I Contracted Myself

【914】Everything is in the dream

Don’t be fooled by the fact that the dark cloud elephant looks like a baby elephant. In fact, it is very large. It is probably an enlarged version of a baby elephant. It is about 600 meters tall and weighs thousands of tons.

It can fly not because of its ears, but because its bones have special strength that can support the whole body floating in the clouds.

It is not its ability to shit on people, it is purely excretion.

The real fighting method of the dark cloud elephant is extremely violent. It can trigger celestial phenomena and launch large-scale hail. It is very difficult to mess with.

Although Wuming and others are not afraid of the dark cloud elephant, they don’t want to cause trouble. Therefore, after understanding the situation of the dark cloud elephant, they avoid the dark cloud elephant and continue to move in the direction indicated by the compass.

"Renmei's prediction is more or less useful. At least it allows us to detect the resurrection of the hummingbird in advance, and allows us to avoid the dark cloud elephant." After getting away from the dark cloud created by the dark cloud elephant, Wuming smiled slightly.

Lucyphile reminded, "There is still white light!"

"Yes, there is still white light, we can't be careless!" Aries agreed.

Qilin continued to move forward, and everyone chatted for a while and then went back to their own business.

Wuming was idle anyway, so he closed his eyes and activated his new ability.

Non-online post-event agenda patch.

Although the name of this ability is long and ugly, the activation method is not complicated. You can fall asleep quickly after closing your eyes. It is definitely an ability that insomniacs dream of.

Wuming opened his eyes and found that his body was still sleeping, while Lin Renmei, Aries, and Lucyphile were doing their own things.

Obviously, Lin Renmei was still trying to predict the future, holding all kinds of strange media in her hands.

Wuming came forward and found that Lin Renmei was completely unaware of his existence, so he secretly took a piece of metal in front of Lin Renmei, and then he looked at Lin Renmei expectantly, but Lin Renmei still had no reaction.

"Renmei? I'll take it!" Wuming said carefully, holding the metal.

Lin Renmei lowered her head and continued to use a feather as a medium to predict the future.

"Didn't you notice me?"

Wuming put the metal in his pocket and then walked to Aries.

At this time, Aries was looking into the distance, and from time to time he took the rare metal ore on the ground into his hands. As the god of war, Aries was also proficient in equipment forging, so he naturally studied metals and could even be called an expert.

Every time he took the ore, he would observe it carefully, mark it, and then put it into the storage space.

Wuming took advantage of the moment when he was observing the ore, snatched the ore from his hand, and looked at him expectantly.

But then a strange scene appeared.

Aries obviously had no ore in his hand, but he still looked like he was concentrating on research. After the research was over, he drew a talisman in the air, as if he was marking the ore, and finally put it into the storage space.

"Can't you notice that I took something away? This ability... seems to be a bit interesting." Wuming blinked and then smiled.

Of course, the reason why this ability can have such a strong effect is mainly because he is strong enough and his status is high enough. Even if ordinary people get this ability, the effect will definitely not reach his level.

This is like the fireball technique of an apprentice and the fireball technique of a magic god. The same ability is really different when it is used.

Wuming jumped off the Qilin, and then the fantasy flowers bloomed. He stepped on the fantasy flowers and moved at a very fast speed. In an instant, he came to the edge of the volcanic area in the other direction.

Without paying attention to clues and intelligence, he could actually leave the volcanic area quickly, but he was worried that moving too fast would miss the possible key intelligence, so he sat on the Qilin and slowly moved in the direction indicated by the compass.

After leaving the volcanic area, the next thing was a swamp area.

To be honest, it is hard to imagine that there is a wet swamp next to the dry volcanic area.

Because Wuming was dreaming, his body had no weight, so he walked in the swamp as if he were walking on flat ground.

The poisonous insects, snakes, piranhas, and swamp monsters around him all ignored his existence. He could observe the ecology and abilities of these creatures from the perspective of a bystander.

"Swamp gem python, every time you add a gem on it, your strength will increase by one level. According to the records of the Shenzang Space, a gem python with 10 gems is equivalent to a 100-level strongman. Tsk, this gem python... is too scary."

Wuming squatted in a wetland in the swamp, and next to him was a colorful giant python.

This giant python was about 70 meters long, with many protrusions on its back, and each protrusion was inlaid with a gem of a different color.

25! Wuming counted the number of gems, and then took out the camera to shoot the gem python from all angles.

Because the gems derived from the gem python contain extraordinary power, many mages and wizards like to use the gems of the gem python as the core of their staffs, so the number of gem pythons in nature is very rare.

A gem python that can grow 10 gems alive is already an extremely rare existence, and a gem python that can grow 25 gems does not exist in nature.

There is a legend circulating in the Shenzang Space that if a gem python can grow 99 gems, then all the gems will be melted into one supreme gem.

At that time, the gem python is no longer a gem python, but evolves into the legendary extreme dragon.

Of course, this legend is just for fun.

Wuming himself does not believe this rumor. Besides, it is very rare for a gem python to grow 10 gems. 99 gems... too difficult.

After taking a photo of the gem python with 25 gems, Wuming got up and left.

The gems of the gem python are indeed very precious treasures, especially the gem python with 25 gems. The level of the gems has also been upgraded to level 250, which is not useless for Wuming.

However, in this level, the more you kill, the more enemies you will encounter. He does not want to have another level 250 monster enemy.

Next, he walked and stopped along the way, observing the various monsters in the swamp. These monsters did not find him without exception, and whether he attacked or not, it seemed to have no effect on these creatures.

Although he could not kill these monsters, he could play tricks on them. For example, a monster opened its mouth to swallow a 10,000-year-old treasure ginseng, and Wuming took the ginseng away the moment it swallowed it.

The monster continued to chew, not realizing that the ginseng was gone.

This level can be said to be full of treasures.

In addition to snatching food from the tiger's mouth, in fact, many things can really be picked up everywhere.

Wuming "picked up" all kinds of natural treasures along the way. As for whether these treasures have owners, it is none of his business.

"Ah, let's stop here today, it's time to go back!"

Wuming squatted beside a giant beast, put the fruits into the storage space, then looked up at the sky, and thought to himself.

As soon as the thought came up, he disappeared out of thin air in the next second.

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