I Contracted Myself


Wenxin Bieyuan.

A week ago, Wuming passed the ninth level and returned to Dahuang City after receiving the reward.

He spent five days sorting out the rewards he received in the Shenzang Trial, and then resumed his old life of salted fish, sleeping until he woke up naturally every day, and then fishing, watching TV series, strolling, eating melons, and having sex.

Because he was loaded with all kinds of messy systems, he would be rewarded no matter what he did, so his strength was still growing slowly, and there was no feeling of bottleneck at all.

Level 279 was still not safe enough.

Wuming made up his mind that he would go to the Dark King when he broke through to level 280 and completely solve this little trouble.

As for before level 280, his wish was to spend every day leisurely, and the Shenzang Trial must not choose him again, and the Lost Gate should not be related to him again.

"Aries, what do you think about me retiring?"

By the pond, Wuming was holding a fishing rod in his hand, and saw Aries slowly walking over, so he asked.

Aries said calmly: "If you retire, who will be the president? Do you think other people are qualified? Will the practitioners of the heavens and the worlds be convinced?"

"Okay, tell me, what's the matter this time?" Wuming sighed.

Aries handed a letter to Wuming and said: "Someone wants to challenge you, and said that if you don't accept the challenge, he will destroy a hundred worlds every day."


Wuming concentrated on fishing, and both of them remained silent.

After a moment, he put down the fishing rod in his hand and asked: "What is the law enforcement team doing? Where did this letter appear? They didn't find anything?"

"They checked, and they really didn't find anything. It is probably because they are afraid that you are invincible in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, so they didn't hand the letter to you in person. Vice President Qin Zheng judged that the sender is very strong, at least above level 270." Aries replied.

If the life level does not exceed level 270, it is impossible to sneak into the office building of the Council of the Heavens and leave a challenge letter in Wuming's office.

Wuming knew what was going on after hearing the answer from Aries. He took the letter and opened it. After reading it, he laughed and said, "Wow, a wallbreaker... I'm also a wallfacer."

In the letter, the challenger wrote the coordinates and date of the fight, and stated that if Wuming did not accept the challenge, he would destroy a hundred worlds every day. Finally, his signature was "Wallbreaker-Spear Forest".

In fact, level 279 is called the extraordinary wall. The breaking of the wall by the wallbreaker should mean seeking to break through the extraordinary wall.

Of course, although Wuming understood it, it did not prevent him from mocking the other party, even though he knew very well that the challenger who left this letter was most likely a level 279 strong man.

This kind of madman who is desperate for power is the most annoying to Wuming.

He knew very well that the other party could really do it. If he did not accept the challenge, a hundred worlds would be destroyed every day. The other party had grasped his life and knew that he would definitely not allow it, so he threatened him with this.

"Okay, I will solve this matter, so that's it." Wuming put the letter into the storage space and said to Aries.

Aries smiled with satisfaction: "Do we need to prepare manpower at that time? For example, to capture the opponent."

"No, the 279-level strongman is too dangerous. If you get too close, it will be disadvantageous for me to perform. If I don't kill him, I will bring him back to suppress him." Wuming replied.

‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Aries nodded and said: "Then I wish the president good luck in martial arts. I have something to do and I will leave first."

"Get out of here quickly. Nothing good happens every time you come." Wuming laughed and scolded.

"This is called the more capable, the more work!"

Aries did not look back, and said leisurely while walking.

The most abundant thing in the heavens and the worlds is practitioners, and at least 80% of the practitioners are obsessed with power.

Although most practitioners know that they are not Wuming's opponents, there are always some people who don't know their own strength positioning and want to challenge Wuming.

After Wuming returned from the Shenzang trial, he actually received a lot of challenges.

There are popular anchors with good strength who openly challenged Wuming, and some powerful people who want to save face contacted Wuming through various relationships in a roundabout way, hoping that Wuming can fight with them.

However, Wuming has always directly rejected such inexplicable challenges.

It is probably because of his constant rejection that the current challenge letter incident occurred.

"I am so annoyed!"

After leaving Aries Palace, Wuming couldn't help but let out a monkey cry, and then put away all the fishing things and prepared to fight.

If the opponent is a guy who has done many evil things, don't blame him for being ruthless!


The Gate of the Abyss is located in a "branch" very deep in the tree-like universe. It is said that passing through this place will reach the depths of the abyss, where countless terrifying beings live.

All the heavens and worlds are coveted by these beings at all times. They hide in the safe abyss, extend their tentacles to different worlds, and use contracts and sacrifices to influence countless worlds.

However, several cosmic eras ago, a magnificent castle blocked the gate to the abyss. This was the headquarters of the Wall Breaker Organization.

The slogan of the Wall Breaker Organization is: "Life is not dead, fighting is not over!"

This is an organization composed of a group of lunatics who believe that through continuous fighting, they will one day be able to break through level 280. However, the strength of this group of lunatics is amazing.

They often go deep into the depths of the abyss alone and fight with various great demons and demons. Some of them fell, and some killed the demons and returned.

The Wallbreaker organization has gradually become a nightmare for the demons of the abyss, so much so that it is rare to hear news of a world being invaded by demons in all the worlds.

Although demons still do things secretly, they are much less common than in the past.

"Spear Forest, I have read Wuming's information. I'm afraid you have to be prepared to die if you challenge him. Although Wuming has just broken through level 279, he is quite strong. Scary, better than many old antiques from Tianwai Tianwai Tianwai Tian.”

At this time, in the castle, a man with a majestic figure and completely abnormal body proportions said to the man next to him.

"Since I signed the challenge letter, I have naturally put life and death aside. My strength has been stagnant for a hundred thousand years. I can't stand it anymore. Finally, a new character appears. I know I must challenge him. He may be my breakthrough. Opportunity!" Mao Lin said with a crazy expression.

In his early years, he often fought with the devil in the abyss, so he was tainted with the aura of the abyss unknowingly. Once he was tempted to kill, black gas would emit from his body. At this time, he could no longer hold back the fighting spirit in his body, so he finished speaking. A large amount of black gas spurted out.

The wallbreakers present didn't care about the strange situation in the spear forest. Some even laughed and some cried.

A woman wearing a red cheongsam cried and said: "Mao Lin, if you die, I will be a widow for you. Don't worry."

"Hey, hey, didn't you agree to be a widow for Rourou? Rourou has only died for a century, and you're going to be a widow for Spear Forest? That's so unethical." A fat man said with a smile.

The woman rolled her eyes and said harshly: "One Zhou Mie Ji is not enough. Believe it or not, I will only stay a widow for you for one minute!"

"Then wait until I'm dead, what if I break through." The fat man narrowed his eyes and smiled.

After a burst of laughter, everyone sent the spear forest to the battlefield together. After all, everyone had practiced several eras of destruction together, and it was only right that they send each other off for the final journey.

Spear Forest was a little helpless. These guys were talking as if he would definitely die. After so many years of practice, could he still not be able to defeat a guy who had just made a breakthrough?

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