I Contracted Myself

【013】Traveled through time?

A certain area of ​​the tree-like universe.

The battle between Wuming and Mao Lin is still going on. Both of them are firing on all cylinders, with all kinds of abilities at their fingertips, constantly attacking and neutralizing each other's abilities.

Suddenly, the two of them frowned slightly and felt dangerous at the same time.

At first, they thought it was the other party holding back his ultimate move, but after just one glance, they realized it was not the other party, so the two of them suddenly separated, tens of light years apart in the blink of an eye.

Both of their bodies were covered in flames, and they looked into the distance at the same time.

A drop of dark blood flew in like a drop of water in an instant, and everything in its path quickly turned into blood.

"That is……"

Wuming squinted his eyes and felt that the blood looked familiar. At the same time, he also noticed that an unknown force was eroding his soul through the blood.

On the other side, Mao Lin felt angry as he looked at Xue Xue. His duel with Wu Ming was not over yet. Those who blocked his duel with Wu Ming were his enemies!

In an instant, Spearlin held a scarlet double-pointed spear and attacked the blood. However, he was not stupid. Since the sense of danger came from the blood, he would not get too close.

After the blood entered his attack range, he threw both hands at the same time, and the two double-pointed guns shot at the blood at the same time.

But in the next second, the blood swallowed up the double-pointed gun. At the same time, the blood stopped, spinning in the void, and countless spikes protruded from the surface of the blood.

After a period of bulges and depressions, the blood instantly absorbed all the substances it had previously assimilated, and quickly transformed into a muscular, hunched-backed, bent-legged monster.

If the demon slave only discovers a powerful and delicious individual instead of a certain world, it will enter combat mode, maim the target or lose the ability to fight, and then bring it back for Macchia to eat.

To put it simply, the world is Machia's staple food, and the strong ones among the practitioners can only be regarded as scraps, not enough for the demon slaves to alarm Machia.

At this time, the demon slave opened its eyes and instantly locked onto all the life forms in the void. Among them, the only ones that really caught its attention were Wuming and Spear Lin.

In its judgment, Wuming and Spear Forest are both top-notch delicacies.

"Be careful, something is wrong!"

Wuming looked at the demon slave and then sent a message to the spear forest.


Spear Forest also felt the pressure. This demon slave gave him a sense of crisis when it was still in its blood form, but now it has transformed into a monster in the human heart. His mental warning has been constantly sending out reminders, but instead of telling him to be careful, it tells him to run quickly.

But Wuming didn't run away, how could he run? His energy would probably be gone if he ran away, and he wouldn't be able to hold his head up when he saw Wuming in the future.

Wuming had to concentrate and go all out to fight against the Spear Forest before. At this time, although he was wary of the Spear Forest and the Demon Slave, he had enough energy to distract him.

Only then did he realize that something was very wrong with the surrounding void. The smell of blood and death was getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that countless worlds were being destroyed at the same time, so that the 'dust' after the explosion spread into the void, even the area where they were. It’s hard to avoid being overwritten.

Before he could figure out what was going on, time seemed to flow backwards, and Mao Lin's body was pierced through by the demon slave's arm like a rag.

Wuming and the others move by using energy to accelerate time. To put it simply, they compress a year's time into one second. Because there is no energy or matter in the void, there is naturally no time, so there is no upper limit to their speed. They can move in an instant. Moving distances of tens of light years.

As long as the energy with the time attribute is strong enough, they can even go faster. There is no upper limit to the speed in the void.

If they are in a certain universe, they will often move through abilities such as space folding and space shuttle, rather than moving like in the void.

Because moving like this‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ will cause great damage to the world, and the aftermath of the movement alone is enough to shatter the space.

Spear Lin's speed in the void was about the same as Wuming's. When their bodies were penetrated by the demon slave, both Spear Lin and Wuming realized that the demon slave was too strong.

In the void, speed can represent strength.

