immediately fired a fifty-centimeter wide light cannon.


The golden light bombarded the wailing bird, and the wailing bird could not make a sound in the future, and its body burst instantly.

The ability of the wailing bird is terrifying, but there is a prerequisite for the ability of terrifying, that is, it can be used.

If it was before, Zhang Ping would definitely be helpless, but after possessing the ability of the'Gem of King', the alienated beasts that were not fast enough to dodge were all meat on his cutting board.

Whether it is Liu Sishan, Zhao Yanlong, Zhao Yanhu brother, are all taken aback by Zhang Ping's sudden blow. The main reason was that Zhang Ping's attack had no signs at all. It was almost like thunder on the ground and caught people off guard.

The three people subconsciously asked themselves, if they are themselves, can they avoid this blow?

The final answer is exactly the same.

Can’t escape!

The attack of the floating cannon gem is too fast.

Before the attack is launched, you have no idea at which angle the floating cannon gem will attack. When you see it, you may have been confused by the light cannon.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping, with a mixture of flavours in his heart.

She watched Zhang Ping get stronger step by step, and now she can't keep up with Zhang Ping's footsteps.

"Okay, let me see the situation. You are here to wait for me, don't act rashly." Zhang Ping saw that the female mourning bird was dead, so he opened the mouth and said.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu responded at the same time: "Yes, Master Zhang Ping!"

"Be careful!" Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping, warned repeatedly.

Zhang Ping slightly smiled, then jumped off Ah Da's back and walked towards the red tree.

Because I have seen the attributes of female mourning birds, Zhang Ping knows that this red tree is not simple.

But now he really doesn't have any bad intentions, just purely trying to save people.

When he came to the red tree, he first circled the tree, but did not find anything like the bird's nest, and then he suspected that the bird's nest might be inside the tree.

But when he was about to attack, the tree came alive.

In an instant, countless branches pierced Zhang Ping like a spear, Zhang Ping hurriedly backed away, and at the same time a gem popped out of his right thumb.

The Petal Shield gem immediately turned into a golden lotus to block the attacks of all branches, but the branches would disperse as soon as they missed the next moment, and attack from different angles.

Zhang Ping continued to retreat, while the fear sickle appeared in his hand.

When the branches approached, he easily cut them off with a war sickle. After a few waves, countless branches fell to the ground, and the big red tree had become bare.

For safety's sake, he covered his whole body with Nethermist, quickly floated to the red tree, and directly cut the tree with his fear sickle.

Sure enough, the tree is hollow, and there is a winding tunnel leading directly to the ground.

Zhang Ping took a look, then made a gesture to Liu Sishan, Zhao Yanlong, and Zhao Yanhu not far away, then put away the fear sickle, bent over and got into the tunnel.

"What does Master Zhang Ping's gesture mean, let us follow in?" Zhao Yanhu asked a little dazedly.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Zhang Ping is to let us wait for him here, don't worry."

"Oh, this way." Zhao Yanhu suddenly realized.

Then his eyes rolled and he remembered that Zhang Ping came out of Liu Sishan’s body for the first time. He said curiously: "Sir Sisi, you and Master Zhang Ping are What's the relationship?"

"Sister Sisi...sir..."

Liu Sishan gave Zhao Yanhu a speechless look, and then said indifferently: "Just call me Team Leader Liu. , Zhang Ping and I are just comrades-in-arms."

"Oh, that's it." Zhao Yanhu repeated.

Then he said curiously: "Master Liu, you and Master Zhang Ping must have known each other for a long time?"

"We came from an orphanage, but we really want to know each other It’s a long time, but it’s actually not that long. I haven’t seen each other for a long time.” Liu Sishan said in a tranquil voice.

She is frowned: "What do you ask these for?"

Actually, she doesn't trust Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu, but both of them ate Zhang Ping's contract gem, so they don’t There is the probability of betrayal, so she regards the two as teammates.

"Of course it is for Master Zhang Ping..." Zhao Yanhu was ready to answer straightforwardly.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhao Yanlong patted his head. He looked at Zhao Yanlong aggrievedly, and Zhao Yanlong immediately glared at him fiercely.

After Zhao Yanlong suppressed Zhao Yanhu, he immediately opened the mouth and said: "Sorry, my younger brother is good with everything, but he has a long mouth. What he said, Mr. Liu, don't take it to your heart."



Liu Sishan was confused, did Zhao Yanhu say something?


Under the big tree.

Zhang Ping goes all the way down the passage, which is only about one meter wide and only enough for one person to enter and exit.

The fear scythe he is accustomed to uses is completely incapable of using it in this environment, so he walks while thinking about whether he needs to prepare more weapons, after all, the environment he needs to face in the future will definitely be more complicated Myriad, just a scythe of fear, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with all situations.

But I’m not in a hurry for the time being, now I’ll save people first.

He has vaguely heard the breathing sound, but it should not be the sound of human breathing, and the sound of human breathing is not so soft.

"Is it the nestling of the mourning bird?"

Zhang Ping thought in his heart, and then accelerated his pace to move forward.

A few minutes later, he saw tree holes similar to "nursing rooms". In each tree hole, there was a furry red little fellow sleeping.

A total of seven chicks of the mourning bird.

Zhang Ping stepped forward to identify one of the wailing chicks, and then took out a contract gem knife to cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

But when he was about to start, he hesitated again.

Although the mourning bird eats people, the problem is that the mourning bird does not only eat people. In fact, their main food is monkeys. If they happen to meet humans, they will treat humans as food.

This is actually no different from tigers and lions cannibalism.

The killing bird, he has killed it.

Are these little fellows really going to kill?

But at last he thought of the plight of the villagers in Zhuyuan Village, his eyes became firm.

First of all, he is a human!

When these mourning birds grow up, they will cause harm to humans sooner or later.

They are not tigers or lions. The ordinary person has no resistance in front of them, so in order to wish the villagers of Yuan Village, they must die.

Zhang Ping picked up the knife and dropped it, quickly strangling the seven chicks.

Next, he continued to walk forward, and as expected, a huge tree hole appeared behind the winding passage.

In the tree hole, the villagers of Zhuyuan Village were all lying on the ground, their faces were yellow and thin, and they were all in a coma. Zhang Ping immediately checked one after another, and only slightly relaxed after confirming that there was no mortal danger.

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