Although Wuming has infinite light element energy, the energy he can actually control is limited. His mental power determines that he cannot truly control endless energy because he does not have infinite mental power.

Similarly, the manipulation of time energy in the void also determines the speed of a practitioner in the void.

The speeds of Wuming and Maolin were almost the same, but the speed of Demon Slave was much higher than that of the two. This showed that the time energy that Demon Slave could control had exceeded the limits of the two of them.

Because everyone's time exists independently in the void. For example, if Wuming slows down his time flow, then one minute has passed for him. If Spear Forest is accelerating time, then during Wuming's minute, Spear Forest may have passed for more than ten minutes.

This is equivalent to the fact that Spear Lin did ten things in Wuming's one minute. If it were converted into a battle, Spear Lin made ten moves while Wuming only used one. The outcome was clear at a glance.

The speed of the demon slave at this time was basically like going back in time in the eyes of Spear Lin and Wuming. It was impossible to react. Only after being hit, they realized that they were going to die.

At this moment, Mao Lin looked at Wuming and opened his mouth extremely slowly.


Wuming's pupils shrank layer by layer, and then his abdomen was severely injured. His whole person instantly turned into a meteor and disappeared at the other end of the void. Unknown when the demon slave appeared at Wuming's location, it slowly looked at his hand. .

Just now it punched Wuming, normally this punch should be able to penetrate Wuming's abdomen, and then its arms will grow a lot of barbs to pierce Wuming's body, making it impossible for Wuming to escape.

But the reality is that its punch did not break the skin of Wuming's abdomen, so the result of this punch was that Wuming was knocked out.

When the spear hanging on the other hand of the demon slave saw this scene, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. All the energy in his body was blocked by the demon slave, and he could no longer resist the demon slave, but he was relieved that Wuming could escape for some reason.

As the incarnation of evil thoughts, the demon slave looked at spear forest unhappily, and the next moment he stretched out his hand to crush spear forest's head, and by the way, sealed spear forest's soul in the body.

Then it looked in the direction where Wuming flew backwards and quickly chased after him.

On the other side, Wuming's abdomen had no obvious wounds, but his insides were in a mess. Then he opened his eyes, and countless smaller pupils instantly appeared in his pupils. These pupils were nested in circles, and countless smaller pupils grew.

The Ten Thousand Eyes of the Mutated Eye.

This is the strongest observation eye mutated from the Mutated Eye. It can not only see everything from the observer's perspective, but also has a super long distance and super high precision. It has a 360-degree full-range vision and can see the operation of all matter, energy, and rules.

However, Wuming rarely uses the Ten Thousand Eyes, because this eye can easily see things that should not be seen, such as the nest of the evil god, the horror in the deepest part of the abyss, etc.

If he sees too much, even he can easily become a mental patient.

But now Wuming has to see it. He needs to understand what happened. What the hell is the devil slave, which can kill the spear forest who is comparable to him in seconds.

Fortunately, his skin was strengthened by the Perfect Shield, otherwise he would have been punched through by the demon slave like Mao Lin.

The first time he participated in the Shenzang Trial, the reward he got after passing the fourth level was the Perfect Shield. He originally wanted to strengthen his eyelids to prevent others from always targeting his eyelids.

As a result, the effect of the Perfect Shield directly covered his skin all over his body. By chance, he didn't expect that it would save his life now.

At this moment, through the Wanluo Eye, Wuming saw countless worlds being attacked by blood. Some worlds turned into a sea of ​​blood in an instant, and in some worlds, countless people were fighting madly. Blood beads floated above the fighting crowd, constantly emitting malice that polluted the minds of creatures.

Densely packed and difficult to count, every world exuded a gloomy deathly aura like the end of the world.

Miserable, too miserable!


Wuming opened his eyes wide, showing an incredible expression.

What happened when he fought with Mao Lin?

Why did the heavens and the worlds suddenly become like this? Did he and Mao Lin travel to another time point while fighting?

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